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Elysium Movie Hindi Free Download




In the year 2154, the very wealthy live on a man-made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. A man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the polarized worlds. In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Delacourt, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that, if successful, will not only save his life but could bring equality to these polarized worlds. From the director of 2009's Distant 9 Neil Blomkamp, comes another controversial sci-fi movie about the different between the have and have not, racism, and overpopulation. The movie is so like Distant 9, it's like watching the future Earth after the aliens left it. It's pretty shocking to see Neil Blomkamp try to strike lightning again with similar plots and themes. It's rare to see a hard Rated R blockbuster nowadays. I give props to them about that. The movie is a thinking man movie because it explores the political and sociological themes such as immigration, health care and class issues. Great world building indeed, as the film takes place in 2154, on both a luxurious space station known as Elysium where the rich people have orbit and ravaged, disease, wasteland Earth with the overpopulation poor. Elysium's Earth, so remind me of Distant 9 with its vast emptiness. Elysium's space station reminds me of an old 1970's NASA Ames drawings of a ring-shaped Torus space station. Those paintings were in a lot of Sci-Fi books and comics at the time and the 1980's. The space station also look like something that came from 1968's Kubrick, 'A Space Odyssey' or Larry Niven's Ringworld novel. The visual effects are amazing. Great use of CGI. The world on display here is imaginative yet utterly convincing. Max DeCosta (Matt Damon), an ex-con lives in this world, manufacturing the means of his own oppression, making security bots. It's weird that he is one of the few white people on Earth. Only when he got into deadly radiation poisoning, he joins the cause of getting people to Elysium so that they can have a chance to survive. I would kinda like to see that he was loyal to that cause beforehand. He is not alone, as he is join by his childhood best friend, Fey (Alice Braga) who daughter has leukemia. Don't get me wrong, free health care to sick dying children is fine, but with a world that is that overpopulation; the hard truth is that depopulation is needed to solve that problem. Overpopulation can destroy a habitat and nature eco-cycle if not watch. In truth, while Max DeCosta and his crew are portray as free-fighters, they are also terrorists to those people who control Elysium, mostly John Carlyle (William Fichtner) and Jessica Delacourt (Jodie Foster). While, William Fichtner is clearly acting as William Fichtner; Jodie Foster's acting was pretty bad. She had this weird accent that supposed to be South African as if she was playing Lillian Crane. I don't understand why everybody in Elysium was portray as evil business-men. While, I'm more liberal, I would think at less, the movie would have shown that some people at Elysium would be more against the anti-immigration. Why couldn't Elysium build another space station or terra- form another planet or even get this, rebuild Earth? Clearly, they had the technology for it. I forgot, because the plot says so. At less, they could have done is add a few medical pods on Earth for young dying children so they would be so many civil unrest. So Max makes a deal with a local crime lord: He will kidnap John Carlyle in order to download information held in his brain, and in return he'll get a ticket on the next illicit flight to Elysium. To help with the gig, Max even has a powerful exo-skeleton grafted painfully onto his body. This makes the movie, seem more like a video game like Bio Shock Infinite. The movie is full of annoying action scenes with slow bullet time moments and shaking cam. It was a headache to watch. The action fight scenes were so fast, it was blurry. At less, Mad Max had himself, a pretty intense psycho villain mercenary named Kruger. (Sharlto Copley). Wow, this actor is amazing, too bad, he isn't in many films. It's polar opposite of the character, he played in Distant 9. The movie's plot can be a big predictable. The Jesus symbolism was tired when other movies did it, and manages to feel even more derivative in this film's overt delivery. An handful of right-wing news outlets attacked the film for being sci-fi socialism, but in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with open discussion to these issues. I agree the film should be designed to make us think, rather than stuff a predigested agenda down our throats, but sometimes that push is needed for this society. Much of what Republican analysts mistakenly see as Occupy Wall Street support is merely a form of "mass-ploitation" — Hollywood seizing on angles that appeal to the widest possible audience. There been films like this since the dawn of cinema. Remember, films like 1927's Metropolis. I think, most people would agree with that people should have access to first-rate healthcare and a better standard of living. They just disagree on the means of providing that. The themes of the movie are brilliant, even the title 'Elysium' was a term in ancient times given to a place, like Heaven that was reserved by gods for the favored heroes. We have other literary examples of this through Richard Matheson, Isaac Asimov, and Philip Dick, to name a few. The movie also have this 1979's Mad Max feel to it. The soundtrack was a bit too loud. It remind me of a copycat of 2010's Inception sound, rather than the moving music instrument that should follow a film like this. That being the case, Elysium is just not the satisfying film it should be to some people, but to me: it work. It was fun to watch. Elysium works in a way, how Elysium in the film works. It's just there to remind people to seek a better life. I could find escape from the harshest of my reality in the film 'Elysium'. In a world with a class divide so wide it's fatal to those on the lower end, with professional health care out of their reach, and people will go far to save their loved ones, including illegal immigration in spite of it being extremely risky... well, this movie was made(I had to go there). And those issues are addressed, albeit the heavy-handed-ness and naivety of their handling grows exponentially from the first to the last I mentioned. The rich live on Elysium(where we spend little time, making us "miss it", cherish what we do get, similar to The Hulk in The Avengers - with that said, at the end of the day, it does wind up feeling over-hyped, and the third act is when the low-level generic and predictable aspects double in concentration), named after the Ancient Greek version of paradise, where only the gods could go - presumably titled after Prometheus scored some points with the pretentious. It has magic healing beds. And... actually, that might be it. We learn nearly nothing about it, or the people of it. Except that it is as nice as Earth used to be, before it became one big third-world slum.

