This innovative and simple site shows how to build circuits using common homemade playdough.
This is a six-volume, 175 MB, multimedia-rich, calculation-sparse physics book. Incredible!
A series of circus videos that demonstrate various physical principles. Written explanation, including equations, after the video. Lots of teacher resources as well.
A wide variety of resources from the American Physical Society
A handful of fun physics demos with pictures to help explain the instructions.
Loads of applets to demonstrate a wide variety of physical principles.
Fundamentals of particles and force. Graphics are great with in-depth explanations. Looks at the research and discoveries from particle accelerators.
Online textbook covering Matter, Density, Heat & Energy, Units & Dimensions, Measurement Errors, Significant Figures. A lot of physics and a good dose of math.
Extensive resource on all things physics from middle school through college.
Videos of experiments you can't do at home, interactive games (mostly drill with simple graphics and no audio), a glossary, and science answers section.
There's lots and lots of physics all around us and Jay not only wrote the book but also created this website filled with examples. Fun!
Lots of fun experiments, some requiring kits or chemicals sold through the site.
All kinds of information about energy and energy technology, including a teacher's section