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Download Ligalig Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4

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Download Ligalig Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4




A series of murders takes place in the Metropolis in a span of three weeks, the latest of which happens on the night Junior, a taxi driver, makes love to a prostitute. After establishing a pattern from the killings, Inspector Noble, the police investigator, will theorize that only one person, a serial or thrill killer, maybe responsible for all of the murders. Junior is aware of the killings but it doesn't seem to bother him, unlike most ordinary people who have heard of the news about a serial killer roaming the city. Together with Trixie's friend Toti, Junior and Trixie head to the countryside where Trixie's family live. Junior gets to meet Martha, Trixie's weird mother, a tough lady with a shotgun always on her side. Junior also gets to know Max, Trixie's weird brother, a war-scarred former Marine soldier who's got traces of insanity. Martha's rejection of Junior is evident from the start. Martha wants Trixie to end the relationship, and immediately tell Junior that he is not welcome in the family. At this time, a mysterious man riding in an old van is heading towards Trixie's house. The bulky, ominous looking man with murderous eyes eventually reaches the house, and once inside, takes down Trixie's family one by one. First to fall is Max's wife, then the house helper, Max, and finally Martha. The man takes the shocked and hysterical Trixie alive. Junior on the other hand, manages to hide and elude the man. Meanwhile, Inspector Noble finally identifies the serial killer after getting a lead from the remains of a murdered woman. He is Damian Garote, an officer of Metrocom during Martial Law. He was considered to be the most brutal and ruthless police officer during his time. After he retired from the service, no one knew where he went. Junior eventually gets in the way of Damian, and tries to stop the man from getting away with Trixie. The two men get to see each other eye to eye after they got out of the van which rammed to a tree. The two will recognize each other easily. But in the end, nothing is what it seems. I saw the trailer for this movie and it was enthralling and looked like the greatest thriller of 2006. Sad to say, it is a great disappointment for me.

The movie starts with a hyper-extended sex scene (complete with audio) which I did not find relevant to the plot of the story (except for the fact that the woman in the scene was the prostitute acquainted to Cesar Montano's character, Junior, who was murdered). I mean, why the full-blown sex scene? What happened to "fade-outs"? The rating was only R-13! I assume that this is something to lure men to catch the movie. It's something to boast about for them, isn't it? ("Hey, this movie is steamy! Go see it!")

The second thing I noticed was the use (or misuse thereof) of green/blue screens. Cesar plays a taxi driver in the movie. The problem was that the scenery around him was so so evidently unrealistic. You could see where his taxi ended and where the CGI magic began without subtlety. Most movies have their cameras switching one or two angles every now and then, while this movie kept going 360 degrees round and round over and over. It made me quite dizzy.

The third thing was that almost everyone in the movie smoked like chimneys. Again, what relevance to the story? The ending was the biggest bummer. It was a rip-off of Secret Window. Need I say more? I left the theater irritated. One good thing: The makers of this movie know their trailers. It's really deceiving. They should stick to strictly trailers. Leave the actual movies alone. Please. The movie Ligalig was released for DVD rental this month here in the US. I was able to see it over the weekend. I was really disappointed. It's a shame for him and wife Sunshine to claim that he came up with this story. He copied the whole thing from a French movie i saw last year titled 'HIGH TENSION". It was released here in the US as DVD rental movie. I wish Cesar would have just made the movie but should have advertised it as a copy then i would not be very upset and disappointed in him. Oh boy, it's really a shame. I hope someone would be able to send this message to him. I guess, he thought no one would see the French movie and went on claiming he came up with this story. 646f9e108c

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