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Facebook Connect Google App Engine

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Facebook Connect Google App Engine


Facebook Connect Google App Engine

Filipino . Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged python google-app-engine authentication facebook or ask your own question. .. latvieu . Either minifb or pyfacebook should accomplish this task. romn . Svenska . Sample application given: If you merely want authentication, this Recipe suggests using for Google, AOL, Yahoo, MySpace, Facebook and OpenID logins with the Webapp Framework. lietuvi . Franais (France) . slovenina . –Louis St-Amour Nov 13 '09 at 2:35 P in the GAE Google Groups discussions suggests: stripedbananas is an excellent example of FB Connect integration on GAE Python Code at:‌/s. Programs Women Techmakers Agency Program GDG Google Developers Experts Startup Launchpad . Nederlands . Trke . (It's stickied in the Connect Authentication forum, with 8515 views.) Here's an example from May 15: It's based on the Guestbook example webapp, but with Facebook for authentication instead. Espaol (Espaa) . 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Reversing conditional distribution Include element in RTF Text Field What is the mistake in "There are many Danes who speak English"? Can a Wish produce a paradox? Is it accurate to compare the nuclearization of North Korea with that of Pakistan and India? Why or why not? more hot questions question feed lang-py . Products Compute Storage Networking Big Data Machine Learning Management Tools Developer Tools Identity & Security System Status . Deutsch . Melayu . Might be helpful, though doesn't appear at first glance to use Connect, is a contributed howto article on GAE's site for creating a Facebook App with Best Buy Remix. asked 8 years, 5 months ago viewed 7,846 times active 6 years ago Blog Take the 2018 Developer Survey Farewell, Winter Bash 2017! Related 2533How can I create a directory if it does not exist?1144How to print without newline or space?1688How can I make a time delay in Python?808Does Django scale?15Facebook, Django, and Google App Engine85Why use Django on Google App Engine?27Django and App Engine0How do I get PyFacebook working with the Google App Engine Patch?1python (on Windows OS) - Facebook app with Google app engine1493How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools? Hot Network Questions Why is Windows reporting a battery charge with my desktop? Does your ISP know what type of phone/computer you're using? How to prove a non-provable statement? That is weird. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google Facebook How can I use Facebook Connect with Google App Engine without using Django? Ask Question up vote 10 down vote favorite 10 I'm developing on the Google App Engine and I would like to integrate Facebook Connect into my site as a means for registering and authenticating. catal . Franais (Canada) . Nederlands . Dansk . appears to be used only for Facebook logins, via existing Python account db.Expando class:‌py Code offered under MIT License. P's project - worth watching, if code is released: (Apache License 2.0) –Louis St-Amour Nov 13 '09 at 2:50 add a comment up vote 4 down vote Most of Facebook Connect (as it was formerly called, now it's "Facebook for Websites") is Javascript. Portugus (Brasil) . Slovenina . It looks like an interesting talk, though no videos of it have been posted at the moment. Franais (France) . euskara . English (United States) . 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