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Seaching for the 'Higher Self'

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Are we with a individuality? From my perception, we are a lot more compared to that. Each one of us has a greater facet. This aspect has been called the greater Self. Many others have called it like the Over Soul or overself, When I am not wrong.

Who and what's the Greater Self? In my experience, the Self is your intellect and wisdom part of their own self. Paradoxically, the Self is impersonal and does not have a'feeling of self love' like the way our individuality is. It functions as a directing factor for ego or the personality.

Could this self be contacted? On average and Certainly it is achieved by way of meditation or some other altered states of consciousness.

A bit about me personally. Back in the nineties , I discovered that if I'm thinking about an issue that is of the spiritual inquiryI shall receive visions that attempt to reply my own queries. Mostly the visions are symbolic. By impulsing visions and logos that form messages to my own 15, self can communicate.

An example of those transmissions:

Several years past, I was contemplating around the essence clairvoyant of the cycle of reincarnation. Will lost spirits be looped within the decrease kingdom? (Based on a lot of Eastern Beliefs, be-ings who had not achieved enlightenment will be caught in a vicious group of perpetual arrival and rebirth.) Out of no where , I got a transmission from outside my mind. It arrived like a'package'... like a burst of images/symbols and moods. Fairly split impressions. The offer did actually become acquired from my brain's correct structure. Until it psychic near me is lost by me, my mind tried to interpret this transmission. How can I know it wasn't my creativity? Very well, for starters I don't feel in movies. Secondly, the pictures that were sent were acting a'dual-split' . That is, the graphics are simultaneously overlaying my visual understanding of this environment around me. Very well, a'dual-split' in consciousness is not the regular way my mind works!

The vision that was animated has been set against a light backdrop. You will find rings or rings having a colour transferring in direction of a center stage. I believe I might had lose some very psychic important details, because the transmission has been really fast. Anyway, here's my own interpretation. Please know that it was my own mind that did this interpretation. As I will never be sure in Regards to the Validity of my interpretation:

"The transmission is attempting to fix mistakes or quite incompleteness in my own comprehension of the plot of matters. The cycle of reincarnation is never designed to last for ever. Finally all will reunite back to the Source or character."

Very well, that transmission was many years ago. My perception on such thing has been refined since then. However, the transmission had been acceptable (for some degree of comprehending ) at that moment; point.

Over the years, those vision broadcasts from Higher Self, along with the direction of Enlightened bodily Teachers, have helped me to know the universe and also the dynamics consciousness greatly.

Thank you.

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