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Kristin Micek's List: Technology In the Classroom

    • I was doing some shopping yesterday in Freeport, Maine and saw my first "back to school" display of the summer. After my initial groan at the reminder that the summer is almost half-way over, I started to think about the things that I wanted to do this summer when school let out. I have finished one of the books on my reading list and am well along my way to finishing another. I haven't quite mastered Android app development yet, but I'm working on it. How are you doing with the new things you wanted to try this summer?
      • AWESOME website for different steps to make websites, social networking, and resources for teachers

  • Jul 12, 11

    Google apps for education that save $$ or are free

  • Jul 13, 11

    Place for professional development opportunities and technical assistance for educators, especially for small, isolated communities

      Command-ASelect all items in the front Finder window (or desktop if no window is open)
      Option-Command-ADeselect all items
      Shift-Command-AOpen the Applications folder
      Command-CCopy selected item/text to the Clipboard
      Shift-Command-COpen the Computer window
      Command-DDuplicate selected item
      Shift-Command-DOpen desktop folder
      Command-FFind any matching Spotlight attribute
      Shift-Command-FFind Spotlight file name matches
      Option-Command-FNavigate to the search field in an already-open Spotlight window
      Shift-Command-GGo to Folder
      Shift-Command-HOpen the Home folder of the currently logged-in user account
      Command-IGet Info
      Option-Command-IShow Inspector
      Control-Command-IGet Summary Info
      Shift-Command-IOpen iDisk
      Command-JShow View Options
      Command-KConnect to Server
      Shift-Command-KOpen Network window
      Command-LMake alias of the selected item
      Command-MMinimize window
      Option-Command-MMinimize all windows
      Command-NNew Finder window
      Shift-Command-NNew folder
      Option-Command-NNew Smart Folder
      Command-OOpen selected item
      Shift-Command-QLog Out
      Option-Shift-Command-QLog Out immediately
      Command-RShow original (of alias)
      Command-TAdd to Sidebar
      Shift-Command-TAdd to Favorites
      Option-Command-THide Toolbar / Show Toolbar in Finder windows
      Shift-Command-UOpen Utilities folder
      Command-WClose window
      Option-Command-WClose all windows
      Option-Command-YSlideshow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
      Command-ZUndo / Redo
      Command-1View as Icon
      Command-2View as List
      Command-3View as Columns
      Command-4View as Cover Flow (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
      Command-, (Command and the comma key)Open Finder preferences
      Command-` (the Grave accent key--above Tab key on a US English keyboard layout)Cycle through open Finder windows
      Command-Shift-?Open Mac Help
      Option-Shift-Command-Esc (hold for three seconds) - Mac OS X v10.5, v10.6 or later onlyForce Quit front-most application
      Command-Up ArrowOpen enclosed folder
      Control-Command-Up ArrowOpen enclosed folder in a new window
      Command-Down ArrowOpen highlighted item
      Command-TabSwitch application--cycle forward
      Shift-Command-TabSwitch application--cycle backward
      Command-DeleteMove to Trash
      Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty Trash
      Option-Shift-Command-DeleteEmpty Trash without confirmation dialog
      Spacebar (or Command-Y)Quick Look (Mac OS X 10.5 or later)
      Command key while draggingMove dragged item to other volume/location (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)
      Option key while draggingCopy dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)
      Option-Command key combination while draggingMake alias of dragged item (pointer icon changes while key is held--see this article)


  • Mar 11, 13

    Ever wonder what it would be like if we let our students pick the tools we use in class? This collection of web 2.0 tools is just that- a list of tools and ideas for what students see as being useful for their learning in and out of school.

1 - 7 of 7
20 items/page
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