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The Rambo III Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd




John Rambo's former Vietnam superior, Colonel Samuel Trautman, has been assigned to lead a mission to help the Mujahedeen rebels who are fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Buddhist Rambo turns down Trautman's request that Rambo help out. When the mission goes belly up and Trautman is kidnapped and tortured by Russian Colonel Zaysen, Rambo launches a rescue effort and allies himself with the Mujahedeen rebels and gets their help in trying to rescue Trautman from Zaysen. Rambo mounts a one-man mission to rescue his friend Colonel Trautman from the clutches of the formidable invading Soviet forces in Afghanistan. (WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD)This movie is an action film. Trying to look at it as anything else will most certainly bring the viewer a great disappointment, but it shouldn't be viewed as anything else. True, it does not contain the same moral messages as First Blood or First Blood part II, but the sheer ferocity of the violence and Rambo's character more than make up for it. Stallone is in, arguably, the best physical shape of his life in this film and the wonderfully choreographed stick fighting scene in the beginning more than shows off his ridiculous physique. Rambo is bigger (including his knife which, designed by Gil Hibben, beats out the Part II blade by two inches), stronger, and more determined than ever, sealing the character's place as a hero icon.

The true essence of a hero is one that faces incredible odds and fights bravely for the right reasons. Rambo is there to save his friend, pure and simple. He does, in a way, adopt the cause of the Afghans who aid him. And all Afghans are not evil terrorists, some are just people who WERE subject to extreme brutality during the attempted Soviet invasion. The story may seem comical now, but in the midst of the Cold War, it made audiences cheer.

Many of the action scenes are a bit over the top and there are the classic action downfalls of the "never-ending-clip" and Rambo never seems to miss a shot whereas the Soviets can't hit anything accept Afghanis and prisoners. Rambo is injured however by a piece of debris sent flying by a grenade blast and has to performed some self-surgery echoing back to the arm-stitching of First Blood.

Also, this movie lets us see Rambo working with people that aren't soldiers of his caliber. Musa and the boy are loyal fighters, but not trained soldiers, and Rambo's first rescue attempt is botched because of this, whereas in the second film, he was rescued by his Vietnamese aid, Co. The film rounds off the series well and should be considered a darn good action movie. In 1988 the world was starting to look a very different place from the one we had known since 1945. The old Cold War certainties were breaking down. "Glasnost" and "perestroika" had joined "vodka" and "sputnik" as Russian words known to even the most monoglot of English speakers. Ronald Reagan, the man who had once denounced the Soviet Union as an "evil empire" and Margaret Thatcher, the woman who once been demonised by the Russians as the "iron lady", were sitting down with their new friend Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss how the Cold War could be brought to an end. The Polish dictator Jaruzelski had been forced to hold talks with his bitter enemies in the Solidarity movement. The fall of the Berlin Wall was only a year away; the end of Communism in Russia itself, three years away.

There was, however, one small corner of the world which seemed oblivious to the historic changes taking place elsewhere- Hollywood. "Rambo: First Blood Part II" might not have impressed the critics, but it had been a big financial success when it had come out three years earlier, so a sequel was always on the cards. After John Rambo had re-fought the Vietnam War and given Charlie Cong a good kicking, the challenge was to find another part of the world to liberate from the commies.

The film starts with Rambo, rather incongruously, living in a Buddhist monastery in Thailand. He is contacted by his old friend and mentor, Colonel Samuel Trautman, who tries to recruit him for a secret mission to supply American weapons to the anti-Soviet resistance in Afghanistan. Rambo refuses on the grounds that violence and warfare are contrary to the ideals of his new-found Buddhist faith (although that faith seemingly does not forbid him from earning his living by taking part in stick-fighting bouts). When, however, Trautman is captured by the Soviets in Afghanistan, Rambo sets off to rescue him, evidently reasoning that friendship is not only more important than patriotism but also more important than the precepts of his religion.

