Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend
category: Relationship
Irrespective of whether you’ve just started a new relationship or have been dating for years, it is natural to have moments when you fail to come up with topics to talk to your boyfriend. This, however, does not mean that the two of you are out of love or the bond has gone weak. Feeling like there is nothing to talk about or having long stretches of silence is perfectly normal to have. To keep the conversation fresh and interesting, it is important that you keep your guy engaged and busy with you. These ‘awkward silences’ may sometimes be okay with both of you, especially if the relationship is relatively new and you do not want to hurt the other, but they can turn out to be quite uncomfortable after a certain point of time. Similar is the case when your relationship is years-old and you’re bored chatting on the same topics time and again. So, to enjoy a long-term conversation with your significant other, you need to show interest in topics that are of concern to him. Topics that you know would be loved and thoroughly enjoyed by him can be the best way to get a little closer to him. For exciting chats to share with your boyfriend, go through the lines below and find some interesting conversation starters.
Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend
Everyday Activities
Agree or not, men are kids at heart. No matter how old they grow, they always look for that motherly love, even if it through their partners. Take this opportunity to step into the roles of both a lover and mother to let him know how caring and concerned you are for him. Inquire about the activities he did during the day, what he had for lunch, how did he spend his day, and how was his work at office or college. These little pointers make great topics for talking with your boyfriend and showing him your love.
There probably would be just a small percentage of men who aren’t inspired by any sport. For the rest, one sport or the other is like their first girlfriend. Pick up his favorite sport and you’ll be surprised to see him bragging and bragging, without a break. You can talk about his favorite team or player. Any awards won by him while being a part of the team can also help start off a good conversation. However, do a little research beforehand to make the chat really interesting.
The best way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach. This saying gives you another great pointer to start off a good conversation. All men love food, and so would your boyfriend. For, food is one thing that they simply cannot resist. Talk to him about his likes and dislikes on food. If your boyfriend has some favorite delicacies and you know how to cook, let him know that you can prepare the same meals for him. This will delight him and keep the conversation on.
After all they, too, are human beings. Just as girls love being complimented on their looks, clothing, accessories, and personality, men also crave for hearing similar compliments. Starting a conversation with compliments can have your guy all ears to you. You can praise him on his looks, on how he makes you happy, and on anything positive that suits him and makes him ideal for you. Give it a try and he’ll love you even more. 08
Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend
category: Relationship
Irrespective of whether you’ve just started a new relationship or have been dating for years, it is natural to have moments when you fail to come up with topics to talk to your boyfriend. This, however, does not mean that the two of you are out of love or the bond has gone weak. Feeling like there is nothing to talk about or having long stretches of silence is perfectly normal to have. To keep the conversation fresh and interesting, it is important that you keep your guy engaged and busy with you. These ‘awkward silences’ may sometimes be okay with both of you, especially if the relationship is relatively new and you do not want to hurt the other, but they can turn out to be quite uncomfortable after a certain point of time. Similar is the case when your relationship is years-old and you’re bored chatting on the same topics time and again. So, to enjoy a long-term conversation with your significant other, you need to show interest in topics that are of concern to him. Topics that you know would be loved and thoroughly enjoyed by him can be the best way to get a little closer to him. For exciting chats to share with your boyfriend, go through the lines below and find some interesting conversation starters.
Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend
Everyday Activities
Agree or not, men are kids at heart. No matter how old they grow, they always look for that motherly love, even if it through their partners. Take this opportunity to step into the roles of both a lover and mother to let him know how caring and concerned you are for him. Inquire about the activities he did during the day, what he had for lunch, how did he spend his day, and how was his work at office or college. These little pointers make great topics for talking with your boyfriend and showing him your love.
There probably would be just a small percentage of men who aren’t inspired by any sport. For the rest, one sport or the other is like their first girlfriend. Pick up his favorite sport and you’ll be surprised to see him bragging and bragging, without a break. You can talk about his favorite team or player. Any awards won by him while being a part of the team can also help start off a good conversation. However, do a little research beforehand to make the chat really interesting.
The best way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach. This saying gives you another great pointer to start off a good conversation. All men love food, and so would your boyfriend. For, food is one thing that they simply cannot resist. Talk to him about his likes and dislikes on food. If your boyfriend has some favorite delicacies and you know how to cook, let him know that you can prepare the same meals for him. This will delight him and keep the conversation on.
After all they, too, are human beings. Just as girls love being complimented on their looks, clothing, accessories, and personality, men also crave for hearing similar compliments. Starting a conversation with compliments can have your guy all ears to you. You can praise him on his looks, on how he makes you happy, and on anything positive that suits him and makes him ideal for you. Give it a try and he’ll love you even more.
Friends & Family
You may be one of the most important persons in your boyfriend’s life, but his life does not solely revolve around you. Apart from his romantic life, he also leads a non-romantic life, which is surrounded by his family and friends. Talk to him about his friends and give him a chance to speak about what he and other guys talk about when together. Family is yet another subject to discuss about and come closer to your guy. Take a step forward and learn about his family and tell him about yours. He’ll love it when you show interest in his family members.
Most guys have some interest in music, with a probable exception of one or two. In fact, men are choosy about their music selection and follow their preferences very closely. And if you both have different preferences, you have more to contribute to the music world. While you can share your favorites and information on your preferred music, you can also gain knowledge about the music your boyfriend loves to listen. Do not forget to include love and romance in between, for a more intimate talk, as music plays a major role in the success of relationships.
You are not the only one who feels the silences and lack of conversations extremely awkward; your boyfriend too feels the same. With the above things to talk about, you both can be at ease and have an amusing and romantic time together.