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How To Login With Facebook In Cakephp

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How To Login With Facebook In Cakephp


How To Login With Facebook In Cakephp

/var/www/ toggle arguments $next = $this -> middleware -> get ( $this -> index ); if( $next ){ $this -> index ++; return $next ( $request , $response , $this ); } //Endofthequeue return $response ; object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } object(CakeHttpRunner) { [protected] index => (int) 4 [protected] middleware => object(CakeHttpMiddlewareQueue) { [protected] queue => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [protected] callables => [ [maximum depth reached] ] } } . /var/www/ toggle arguments */ publicfunction invoke ( $request , $response , $next ) { try{ return $next ( $request , $response ); }catch( Exception$e ){ return $this -> handleException ( $e , $request , $response ); } } object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'plugin' => null, 'controller' => null, 'action' => null, 'ext' => null, 'pass' => [] ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13680', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/cles/view/how-to-integrate.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7728, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET' ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . Error: Create the class viewController below in file: src/Controller/viewController.php namespace App Controller ; use App Controller AppController ; class viewController extends AppController { } . /var/www/ toggle arguments thrownew RuntimeException ( 'Theapplicationmiddlewaremethoddidnotreturnamiddlewarequeue.' ); } $this -> dispatchEvent ( 'Server.buildMiddleware' ,[ 'middleware' => $middleware ]); $middleware -> add ( $this -> app ); $response = $this -> runner -> run ( $middleware , $request , $response ); if(!( $response instanceof ResponseInterface )){ thrownew RuntimeException ( sprintf ( 'Applicationdidnotcreatearesponse.Got"%s"instead.' , object(CakeHttpMiddlewareQueue) { [protected] queue => [ (int) 0 => 'CakeErrorMiddlewareErrorHandlerMiddleware', (int) 1 => 'CakeRoutingMiddlewareAssetMiddleware', (int) 2 => object(CakeRoutingMiddlewareRoutingMiddleware) {}, (int) 3 => object(AppApplication) {} ] [protected] callables => [ (int) 0 => object(CakeErrorMiddlewareErrorHandlerMiddleware) {}, (int) 1 => object(CakeRoutingMiddlewareAssetMiddleware) {}, (int) 2 => object(CakeRoutingMiddlewareRoutingMiddleware) {}, (int) 3 => object(AppApplication) {} ] } object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'plugin' => null, 'controller' => null, 'action' => null, 'ext' => null, 'pass' => [] ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13680', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/cles/view/how-to-integrate.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7728, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET' ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . Upgrade to our paid plan at just $ 1 per month Become Premium User . In the case you tried to access a plugin controller make sure you added it to your composer file or you use the autoload option for the plugin. Alternatively, you could take a look around the rest of our site. if( $beforeEvent -> getData ( 'controller' )instanceof Controller ){ $controller = $beforeEvent -> getData ( 'controller' ); }else{ $controller = $this -> factory -> create ( $request , $response ); } $response = $this -> invoke ( $controller ); if(isset( $request -> params [ 'return' ])){ object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . Reach Me [at] : muni[at] About Me Exclusive Scripts Become premium user and get exclusive discount to these exclusive scripts. Error: Create the class clesController below in file: src/Controller/clesController.php namespace App Controller ; use App Controller AppController ; class clesController extends AppController { } . This page cannot be found! A few reasons:. Toggle navigation Get a Quote Services CakePHP DevelopmentCAKEPHP CONSULTINGCakePHP Code ReviewCakePHP Training CakePHP Plugins Blog About Contact Join Us Get a Quote . $server -> emit ( $server -> run ()); No arguments . /var/www/ toggle arguments $next = $this -> middleware -> get ( $this -> index ); if( $next ){ $this -> index ++; return $next ( $request , $response , $this ); } //Endofthequeue return $response ; object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } object(CakeHttpRunner) { [protected] index => (int) 4 [protected] middleware => object(CakeHttpMiddlewareQueue) { [protected] queue => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [protected] callables => [ [maximum depth reached] ] } } . object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'cles', 'action' => 'view', 'pass' => [ (int) 0 => 'how-to-integrate.' ], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13680', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/cles/view/how-to-integrate.