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Best steroids for fat loss

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To check how effective steroids are for drying the body, you can use the example of those who are undergoing hormone therapy. Let's see how the percentage of body fat in transsexuals changes (2).

The study involved 20 Male->Female transsexuals who were injected with female sex hormones, and 17 Female->Male transsexuals who were injected with testosterone.

After 12 months of the experiment, the researchers found an increase in subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks (typical female areas) and a decrease in muscle mass in men converting to women.

In another group of women who take testosterone to become men, significantly increased muscle mass and decreased the percentage of fat in all of the above “female” places.

Conclusion of scientists: sex hormones largely determine the localization of fat in the body.

Experiments with transsexuals of both sexes show that hormone therapy using steroids can be useful for weight loss. /// Want to learn more about best steroids for fat loss? Then this link is for you!


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on Oct 02, 20