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Hindi The Animatrix




Anthology of nine short anime (Japanese animation) films tied in to the 1999 blockbuster "The Matrix" and its sequels. "Final Flight of the Osiris": The crew of the hovercraft Osiris attempt to warn their city of an imminent attack. "The Second Renaissance, Parts 1 & 2": The story behind the war between man and the machines, how mankind scorched the sky, and the creation of the Matrix. "Kid's Story": A teenager is contacted by Neo, and manages to escape the Matrix. "Program": Two warriors battle in a samurai training simulation when one decides to betray his crewmates and re-enter the Matrix. "World Record": A champion sprinter manages to break free of the Matrix by sheer physical effort during a record attempt. "Beyond": A young girl searching for her cat discovers a haunted house caused by a glitch in the system. "A Detective Story": Private investigator Ash tracks a hacker named Trinity through the looking glass. "Matriculated": A group of humans capture a machine scout and insert it into a 'human matrix'. The Animatrix is a collection of several animated short films, detailing the backstory of the "Matrix" universe, and the original war between man and machines which led to the creation of the Matrix. With the exception of the third film, I love the MATRIX trilogy so when this anthology was released I was excited at being able to delve deeper into the MATRIX universe. The collection contains nine shorts from acclaimed anime directors and animators. Some stories expand on existing plot points from the movie while others are merely a chance for a director to give us their own glimpse into the world of the MATRIX. Some of the shorts are downright amazing, both in content and visual quality, while others fail to really hold my attention. Still, there are no truly weak stories in this collection and each addition has something to admire about it.

Some of the highlights of this anthology are "The Second Renaissance, Parts I and II", "Beyond", and "The Final Flight of the Osiris". Director Mahiro Maeda has created the best installments of the series with "The Second Renaissance", a glimpse into the Zion historical archives to view how the machines became sentient and their war with the humans. It fills in all the information gaps from before the first MATRIX film and the animation's realism gives the brutal violence an extra kick when you watch it. "Beyond", from director Koji Morimoto, was one of the more fun stories, with a young girl in search of her cat being led to a building where the Matrix has glitched and reality is warping. "The Final Flight of the Osiris" from Andy Jones is another bridging story, with the crew of the hovercraft Osiris discovering the sentinels in the process of digging to Zion and setting off the events of the MATRIX sequels. Jones, who was the animation director on FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN (2001) brings the same lifelike CG animation to the ANIMATRIX and I admit it looked amazing.

I suppose I should also give an honorable mention to Peter Chung's "Matriculated", in which a group of humans have devised a process to give the machines a choice in joining their resistance, because of it's trippy, surely LSD-inspired animation style. For the majority of the piece, I had no clue what was transpiring but I just loved the tripped out visuals. The remaining films, while I was not as impressed, were still beautiful pieces. The collection gives you a wide variety of animation styles, ranging from the beautifully contrasted ("Program") to the bizarrely fluid ("World Record"), from multiple directors. If you've got the DVD, I also recommend the special features. Almost as entertaining as the films were the chance to listen to each director and learn what inspired their contributions and how their style is influenced in life. The Animatrix is a collection of short stories tied to the Matrix universe. Most of the stories take place between the first and the second film of the actual trilogy and cover ground from everyday life within the Matrix to the origin story of the whole saga. As a whole they're a mixed package, with some good stories mixed with some really bad ones, most falling to the average category.

Final Flight of the Osiris, our first story, was written by the Wachowski siblings and deals most heavily with the main Matrix storyline. It's visually very pleasing, though riddled with overblown sexual innuendo and boyish posturing. Just like the live-action films. That isn't a flaw, don't get me wrong, but it's amusing to compare this film to the other stories. The actual plot in this one isn't terrible interesting, but it has its purpose.

The Second Renaissance is the origin story of the Matrix, and its biggest problem is that it's very Terminator-esque. You might as well rename the Matrix Skynet and be done with it. It's visually stunning, however, benefiting from the animation art choice the most, and told with good pacing and style. If only it had been more original, it might have made this collection a lot better.

Kid's Story is another story with a good visual style that elevates it above its average storyline. Its animation style is fast and loose, allowing you to see and feel the momentum unlike anything you've seen before. Nothing special, but worth a watch for the visuals.

Program is the most anime-looking of the stories. Visually gorgeous with some really cool action sequences, it also suffers from an average story. Like the previous one, it's definitely worth a watch, but the story could have been better.

World Record doesn't have much of a story either, but it's so short that the story is just the right size for it. Dealing with glitches in the Matrix, like many of the stories in the collection, it's one of the better ones in the movie.

Beyond is probably my favourite in the movie. A girl named Yoko finds an abandoned building in the city where the laws of physics seem to be a bit wonky. A glitch in the Matrix. The whole story is very mellow with a beautiful art style and serves as a good breathing moment in the otherwise pretty hectic movie.

A Detective Story has a nice film-noir style, but is otherwise rather bland and clichéd. It's nice to see more of Trinity, but the story simply lacks impact and memorable moments.

Matriculated is just weird. It once again has a distinct visual style, but it leans so much towards artsy that it's hard to make heads or tails about the story, which I sense was the purpose, but it still ends the movie on a confused note. Personally I would have ended with Beyond or perhaps Kid's Story.

As a whole The Animatrix is a gorgeous film that suffers from a lack of memorable stories. It's a good film to check out if you've liked the other Matrix movies, but as a standalone film it doesn't have that much to offer, though it's by no means a bad film. a5c7b9f00b

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on Sep 18, 18