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The A Better Way To Die Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

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The A Better Way To Die Full Movie In Hindi Free Download




A Chicago cop quits the force and finds himself threatened by the Mafia. Boomer, a special agent in Chicago, is asked to infiltrate in a gang. But something goes horribly wrong and his colleague Carlos is murdered right in front of his eyes. Boomer decides to leave the police force and reunite with the love of his life, Kelly. She hated his work and moved to Cedar Falls. On his way, he gets robbed of his car and is picked up by a guy who calls himself Flash. He seems friendly at first, but then mentions he is on the run for assassins. Boomer answers his phone in the car. A woman recognizes his voice as that of a certain Harry James. It's a name Boomer will not forget. James is a special agent who is sought for by both mob and authorities. Soon both groups will think Boomer's the one they're looking for. It's a little hard to review this film. Yes, it's not really very good, and I cannot recommend it. But there were some things done well, in spite of itself. Scott Wiper did an OK acting job, considering the limitations of the script. However, since he wrote the script, he is due for some criticism. While many of the action sequences were done OK, there are a few howlers in there. (For example, car doors will generally not stop large caliber bullets, and cars usually don't blow sky-high when shot unless they are full of explosives) The plot involved Wiper's character having the worst day (or two) ever, sort of like Sean Penn in "U-Turn" squared. Fairly early on, some of the things made me roll my eyes, and wonder if Wiper was quietly trying to turn the film into total camp. He wasn't, and that's a problem when the viewer wonders that. Some of the characters were total howlers. But one word of praise; Andre Braugher more or less stole the show. I was not familiar with him. IMDb says he was in "Glory" but I do not recall his part. If there is any reason whatsoever to watch this movie (and there's really not) Braugher is it. Scott Wiper. When I first heard his name, I immediately thought of it as one of those I have on my mental 'avoid all works by'-list. Then I looked him up, and found out that I remembered his name from the writing credit for the truly awful film, The Last Marshall. Being the forgiving guy that I am, I thought, "what the hey, he only wrote that horrendous piece of trash, maybe a film directed by him won't be as bad." Well, I was partly right. It's not as bad, but it is pretty bad. The plot makes no sense on any conceivable level. To give a quick summary, bearing in mind that I didn't pay much attention to the first ten minutes of the film(which seemed to make no sense and have no clear connection to the remaining 80, but maybe that's just me) and little to no attention to the last 15-20, it seemed to be about some guy who disappears never to be seen again, and the rest of the film has a bunch of people looking for him. The plot goes from unlikely event to unlikely event, and it's going to take all of your suspension of disbelief to swallow even half of this stuff. I'll give you two quick examples: At one point, a character has to hide for some hours... so he does what any of us would do... he climbs down a toilet. Now, after those hours have passed, he emerges, and takes a deep breath. So, we're basically supposed to believe he somehow could hold his breath for that long? Another point is when the villains throw not one, not two, but three grenades right after each other. And at no other point in the movie do we even get a hint that they might have anything other than guns. Seriously, those three grenades just rolling into frame... that was a moment of(what I suspect is unintentional) hilarity. I can't imagine someone seeing that scene and not laughing, at least a little. Then there's the repetitiveness, the lack of imagination displayed in the writing. Several points in action scenes have tension being broken by the main characters damn wristwatch beeping. Turn the bloody thing off; that's what any normal person would do. One guy seems to get shot over and over without ever dying or even coming to serious harm. The acting is pretty bad most of the time, and it's clear that most of the casting was done based on physical appearance rather than acting talent(made evident by how small a part Joe Pantoliano has, even though he's easily the most talented person involved in the project). The cinematography has its moments, but mostly it's just dreadful. Half of the action is nearly impossible to make out, as there are too few 'cover-shots'(meaning, we don't see the movement, we see the beginning and/or the end result, but not the action itself) and half of the stuff is done with hand-held camera and in long takes, clearly showing the pure laziness of Mr. Wiper. The action is nearly constant, but about as unrealistic as the plot. We don't really connect with any of the characters, and by the end of the film, we just don't care anymore. Too many lazy stereotypes in the place of actual characters and too many plot holes. The dialog varies, but the majority of it is poor. There's really nothing memorable or worthwhile in this film, and most people should just skip it. I recommend it only to die-hard fans of action flicks. 6/10 646f9e108c

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