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Progression Betting

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With horse betting, or any kind of betting, anything other than flat betting is in fact a kind of progression . . . but the subject in this article is (as it should be) a bit controversial: Raising bets after losses.

"Gamblers Ruin" is a term (not quite as scary as it sounds) used to denote a loss of betting bankroll. Though that is something that should be avoided at all cost - it really isn't actually the "ruin" of the horse bettor - but it will put him out of the game until a new betting bankroll has been scraped together.

The surest way to "Gamblers Ruin" is the infamous "Martingale" method of doubling up after each loss. A gambler sticking to one of the even money bets in - say Roulette - will only be operating at about a 1.5 percent disadvantage. If that player has a huge bankroll and starts with a minimum bet, he might be able to make a true "Martingale" betting method work for days, weeks, even months - who knows?

Sooner or later, 안전 놀이터  , a vicious and prolonged losing streak will come along which will take the gambler past his ability to make the next bet - either because his bankroll has been severely depleted, or because he doesn't have the nerve to make the next bet.

That same horse betting might be expected to hit win or place (pay to place) about 60% of the time. The place bet would pay maybe $3.80 on average. Here your ROI would be figured this way: 60 winning bets in 100 pay you $3.80 - so $228 returned on $200 bet = +14% ROI.

No great bragging rights there - but a bettor could apply a progression that would likely pump up that ROI enough that he could grind out a pretty good horse race betting income - if he cared to do so . . .

Here's how:
Let's assume that with a 60% winning race average, losing streaks of 2 and 3 would be fairly common - streaks of 4 and 5 would occur only occasionally - and losing streaks of 6 or more would be rare.

The race bettor would start his progression only after 3 consecutive losses had been incurred. Then, it would be very unlikely that he would encounter another 4 losses in succession (i.e. 7 straight losses).

Since most wins (recoveries in the betting progression) will happen soon after starting the progression series - we can escalate our bet series rapidly at first, and begin to taper back only after we know we're in one of those "blue moon" losing streaks of more than 8 races - if that occurs.


Saved by daniyal157

on Apr 12, 21