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Beau Geste Malayalam Full Movie Free Download




The orphan brothers Beau, John, and Digby Geste have lived in Brandon Abbas with their dear aunt Patricia Brandon, the also adopted Isobel Rivers and their cousin Augustus Brandon, since they were children. Lady Brandon is near bankruptcy paying the debts of the absent Sir Hector Brandon; the family's last remaining asset, apart from Brandon Abbas itself, is the huge "Blue Water" sapphire. When Sir Hector sends word that he will arrive in the property to sell the precious stone, Beau, John, Digby, Isobel and Augustus ask to see the "Blue Water". Lady Brandon brings the stone, but the lights go out and the sapphire is stolen. Lady Brandon promises to call the police on the next morning. One by one the Geste brothers flee, each leaving a note confessing the robbery. The brothers join the Foreign Legion and are sent to North Africa; Beau and John under the command of the cruel and sadistic Sergeant Markoff in Fort Zinderneuf in the Sahara Desert. After an unsuccessful mutiny against the brutal treatment of Markoff, the fort is attacked by Tuaregs and the men have to join forces to fight for their lives. Beau, John, and Digby Geste are three inseparable, adventurous brothers who haven been adopted into the wealthy household of Lady Brandon. When money in the uppercrust household grows tight, Lady Brandon is forced to sell her most treasured jewel the mighty "Blue Water" sapphire. The household gets it out for one final look, the lights go out and it vanishes stolen by one of the brothers, no doubt. That night, Beau, Digby, and John each "confess" and slip out, John leaving behind Isabel, whom he loves. They all join the Foreign Legion, and Beau and Digby are split from John and put under the command of the ruthless and sadistic Sergeant Markoff. Things begin to get hairy as the rest of the Legionaires plot a mutiny against Markoff, in the midst of an attack by Arab hordes. The three Geste brothers, wards of their Aunt Patricia, go off to the Foreign Legion because they are suspected of stealing a family jewel, the Blue Water sapphire. It's a question of family honor and pride back in the day when this was thought to be a real virtue.

Beau Geste continues as a story about the Geste brothers in the Foreign Legion. Since they are all adopted wards with no clue as their real origins, that might account for the distinctly non-British speech of Gary Cooper as Beau and Robert Preston as Digby. Ray Milland as the youngest brother John was presumably influenced by British speech at a young enough age.

Though the three brother leads perform more than adequately, Beau Geste is truly a film where the character actors take over. Brian Donlevy was given his one and only Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor as the sadistic Sergeant Markov. You won't forget him, I promise you.

Three others that also stand out are Albert Dekker who leads a mutiny against Markov at the distant outpost of Fort Zinderneuf and Stanley Andrews as Maris who tries to prevent the mutiny. And last but certainly not least is J. Carrol Naish who is Rassinov the eyes and ears of Markov among the men. Naish was an amazingly versatile character actor who played just about every ethnic type you could name. He blended into his characters so well he almost has no identity of his own on screen. And that hyenish high-pitched cackle that he uses for Rassinov will linger with you forever.

Susan Hayward is in this also as the love interest for Ray Milland. She's young and pretty wasted in a thankless role in a male dominated film. No hint at all here of the characters she later portrayed like Lillian Roth or Barbara Graham.

Beau Geste is the kind of adventure story for those who like their heroes gallant and romantic as so many of us do. One way that I personally know this is a really good film is because I expected not to like and probably turn it off after the first 15 minutes. Instead I was glued to the screen! I thought I wouldn't like the film because I expected it to be along the lines of "Gunga Din". But in the early scenes of the film you realize it's really a mystery about a stolen sapphire (great early scene in the secret crypt). Not just another film of men trudging through the desert fighting Arabs (although there is that, too, although not until well into the second half of the film, and then only to advance the plot surrounding the mystery).

But even before you realize the mystery surrounding the gem, there's the opening mystery of why the French Foreign Legion fort is deserted, except for all its dead soldiers. Spooky! And answered so well at the close of the film.

The early scenes when the main characters are children are delightful, and it's particularly interesting to see Donald O'Connor as one of the boys -- Beau. Much to my surprise, it was his 9th film! As the kids mature they turn into Gary Cooper, Susan Hayward, Ray Milland, and Robert Preston, and then the family gem is stolen and one of the boys appears to be the off the 3 boys go to the French Foreign Legion to hide and attempt to figure out which one of them has the jewel.

Once in the Foreign Legion they meet up with all sorts, including a very odd American cowboy -- Broderick Crawford! Brian Donlevy, as the sergeant doesn't seem quite so bad at the beginning, but becomes increasingly sadistic as the film went on (and received an Academy Award nomination for his performance).

The closing scenes of the movie, beginning with the attack by the Arabs, are quite remarkable -- among the best I've seen in any movie. The attack scenes in the desert are stunning...not always easy to say for black and white. The scene where Gary Cooper dies and is cremated...remarkable. And the way the film comes to a conclusion is quite unique.

However, beyond the action of the film, this movie has real depth. It is as much a psychological drama as it is an action flick. You just have to focus on the drama of what must have been an almost untenable life.

A wonderful film from that remarkable year 1939. 646f9e108c

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