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Download The Act Of Valor Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent




A team of elite US Navy SEALs is called when an undercover CIA agent by the name of Lisa Morales is kidnapped, and almost beat to death. The team of guys responsible for the kidnapping end up correlating to two men who construct a devastating plan to rebel against America, by means of terrorism. Once again, the SEALs are brought in to attempt to neutralize the enemies. An elite team of Navy SEALs embark on a covert mission to recover a kidnapped CIA agent. ...if they just would've stayed with the action and minimized the drama like the did in Navy SeALs. But every time the story gets flowing a bit its interrupted by some Disney Burb Mr.

Rogers Blue Ribbon Cocteau plan Pleasantville crap. This might play well with the American Midwestern bible belt Blockbuster crowd who are into this kind of stuff but the filmmakers seem to have forgotten who the core audience for movies like this is. Beerguzeleing wife beating trailer trash ex-jocks who barfly about when they scored the deceive TD in the Hicktown versus Hogtown game who at one time enlisted but couldn't hack life in the military and got booted live vicariously through movies like this. But to any other persons that has education that surpasses sundayschool stuff like this just makes there skin crawl or makes them laugh out loud that these people actually take this bullshit seriously. Its the same kind of crap that makes you crinch when you watch Lethal Weapon 3 and makes Lethal Weapon 4 unwatchable. The filmmakers actually want to make you believe that the people in this movie are the real deal. But they are nothing but a joke. As anyone who ever worked in a profession such as this knows you have to be a lone wolf to be truly efficient. If you have team of such lone wolfs then you have an efficient fighting force. Women are just a passing fancy and family attachments are a liability that makes you black mailable. There are four types of people who join the military. As a job. Because its a family trade. For patriotic reasons or because they are looking for a legal way to kill people. The ones portrait in this movie are patriots. They are the worst kind of soldiers you can find. Even worse then they wannabe serial killers who get you in trouble every time they open there mouth because they are just itching for a fight. Patriots on the other hand all want to be heroes. So they get you in trouble, hurt or killed because they think only because they are patriots makes them superior then their enemy and then they always go that one step to far. As you can see with the guy that gets killed in this movie. He could've done a dozen different things and he and his fellow operators would've lived but he choose the one thing that would make him a hero. That is why heroes never become legends then heroes always find a way to get themselves or there comrades killed. As I mentioned before this behavior and attitude might work well for the flag waving American type of audience but almost anywhere in the world especially in Europe this sort of patriotism just makes people laugh and think how incredible stupid Americans are.

Action 6 Story 1 equals 3.5. To be honest, I wasn't hating on this movie at first, till I realized after a while that the story was absolutely going nowhere, the characters remained incredibly flat and the movie had absolutely no sense of excitement or tension in it.

Seriously, I can't even tell you what this movie is all about, since it has such a weakly present story in it, that doesn't even seem all that important. Basically all the movie does is showing the one shootout or action scene after the other, with in between some horrendous dialog and acting by its non-actors. It's about some sort of terrorist plot but you never get a sense of true urgency and danger, so the movie also just can't ever let you care enough about it.

Perhaps I would had still cared slightly about it all, if there were some good or likable enough characters in it. But I don't even know who is who in this movie or who is supposed to be the main character throughout. They are also all incredibly flat and I couldn't have cared less about any of them. Great that they are being played by real life Navy SEALS but what does it add? Absolulty nothing to the characters or sense of realism of this movie. On the contrary quite really, since most of them can't act at all, which only brings the movie more down.

It also was obviously not an all that expensive movie to make. Sometimes it's actually a real cheap looking B-movie, with especially some bad special effects. action-wise there is still plenty to enjoy, which still somewhat saves this movie but having some decent action is not enough to make a decent movie with as well.

I do admit that if you leave your brain at the door, there is still plenty to enjoy about this movie. But as a movie itself it is far too lacking, on basically every department.

You are still way better off playing a video game yourself, something this movie obviously tried to be too much like itself.

5/10 Peculiarly entertaining exercise in bare-bones, Hollywood-style action heroism. Yes, they are. They are not named in the film's credits, however. Yes. Christo is based on Viktor Bout, a notorious Russian billionaire currently awaiting trial in the US for black market arms dealing. Like Christo he enjoyed an immensely lavish lifestyle, ran his own fleet of smuggling planes, skilfully circumvented international law and ruthlessly sold to the highest bidder. He also inspired Nicholas Cage's film Lord of War. Abu Shabal is based on Shamil Basayev, Chechen terrorist leader and Jihadi who amongst other atrocities was responsible for the 2004 Beslan School massacre. Like Shabal he advocated the indiscriminate mass killing of civilians using explosive vests and utilised the wives of his dead fighters as suicide bombers, nicknaming them "Black Widows". He was killed in 2006 by an explosion during an arms deal, possibly assassinated by the Russian secret service. The Rocket-Propelled Grenade (RPG-7) is expelled from the launch tube by a primary charge and then carried towards the target by a rocket motor. However, the rocket motor doesn't initiate and the armour piercing warhead doesn't arm until it is some distance from the launcher so that the firer isn't killed by the backblast or a premature detonation. When the SEAL is struck by the warhead he is so close to the firer that the rocket motor hasn't kicked in yet and the warhead hasn't had time to arm so his body armour is able to save him. The SEALs not only rescued Morales but were able to recover the Blackberry phone belonging to Christo's henchman. This is a crucial plot point as the information they recover from it leads them to the arms transfer in Somalia and Christo's yacht in the Pacific. Terrorists worldwide from the IRA to the Viet Cong to Al-Quaeda have a reputation for obsessively writing their plans down, the SEAL's killing of Osama bin Laden was not nearly as important in the War on Terror as their recovery of his mobile phones, laptop computers etc which provided invaluable information on his organisation. Fast-rope: rappel from a helicopter using a rope

Frag: fragmentation grenade

HAHO: high-altitude, high-opening: parachuting and opening the canopy at a high altitude to allow a long stealthy approach to a distant target

HALO: high-altitude, low-opening: free-falling from a high altitude and opening the canopy at the last minute to allow a rapid stealthy approach directly onto a target

JSOC: Joint Special Operations Command

LAW: light antitank weapon: one-shot disposable anti-armour rocket

M4: standard assault carbine used by the SEALs

Overwatch: SEAL commander and sniper observing at a distance in order to provide support and command and control to SEALs in action.

QRF: quick reaction force

Raven: small remote-controlled drone used for forwards reconnaissance

RPG: rocket-propelled grenade, Soviet era anti-armour weapon.

SDV: swimmer delivery vehicle, mini submarine which deploys SEALs from the SSGN

Squirters: terrorist suspects fleeing scene

SSGN: nuclear submarine optimized for special operations, equipped with cruise missiles and able to carry an SDV attached to its' deck

SWIFT boat: small, heavily-armed boats manned by Special Warfare Combat Crews used to support SEALs

Task Force 160 / Nightstalkers: Army Special Aviation Regiment flying helicopters in support of SEALs and Delta Force Yes and no, we see it shot off and hanging by a strip of flesh in the final confrontation but later at the funeral and whilst writing the letter we see that he still has it. Presumably it must have been surgically re-attached. Several alterations were made for the international cut of the movie: some of the footage was either cut out or re-dubbed for international markets which mitigates the movie's message. Sometimes there is the exact same dialogue happening during an entirely different shot. Mostly the offscreen comments were changed but there are also five altered scenes resulting in a time difference of almost 1 minute between both versions. a5c7b9f00b

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