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Hunger Full Movie Download




Hunger is a dark exploration into the breakdown of humanity. How far would you go to survive in the most extreme of circumstances? Five strangers awaken to find themselves trapped in an underground dungeon. They soon realize they are the subjects of one man's sadistic experiment to test the depths of a human being's will to survive. As the days go by with no means of escape, their hunger increases as their humanity fades away. Fangoria Frightfest film number three is Hunger, which many people have compared to Saw. Yeah, this movie is Saw, if Saw had the people locked in an empty room, had no budget, and Jigsaw was a mute cannibal. Hunger is most defiantly a ten on the gross out scale, but besides that it has absolutely nothing going for it. Seldom have I seen a horror film that is as pointless or moves as slowly as Hunger did. The film is only one hundred minutes, but it felt as though I was watching it for days! The star of the film is veteran horror actress, Lori Huering, whose character is pretty well written, but is also unfortunately as dull as the rest of the cast. Most reviews for Hunger have been favorable and I can't understand that. Aside from the victims arguing with each other, there is hardly any dialogue. There is also zero character development, which is crucial in a film like this. If the audience doesn't give a damn about the victims or what happens to them, then what's the point? Hunger tries to shock you with it's level of gore, but more concerning is the lack of substance and the laziness of the film makers. Yes, the ripped off most of their ideas from Saw. Saw had a tremendous villain and a fascinating story that spawned six squeals, while this film is so lazy that after a month of isolation, the men's beards didn't even grow! Somehow, Hunger got to be part of a major horror festival, but it most defiantly represents the festivals lowest point. When I picked out this movie at blockbuster, I was not expecting it to be something that I hadn't seen before. I was dead wrong. I am a huge fan of psychological horrors, and this movie definitely is one. It is different, but not in a weird way. At first it actually reminded me a bit of saw, but I kind of like this one better. It really makes you think "What would I do if I were in this situation?" It also really captures the captures the different characters' personality, and I really think more horror movies could use some of that.

The only reason for me giving it a 9 and not a 10, is that I maybe thought there could have been a bit more info on Jordan's past. In a deleted scene Jordon reveals to Grant that she was raped in her past. One day, her rapist ended up on her operating table and she made sure an "accident" happened so that he died. 646f9e108c

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on Sep 19, 18