The opening scenes (which contain no killings and no violence other than stick-fighting) are in fact quite well done, and are the reason why this film gets one star more than its predecessor. They give promise that the film might explore some interesting themes, such as a potential conflict between the demands of friendship and those of religious faith, or the Forsterian premise that one owes more loyalty to one's friends than to one's country. Of course, the film does not explore those themes, but instead turns into yet another violent action flick in which Rambo, aided by the Afghan mujahideen, takes on the Red Army and proceeds to machine-gun as many of them as possible. When he gets tired of using a machine-gun, he switches, for the sake of variety, to a knife or bow and arrow. The death toll in this film is even higher than in Part II, and that was quite bloody enough.

Like its predecessor, "Rambo III" is ultra-violent, ham-fisted propaganda. Parts II and III of the Rambo saga are sometimes quoted as evidence that, under Reagan's presidency, the America of the eighties was recovering its self-confidence after Vietnam and Watergate, those twin disasters of the seventies. It is certainly true that Reagan seemed more confident and assertive than his two immediate predecessors, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, but he was always a more subtle political operator than either his opponents or many of his supporters gave him credit for. For all his anti-Communist rhetoric he was (unlike Bush, Clinton or Bush junior) reluctant to commit American troops to overseas adventures (the liberation of Grenada being one of the few exceptions), and was quick to realise during his second term that genuinely historic changes were taking place in the Soviet Union. The Rambo films, by contrast, may have been made using the cinematic techniques of the eighties, but in spirit they are still stuck in the McCarthy era of the fifties. 4/10 Rambo's self-important, weight-of-the-world manner and his taste for political posturing would make him genuinely silly were they not counterbalanced by Mr. Stallone's startling, energetic physical presence and the film's stabs at self-mocking humor. When Vietnam veteran John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone), a Green Beret with two Medals of Honor and currently living in a Buddhist monastery in Thailand, turns down the request of his former commanding officer Colonel Sam Trautman (Richard Crenna) to accompany him on a mission into Afghanistan and Trautman is subsequently captured by the Russians, Rambo launches a one-man rescue mission. Rambo III is the third movie in the Rambo series, which was based on First Blood, a 1972 novel by Canadian-American novelist David Morrell. It was preceded by First Blood (1982) (1982) and Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) (1985) and followed by Rambo (2008) (2008). In the novel, Rambo died at the end of the shoot-out in Hope, Washington (seen in First Blood), so all sequels are based only on characters created by David Morrell. The screenplay for Rambo III was written by Sylvester Stallone and American screenwriter Sheldon Lettich. Morrell novelized the movie in 1988. As Trautman and Rambo approach the Pakistani border thinking they have made it to safety, they are suddenly aware of an army of Soviet tanks approaching. Colonel Zaysen (Marc de Jonge) orders them to drop their weapons and assures them of a fair trial, but Trauman and Rambo open fire on them. As the army closes in, a full cavalry of Mujahideen warriors, accompanied by Mousa (Sasson Gabai) and Hamid (Doudi Shoua), suddenly surround them, overwhelming the Soviets. A fierce battle follows, and Trautman and Rambo are both injured. Not one to give up, Rambo manages to hijack a Soviet tank and ram it headfirst into Zaysen's helicopter, killing him in the explosion. To everyone's amazement, Rambo crawls out of the tank. In the final scene, Mousa and Hamid say goodbye to Rambo, and Rambo tells Hamid to keep the good luck charm. As Trautman and Rambo drive off the battlefield, Trautman comments that they may be getting a little soft. "Maybe just a little, sir", Rambo replies. In the UK, the movie was released on VHS twice. The VHS by Guild Home Video is severely censored. Nearly all action sequences are missing some frames and in total not less than a 45 scenes got cut. The second VHS release by Universal lacks only one scene—a horse falling down—due to the Animals Act of 1937. Again one can find a comparison with pictures here. All cuts were waived for the Blu-ray/DVD. In a manner of speaking, the Afghan Mujahadeen (literally 'Warriors of God') were made up of many different factions including the future Taliban and their enemies in the Northern Alliance. During the Soviet occupation all these factions accepted the backing of the CIA against their common enemy, the Red Army. a5c7b9f00b

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