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DIY wooden pegboard room divider | DIY Zoom backdrop | If Only April

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[, Music, ] hi guys i'm april, and this is my if only april diy channel, i'm so excited to see you here today, i'm going to show you how to make a wooden pegboard room divider that you can also use as a backdrop as i'm doing. Right now it's so exciting. It'S so much fun to make videos for youtube, and i really really enjoy doing that. But, as you know, i have cats. So when i need to record an intro and have some nice clean background, it becomes quite challenging because, with kids, the concept of clean house takes completely different, meaning. So that's why i came up with this idea of this diy wooden pegboard room divider that i'm using as a backdrop. You see i'm killing a few birds with the same stone here, because this structure on the back can be also a room divider or it could be a backdrop for your zoom meetings because, as we know this year, a lot of people work from home. This blackboard backdrop also could be used on the wedding as a backdrop, because imagine how gorgeous look - and i saw so many pinterest images with all these art, beautiful arches - that you can customize to your wedding colors and yes, probably mine - is the pegboards, because pegboards here More from functionality, because i'm adding shelves to display some nice things for it to be as functional as possible. Isn'T it exciting? I feel it's simply genius because it can be decorated with by different seasons. I could even repaint it if i want to so what you see right now. It'S not a final version because i still haven't finished, painting it, but watch till the end, because i'm going to reveal the final version in the end. Did it convince you that it has so many purposes and the best part about it? It doesn't require too many tools and you can totally make it yourself and you can also customize to your liking best of the best. So, let's see how to make it hey guys so yeah, so i'm very excited, i'm not sure how it's gon na turn out and what's gon na happen, but let's get to it. So you see over here. I'Ve got like a four by eight plywood sheet that i uh asked in home depot to cut in three parts and three even parts, and what i'm gon na do now. I'M gon na make the arches and using my jigsaw cut it out. The best part about this project is that it requires very limited tools and you can ask people at home improvement store to cut the plywood sheets, most likely 4x8 wouldn't fit into your car anyway. Right so you need to draw your arches on plywood use a piece of rope and make a half circle. I already had an experience with it. When felix furniture website painted a mural in my previous office, i mean i'm gon na leave you the card to make an arch a bit less rounded make a wider circle, even if it means not getting to 90 degree on the other side. Does it make sense? I pretty much eyeballed it, so i cannot really tell you the exact angle that i had using a jigsaw carefully cut the arches. It might splinter it to avoid it use a sacrificial board on the bottom. I didn't care about the back of my backdrop, so i just flipped it to the good side, so yeah talking about perfectionism here right. So it was a complete failure, because when you put them together, they kind of look too narrow, and i don't think that behind me, they're gon na look nice. So i'm gon na go ahead and buy another plywood sheet and then i'm gon na cut it in half instead, instead of three parts and put those two big arches in the middle and the smaller ones on the sides, something like that, it's so customizable! You should see what would look good in your space determine the height of your panels. Mine are six feet tall and i didn't feel the need to make it taller because i'm going to use it as a backdrop, and also i didn't want to get into trouble of fitting it through the door. If you want to see the exact cuts of this plywood sheet and to make your life easier at the home improvement store, so you know exactly what to ask them to cut. You can go to my blog and i have it available for download there when arches are ready, lay them next to each other, to get the overall feel and then decide where you want the holes to go so how to make pegboard holes the easy way. If you have a regular pegboard, it will make your life so much easier. You wouldn't have to measure every side to get to the perfect positioning of the holes, just simply put a backboard on top of the arch and trace where you want the holes to be. I'M sure there's other ways to do it, but this worked for me. So that's what i did. I skipped three holes both horizontally and vertically. For my spacing. You also need to account that pegboard holes are smaller in diameter than your dowels. Originally, i planned to make it with all the holes, but when i started drilling holes i realized i don't like the look very much so i left four rows in the bottom and decided to skip some rows and continue to the top. I also decided to leave the middle ones blank for now, and i felt that if i want to add some holes later, i can always go back to it. Well, full disclaimer! I didn't go back to it. I think i have enough holes as it is. Go ahead and draw the placement of holes in your arches when you're done take something sharp and poke a center. So when you start drilling the drill bit doesn't wander off place a professional board underneath before you start drilling it will save your table and prevent splintering on the other side, try to go straight as possible. On the 90 degree angle, i use the spade bead for this, because i kind of feel that it leaves the cleaner holes from my experience. The drill press would be so perfect for this job. If you have one, i actually just recently got mine for christmas and i can't wait to try [ Music, ], [, Music, ] and now we're going to do very, very fun part with dreamweaver dremel terminal. Oh, my god, i always say drama anyways dremel, because they're going to go and fend all these holes inside so they're perfectly perfectly smooth faster when hold already give it a nice stand and i used dremel to sand inside the holes. Even though mine were in decent [, Music ] shape [ Music ] bye to attach these panels, i'm going to be using a leather belt that i found in the thrift store like a long time ago and because yeah, i just, i think it's going to look Cute and it's going to add like some interesting detail to the design, but i'm not sure if it's gon na work so we'll take it as we go, make sure that this towards the flush over here you see, i cut this leather belt two pieces and used Screws to attach it to the backdrop in the end, the backdrop was flimsy and it didn't really want to stand on its own. I mean it looked nice, but it was not very functional. I also decided to leave middle arches not connected, so they could be sliding next to each other. All that being said, if i attached all four panels together, i wouldn't face the problem of them being unstable with the leather belt connections, but unfortunately it didn't work. So i had to go ahead and just add a regular hinges on the back of this room: divider [, Music ]. So unfortunately, this little cute detail with the belt didn't really work because check this out. It'S like so flimsy and it's not very stable, and i think i have to use the real hinges. Well, it is what it is right. I'M gon na put the hinges over here, probably three or two of them yeah. Hopefully it's gon na work and it's gon na be stable, then [ Music ] to make shelf for this pegboard room divider we're just gon na take one by four and dowels. This is three quarters of an inch dowel, we're gon na cut it in a way that the dowel is about one inch longer than the shelf and then we're gon na nail it and then we're gon na attach the dowel to the shelf, and this way we're Gon na have a shelf that just perfect fits into our pegboard [ Music ], and that was my favorite part, and you know what it is to paint it. Okay, so here's the thing i was debating a lot about. If i should lift this bear - or i should paint it in some awesome colors and by a lot i actually mean like a lot yeah. It took me a couple of months to actually decide, but i finally decided that i'm gon na paint it over and you're here to see it. What do you think? Is it the right decision? Oh, we should just leave it this way i mean anyways. It'S already too late because i'm painting it now right now i chose five colors and it's all samples from home depot from bear in mata finish, i started drawing the arches and i really wanted them to be exactly the same as i cut them out, but unfortunately It didn't work because, as you remember, i eyeballed it the first time and i couldn't make it exactly the same, but hey. I think it still looks good. Then i went ahead and i painted all of it. So i tried to keep the colors kind of balanced throughout the whole structure and i think i achieved a great result. What do you think and if you ever mess up with the color just remember it's only paint and it's always can be repainted [, Music, ]. What do you think about this idea? Guys? Please leave me comments below. Thank you so much for watching and if you're new here please subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell button to be notified when i'm posting new videos and also share like comment. Please help me out because i really want this channel to grow and i want to inspire more people to do diys and have fun with some projects. I'Ll see you next week, bye, [, Music, ], [, Music ], you

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on May 29, 21