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7728, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . /var/www/ toggle arguments strpos ( $controller , '/' )!== false strpos ( $controller , '.' )!== false $firstChar === strtolower ( $firstChar ) ){ $this -> missingController ( $request ); } return App :: className ( $pluginPath . Login Forgot password? Sign Up Registration failed, please try again. /var/www/ toggle arguments publicfunction invoke ( $request , $response , $next ) { $url = $request -> getUri ()-> getPath (); if( strpos ( $url , '.' )!== false strpos ( $url , '.' )=== false ){ return $next ( $request , $response ); } if( strpos ( $url , '/.' )!== false ){ return $next ( $request , $response ); object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'plugin' => null, 'controller' => null, 'action' => null, 'ext' => null, 'pass' => [] ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13680', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/cles/view/how-to-integrate.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7728, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET' ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . All rights reserved. '/config' )); //Runtherequest/responsethroughtheapplicationandemittheresponse. Refresh . USER AUTHENTICATION Sign In Sign Up Forget Password Loggin failed, please try again. $controller , $namespace , 'Controller' )?: null ; } object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } . Multiple Ajax Image Upload Multistep Signup Form Google Oauth Login System Facebook Oauth Login System Twitter Oauth Login System jQuery Autocomplete Search 2018. Register Forgot password? Sign In Forget Password Sign In Sign Up .. /var/www/ toggle arguments $next = $this -> middleware -> get ( $this -> index ); if( $next ){ $this -> index ++; return $next ( $request , $response , $this ); } //Endofthequeue return $response ; object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'plugin' => null, 'controller' => null, 'action' => null, 'ext' => null, 'pass' => [] ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET' ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } object(CakeHttpRunner) { [protected] index => (int) 4 [protected] middleware => object(CakeHttpMiddlewareQueue) { [protected] queue => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [protected] callables => [ [maximum depth reached] ] } } . /var/www/ toggle arguments *return Cake Controller Controller */ publicfunction create ( ServerRequest$request , Response$response ) { $className = $this -> getControllerClass ( $request ); if(! $className ){ $this -> missingController ( $request ); } $reflection =new ReflectionClass ( $className ); object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'cles', 'action' => 'view', 'pass' => [ (int) 0 => 'how-to-integrate.' ], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13680', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/cles/view/how-to-integrate.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7728, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6cles/view/how-to-integrate.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } . /var/www/ toggle arguments *return Psr Http Message ResponseInterface */ publicfunction invoke ( ServerRequestInterface$request , ResponseInterface$response , $next ) { return $this -> getDispatcher ()-> dispatch ( $request , $response ); } /** * GettheActionDispatcher . It may be temporarily unavailable, moved or no longer exist. /var/www/ toggle arguments ); } $matching = Router :: getRouteCollection ()-> getMiddleware ( $middleware ); if(! $matching ){ return $next ( $request , $response ); } $matching []= $next ; $middleware =new MiddlewareQueue ( $matching ); $runner =new Runner (); object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } object(CakeHttpResponse) { 'status' => (int) 200, 'contentType' => 'text/html', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => [ (int) 0 => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' ] ], 'file' => null, 'fileRange' => [], 'cookies' => object(CakeHttpCookieCookieCollection) { [protected] cookies => [[maximum depth reached]] }, 'cacheDirectives' => [], 'body' => '' } . Toggle navigation DEMO Tutorials PHP MYSQL HTML5 WORDPRESS JQUERY Blog Forum Go Premium How Things Work Login/Signup . Ugh ! 