Max(Damon, rendering sympathetic a not very fleshed out classic hero) is one of the 99% living there, with stop-and-frisks, police robot brutality(getting sarcastic with one of these AI will get you beaten up and/or offered meds) and awful jobs that you're lucky to even have. He dreams of ascending to the titular space station, and once he contracts cancer and has five days to live, he decides that it's time. Desperate, he agrees to have an exo-skeleton attached to him(yeah, it ain't a suit... we see the nasty, gut-wrenching surgery procedure; nearly every instance of violence in this is short and painful, making us feel every broken bone), and tries to go there. He will have to contend with the Secretary of Defense Delacourt(Foster as a hammy ice-queen, seeming determined to prove she can do horrible acting - she is one of the only two performances that are unintentionally funny, and the other one, Moura's Hollywood hacker Spider, is much less bothersome) and her asset, the creepy, insane hobo-beard of Kruger(Copley, giving us a truly despicably villain).

Neill had to prove that District 9 wasn't just a fluke, and in spite of the heavily reused elements and structure(their freshness now grown stale), the more conventional approach here and the earlier mentioned preachy, idealistic take on these very current issues(thus serving more to add emotion than information to a complicated, nuanced issue; and yes, I am a bleeding heart Lib), he shows that he is near the top of the short list of sci-fi(the tech looks advanced and yet slapped together - utilitarian) directors to keep an eye on today. I do hope he gets help on the writing, as the dialog can be unwieldy, the plot bloated and this simultaneously goes to great lengths to craft impossible-to-overcome problems, and contrive ridiculously convenient fix-all solutions to them. The world is detailed and feels like we're already there, with the prevalent realism heightening the intensity of the appropriate-in-amount-and-length action scenes - think '88 John McClane. Use of slow-mo and hand-held camera, while infrequent, are the only real negative of these exciting sequences. Build-up to them is solid, at times swift and subtle, with sudden bursts of thrills, seldom anticipated and thus all the more effective.

There is a lot of strong language and disturbing content in this. I recommend this to any fan of supplementing their Summer blockbuster with a side of social commentary - provided they can live with it being more focused on flavor than nutrition. 7/10 If Elysium is the brainiest Hollywood movie of the summer, it's also the most conflicted one. Former car thief Max da Costa (Matt Damon), now a parolee working for the Armadyne weapons factory in 2154 Los Angeles and recently exposed to a lethal dose of radiation bound to kill him in five days, agrees to steal "organic information" (e.g., bank codes and passwords) from the brain of Armadyne CEO John Carlyle (William Fichtner) in exchange for passage to Elysium, a man-made space station inhabited by Earth's elite, in hopes of gaining access to a Med-bay, a medical chamber capable of healing him. However, what begins as a desperate effort to save his life leads to something far greater. Elysium is based on a screenplay written by South African-Canadian filmmaker Neill Blomkamp. While Frey (Alice Braga) carries Matilda (Emma Tremblay) to the surface to find a Med-bay, Max and Spider (Wagner Moura) stay behind to locate the Elysium's computer core. In an attempt to stop them, Tucker (Sharlto Copley) pursues, but Max manages to kill him by hurling him over a ledge, still holding on to a grenade, which explodes as he falls. Spider breaks into the computer core and changes the computer program to read Earth's population as being "legal". As Spider prepares to download the "organic info" from Max's brain, he is warned that the download will be "lethal" to Max. Already knowing that, Max still agrees to the download. After contacting Frey for a final goodbye, Max pushes the button that starts the download and reboots the computer, killing himself in the process. President Patel (Faran Tahir) arrives with security robots, but they refuse to arrest Spider, who is now recognized as a citizen of Elysium. Meanwhile, Frey has found a Med-bay and uses it to heal Matilda, reversing her final stage lymphocytic leukemia in seconds. In the final scene, shuttles containing dozens of Med-bays arrive on Earth from Elysium to begin the process of healing the sick, causing Frey to look up and smile. Elysium spins, like a wheel, and the resulting centrifugal force creates artificial gravity on its inner edge. This keeps both its inhabitants and the atmosphere [not really, see entry above!] effectively pinned down to the surface. It's an old concept for a practical way to achieve artificial gravity in space. a5c7b9f00b

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