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Download Full Movie Super In Hindi




After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, but lacking in heroic skills. Frank Darrbo is a hapless fry cook. When his wife Sarah falls off the wagon and dumps him for Jacques, a drug dealer, Frank tries to get her back by reporting her kidnapped, grabbing her from Jacques' car, and wailing for her to return. After watching Christian TV and having a vision, he becomes a superhero to fight evil. He sews a costume, finds a weapon (a pipe wrench) and looks for crimes to stop. He has problems: his wrench inflicts real injury, so the cops want him for being a vigilante, his sense of boundaries is flawed, and Jacques' gang has guns. Libby, a clerk at a comic book store, becomes his sidekick, and it's time to go save Sarah. What chance do they have? Just around the corner from my flat, we used to have an independent video rental store which stuck posters in its window of films you've never heard of - which probably explains why it's no longer there. The poster for this film intrigued me for reasons I can't put my finger on but when it popped up in the schedules, I figured that I would take a punt on it. Little realising that it is basically an indie-version of "Kick Ass", I can't help but feel somewhat let down by this schizophrenic and very dark comedy which is peppered with swearwords, excessive moments of violence and gore and possibly the sexiest and most disturbed sidekick in history.

Perpetual loser Frank (Rainn Wilson) lives in his own little world as loving husband to recovering alcoholic Sarah (Liv Tyler). But when Sarah falls under the spell of local drug pusher Jacques (Kevin Bacon), Frank spirals into a deep depression. Seeking guidance from God (despite being an apparent atheist), he is inspired by a superhero on Christian TV to become the Crimson Bolt and fight crime. Making himself a costume and arming himself with a wrench, Frank begins his one-man crusade against evil in order to get his wife back and soon finds himself joined by comic-store employee Libby (Ellen Page) who takes her role as Frank's sidekick Boltie very seriously indeed.

It's difficult to know what to make of "Super" which lacks the humour of "Kick Ass" and makes its lead character a strange and sometimes unfathomable loner that's tricky to identify with. We don't cheer Frank on - not because he's clearly out of his depth but because at heart, he's an angry and bitter man taking his frustrations out on anybody who slights him. This then gets worse when Boltie joins the fray because, if anything, she's just as disturbed as Frank as she simply laughs at people who suffer from her increasingly psychotic actions. Maybe the film is trying to get us asking questions about vigilantes and the morality of becoming a crime fighter yourself but personally, I get the feeling that writer and director James Gunn is secretly in favour of smacking someone with a wrench for pushing into a queue. Wilson, who I've only seen in trailers for "The US Office", actually does really well as Frank as he goes from an emotional wreck to hard-nosed fanatic as the movie progresses. Page is also good as the wannabe sidekick although this character is very different from her other indie flick, "Juno"!

I wanted to like "Super" because somewhere in there is a great film trying to get out. But like "Kick Ass", it spends too much time splattering the viewer with gore and dropping f- and c-words like confetti. It's like Gunn had the idea but gave up on it halfway through once he encounters the same issues "Kick Ass" did which is what do you do with your everyday-hero when the baddies produce guns. But the film's biggest problem is that I simply couldn't get with it. It didn't feel like a comedy because I didn't find it that funny aside from the odd scene such as when the Crimson Bolt begins his crusade crouched behind a wheelie bin waiting for crime to come to him. The only other thing I found funny was why the likes of Liv Tyler and Ellen Page would be attracted to Rainn Wilson (no offence!) but "Super" exists in its own world, laughing at its own jokes and justifying its ridiculous levels of violence by shrugging its shoulders and saying "It's OK, they're bad guys!". By the end, the Crimson Bolt felt like a warped serial killer in a funky costume rather than a hero. It's a tough film to like although I can at least respect Gunn for asking the questions, even if he has none of the answers. James Gunn is a fantastic writer and up until 2014, I thought this was his best script. With James Gunn, I've always felt like he has great ideas but can never fully serve the story with each plot point. In my opinion, there are specific moments that cross the line a bit of why? I think it's hilarious how James compares being touched by God to tentacle porn. It's fantastic. The more specific moments in which he goes overboard? Libby's Death. Her character did not need to die and I am aware that it adds to the realism of it all but realistically, Frank would've died before Libby hit the "goon" with his car. The film's goal is to look at what a realistic superhero story would look like which is something Kickass attempted to do but forgot about realism towards the end. The end of Super felt very rushed. After being raped by Libby, he decides to kill Jacques. This scene was quicker than Sarah's rape scene that would've been more effective and disturbing if just hearing the cries for help while showing Michael Rooker's facial expressions. I will admit that the last twenty minutes of the film make me uncomfortable but I'd have to say that it's because of Libby's Death. She's the most likable character in the film and I feel as if at this point, once you see her face, you stop caring about the outcome. The film tried extremely hard to be twisted when there was no twisted plot points except for Sarah's drug addiction. The opening sequence tells you exactly what's going to happen and it takes away the mystery. James then attempts to throw you off by shoving in gratuitous scenes of bloody and sexual violence almost as a distraction. Another thing that caught my eye was that for a moment there, it tried to comment on today's society with the man calling Frank a C$&t in the comic book shop in front of his son. This film was a mix of Kick Ass and God Bless America and didn't know which one it wanted to be. Every time it became unrealistic, a gratuitous scene would arrive. It didn't know how to consistently stay realistic. Realism and gratuity don't go hand and hand. The saving grace of the film was the spectacular performances all around. Overall, I think it's an entertaining film that needed a bit of work.

Dorian It's really a one-joke movie, but the joke is a good one. No, it is an original story by James Gunn. It is a cartoon specifically created for the movie. a5c7b9f00b

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