404 Error. 404 not found Unfortunately the page you were looking for could not be found. /var/www/ toggle arguments *return Cake Controller Controller */ publicfunction create ( ServerRequest$request , Response$response ) { $className = $this -> getControllerClass ( $request ); if(! $className ){ $this -> missingController ( $request ); } $reflection =new ReflectionClass ( $className ); object(CakeHttpServerRequest) { params => [ 'controller' => 'view', 'action' => 'how-to-build-facebook.', 'pass' => [], 'plugin' => null, 'matchedRoute' => '/:controller/:action/*', 'ext' => null, 'isAjax' => false ] data => [] query => [] cookies => [] url => '%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' base => '' webroot => '/' here => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' trustProxy => false [protected] environment => [ 'USER' => 'www-data', 'HOME' => '/var/www', 'HTTPACCEPTENCODING' => 'deflate, gzip, x-gzip, identity, *;q=0', 'HTTPREFERER' => ' 'HTTPCONNECTION' => 'Keep-Alive, TE', 'HTTPCACHECONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'HTTPACCEPTCHARSET' => 'iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1', 'HTTPACCEPTLANGUAGE' => 'en,uk-UA;q=0.9,uk;q=0.8', 'HTTPACCEPT' => 'text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1', 'HTTPUSERAGENT' => 'Opera/9.64 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.1.1', 'HTTPHOST' => '', 'REDIRECTSTATUS' => '200', 'SERVERNAME' => '', 'SERVERPORT' => '443', 'SERVERADDR' => '', 'REMOTEPORT' => '13681', 'REMOTEADDR' => '', 'SERVERSOFTWARE' => 'nginx/1.12.1', 'GATEWAYINTERFACE' => 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTPS' => 'on', 'REQUESTSCHEME' => 'https', 'SERVERPROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'DOCUMENTROOT' => '/var/www/', 'DOCUMENTURI' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTURI' => '/view/how-to-build-facebook.', 'SCRIPTNAME' => '/index.php', 'CONTENTLENGTH' => '', 'CONTENTTYPE' => '', 'REQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'QUERYSTRING' => '', 'SCRIPTFILENAME' => '/var/www/', 'FCGIROLE' => 'RESPONDER', 'PHPSELF' => '/index.php', 'REQUESTTIMEFLOAT' => (float) 1515555086.7918, 'REQUESTTIME' => (int) 1515555086, 'ORIGINALREQUESTMETHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH' => null, 'HTTPIFNONEMATCH' => null, 'HTTPIFMODIFIEDSINCE' => null ] [protected] input => null [protected] detectors => [ 'get' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'GET' ], 'post' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'POST' ], 'put' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PUT' ], 'patch' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'PATCH' ], 'delete' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'DELETE' ], 'head' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'HEAD' ], 'options' => [ 'env' => 'REQUESTMETHOD', 'value' => 'OPTIONS' ], 'ssl' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPS', 'options' => [ [maximum depth reached] ] ], 'ajax' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPXREQUESTEDWITH', 'value' => 'XMLHttpRequest' ], 'flash' => [ 'env' => 'HTTPUSERAGENT', 'pattern' => '/^(ShockwaveAdobe) Flash/' ], 'requested' => [ 'param' => 'requested', 'value' => (int) 1 ], 'json' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'json' ], 'xml' => [ 'accept' => [ [maximum depth reached] ], 'param' => 'ext', 'value' => 'xml' ], 'mobile' => object(Closure) {}, 'tablet' => object(Closure) {} ] [protected] detectorCache => [ 'ajax' => false, 'get' => true, 'head' => false, 'options' => false ] [protected] stream => object(ZendDiactorosPhpInputStream) { [protected] resource => resource [protected] stream => 'php://input' [private] cache => '' [private] reachedEof => false } [protected] uri => object(ZendDiactorosUri) { base => '' webroot => '/' [protected] allowedSchemes => [ [maximum depth reached] ] [private] scheme => 'https' [private] userInfo => '' [private] host => '' [private] port => null [private] path => '/%E2%80%A6view/how-to-build-facebook.' [private] query => '' [private] fragment => '' [private] uriString => null } [protected] session => object(CakeNetworkSession) { [protected] engine => null [protected] started => null [protected] lifetime => '1440' [protected] isCLI => false } [protected] attributes => [] [protected] emulatedAttributes => [ (int) 0 => 'session', (int) 1 => 'webroot', (int) 2 => 'base', (int) 3 => 'params' ] [protected] uploadedFiles => [] [protected] protocol => null [protected] requestTarget => null } 5a02188284

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