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Birds Of Prey 720p Movies




Now Gotham's Undercover Superhero Batman has disappeared leaving behind a daughter from his long-time love Catwoman. Her name is Helena the mysterious superhero known as "The Huntress". She has teamed up with the paralyzed hero "Batgirl" together they meet up with their next teammate Dinah Lance. Dinah is a telepath and psychic who had terrifying dreams about Batgirl's brutal accident. They must learn how to work together and become not only a team of superheroes but also a family. In the future, long after the Batman has driven himself into exile, his legacy lives on in the form of the Birds of Prey--Black Canary, Oracle, and the Huntress. Hi there.

I'll admit, I watched Birds of Prey, since I like to give a comic book show a chance before writing it off. I did the same thing last year with the Smallville pilot, which didn't really impress me.

But this was fantastic! The guys that did this show, did an excellent job. It was like watching a spin-off of the Batman films. You know, the good ones. The passing glimpses of Batman were well done, Ian Abercrombie was a great Alfred, and the brief shots of Catwoman and Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill, how cool is that!?!) were all really well done. They used the movie Catwoman costume! Amazing!

I loved Dina Meyer as Batgirl/Oracle. She did a great job bringing Barbara to life, and I hope we get to see more of her in that kickass Batgril costume.

Huntress was great. I'll admit, when I saw Huntress in previews I was expecting to hate her, but she was really, really likeable. And her fight scenes were incredible.

Dinah LANCE (yes Lance, contrary to reports) was nice. She brought a good outsiders feel, and I can't wait to meet her mother, the Black Canary!

The shots through the city were great as well. The closing one with Oracle and Huntress on the rooftop, and the bat flying by the moon was so cool.

Bringing in Harleen Quinzel was a great idea and I can't wait to see where they go with this.

The rest of the cast was great, even that pretty boy, Shemar Moore.

I cannot heap enough praise on the pilot episode of Birds of Prey. They've done a great job. This is definitely on par with the animated series. It's not perfect, but it's a heck of a lot fun.

Thanks and have a good day then.

John Cage Birds of Prey is set years after Batman's final victory against The Joker; a battle with a terrible price. Catwoman was killed, and Batgirl (Dina Meyer) was confined to a wheelchair for life. Batman disappears...apparently, too stricken with grief to continue. In his absence, Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) becomes "The Oracle," acting as the eyes and ears of her protégée, The Huntress (Ashley Scott). The Huntress has a personal vendetta against the criminals of Gotham; she's Catwoman and Batman's daughter. So continues the Bat-legacy.

Enter `bird' #3: Dinah Lance (Rachel Skarsten), a young psychic who arrives to Gotham to explain the strange dreams she's been having. Of course, comic book buffs will know that Dinah Lance is the name of The Black Canary, thereby completing the "Birds of Prey" trio. However, for now, she's just a young novice, learning to be a super-heroine as the series progresses...

While comic-purists whine about comic-book inconsistencies, there is a lot to love about this "alternate" Bat-city. For one, their arch-nemesis is Harley Quinn (Mia Sara), who was once The Joker's main squeeze. The premiere also had the fun of Mark Hammil as the voice of the Joker, which he performs as brilliantly as he did in the cartoons. Best of all, though, is how The Huntress' eyes turn into feline slits before a fight; it may not be like The Huntress of comic lore, though who cares? It's a cool shot, plain and simple.

Regardless, some comic purists insist there is no way Catwoman and Batman had a child. What's the alternative, kiddies? That the rumors about Batman preferring the company of young boys are true.? Of course he and Selena Kyle were more than `just friends,' as we've seen in movies, TV, the comics, and even the cartoons. So yeah one thing led to another and Huntress was born. It could happen. Accept it.

Of course, you can never tell what series will be accepted by younger audiences. Back in the 1970's, "The Six Million Dollar Man" lasted four seasons, while "Bionic Woman" lasted only two; go figure. In today's pop culture, will a young Superman in "Smallville" be considered cooler than Batman's daughter in "Birds of Prey"? If so, that's a shame. There is a lot to like about this series. I look forward to seeing Birds of Prey as long as it lasts. I hope that's a long while. BOP is best appreciated as an "Elseworlds" story; it exists in a continuity all its own -- apart from the comics, films, etc. (i.e., in this continuity, Joker is alive.)

The show draws from several sources: the comics, the films, and "Batman: The Animated Series" (cf., Harley Quinn and the voice of Mark Hamill as the Joker.) Judging from the costume that is featured in the opening credits, we're assuming that the producers are basing their Catwoman upon the one featured in the 1992 film, "Batman Returns" (In the movie, Selina Kyle absorbs the essences of the cats -- nine lives, ability to always land on one's feet, etc. -- which revive her after Shreck pushes her off the building.) "Birds of Prey" is not about either Batman or Batgirl. The show is about Huntress, Dinah, and Oracle (who used to be Batgirl.) The title of the show -- "Birds of Prey" -- pretty much says it all.

It is stated in the show that Batman disappeared after the Joker killed Selina. Bruce Wayne left the city and is in an unknown location, but he is still alive. In the comics, that was what led Helena Wayne to become the Huntress. In more recent years, however, the Huntress character was revamped as a different person altogther, and has no family ties to either Batman or Catwoman. Blame the network for that one. According to executive producer Hans Tobeason, WB had "issues" with Oracle and her chair (what's more, they tried to freeze her out of the show altogether by limiting her screentime.) 646f9e108c

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