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For everyone out there, rich or poor, struggling to make coins man mobile, you come to the right video. This video will help you guys make so many coins. I have plenty of tips and tricks to show you guys how to make coins, specifically with this team of the year live event. But i also have a very, very good elite player sniping filter which can help you guys make hundreds and thousands of coins to use it properly, and i am so confident these methods are going to help you guys make coins. As you remember, in the last video I said that I said that I would be giving you guys a free pro pack if these quite making methods fail to help you make any coins and that policy is going to be starting soon. But it's not going to be starting like from this video started in a single week from now I'll start doing that, but don't worry guys if, after this video you guys are still struggling to make coins or these or these coin making methods aren't helping. You guys, you can still hit me up on Instagram. Sometimes you guys have been dming me on instagram asking for advice and stuff, and so i'm really doing my best to you know, try and help as many of you as i can. So if you guys have any questions after this video or if you think it's not working, you know don't leave a dislike on the video. Just just PM me on instagram and i will help you guys out and yeah. That'S pretty much it, however, guys before we begin this video do not forget to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. You guys have been absolutely destroying that like button. Thank you guys all so much for us before. I am so so grateful. Let'S see for today's video, we can get 150 likes guys, also a few new to the channel be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications. As many of you know, there's like a sub glitch going around where people aren't getting notified when their youtubers are posting videos. Even if they're subscribe to make sure you turn on notifications, so you'll never miss another video, also once you're done, leaving a like, and your subscribe comment down below in the comment section telling me that you liked and that you're notified and i'll make sure to reply To each and every single one of you - because i love you all, but with that all of the way, let's get right into this video okay. So i know that was like a super long intro, try and cut down on those in my next few videos. For the first thing you guys want to do in order to make coins, especially through team of the year. I said this in my last video and i'm going to say it again. This video grind, the hell out of this team of the year live event: okay, team of the year old players. Their prices are only going down from this point and you have to grind this team of the year. Isn'T as hard as you can like. You just got keep doing this event, because if you win this event, like let's say I don't know how much stamina you guys have. Let'S say you have 25 stamina and you play this event five times, then you wait with another hour and do it again and you play this event again and that's six times you beat it. You are going to get six collectibles and of these six collectibles guys. You can put them each into this player set into this team of the year players set and guys I'm not going to like you know, talk about this too much, but all I can say is: i have made hundreds and thousands of coins playing a live event Because i put them into this debt and that's automatically for this one player - that's eight thousand coins right there. Two days ago it was 10,000 coins and I just kept doing the live event over and over and over and over to the point where I've seen it. I think, I'm being like the kings of your live event like 30 times now and and that means Isaac, I've gone 30 collectibles and of all the collectibles. I put them all in the set in this set and I've gone all gold players back and I posted them all up from anywhere from when it was as highest is that it was at like eleven thousand now it's gotten cheaper at around eight thousand, but you Know I'm still making eight thousand points off of it, which is absolutely insane so yeah. That'S the first thing you guys want to do: I'm not going to spend any more time talking about it. Now, let's get into like the auction house part of making coins here, as you can see first before I get into it, I'm going to sell the 82 overall that I got where is he serious, so i'll post them up? I think for going for around 8,000 right now, which will discuss like crazy you into the video. So that's seven thousand coins right there just from doing a live event, three times to grind out that live event. Now, let's get into you know the real coin. Making message for you know, sniping team of your players, so first we're going to isolate just Team of the Year players, as maybe you guys know, early on Team of the Year players were going for like 11 thousand points. Well now, that's not the case. Now. Their prices have dropped significantly. I think they've gone down all the way to 8,000 yeah, so they're, not even selling for 8400. They are selling for I just like 8,000, let's check like 8024 yeah, so at 8024, all of them are selling. That was up for 7999 and he's going self yeah. The way you can tell guys how much they're going for she's going to be important. The way you can tell how much they're going for when you know thyself is what price are they at? Where the players aren't even like half an hour in so these players they've only been up for like five minutes or so, which means they're for sure going to sell, as opposed to at 8,000 499. Those players were going. Those players have been out for like 24 hours and no one bought them and no one is going to buy them. You know that these you know all these Team of the Year players you post them for 8,000 shower and I or 7999 point they are going to sell guys right now. Keep that in mind. They are selling for 8000 points. This is also important. You know to know because, when they're, not at 8000 points when they're at, like you know, 6,000 7,000 coins, you have to be aware that they've gone down, and this is how you're aware is like you know, when the players have only been up for very short Amount for a very short amount of time, a specific price. You know that that's where you know players are selling so right now, they're at 8000 points and what you guys want to do for the filter is what I like to do. navigate to this web-site like to set the price range at you know, anywhere from three to four thousand below, where the hell, I guess so they're selling for 8000. Let'S put this at 4999, and this is where I like this with a sniping range. Now, I'm not going to fly guys. This can be. You know a very, very tough finger snipe. However, there are some ways you can make it a little bit easier for you guys and the best way I find to make it easier. You know like to make the fingers knife easier for Team of the Year is by saying the Buy Now price, rather a hundred set it like 2,000 or very, very a 2001, because, let's face it guys, there's so many players, or so many people out there Boateng These players for below two thousand coins that it's very hard to snipe they're like fingers tonight, one of these players for under 2,000. So why i've done is i filtered out? All those play are going for under two thousand coins, and now it's just the players flowing from 225 k and what I'm now able to do is. I can now it's easier for me to snipe all those players are going from 2,000 to 5000 coins and I don't have to waste time. You know you know clicking 1 and then it's actually accidentally. It'S like going for like a hundred points and there's no way. I'M going to get it. What this does is it makes the odds of you sniping. You know a bunch of these players a lot easier and a lot simpler, so yeah. This is basically the team of the year, climbing guys I'm not going to lie at best. You'Ll probably get around three players in one round. Still, you know it's nice to read players. That'S around 10,000 points in one round, however, guys this is a very, very tough finger snipe. So, if I were you guys, you know, I used this method. It'S not the hardest, like it's not the hardest thing your tonight, but it is, you know, kind of heart like I've, never gone more than three and around, but at the same time like I don't think I've gone less than one around that many times using this Method, so it's dis, consistent profit. Every single time like you, can make 5k profit consistently every single time using this filter. I don't know how long I can wait until the next round drop to just going to have to trust me on this one, because I have to because right now I have to show you the next filter, which is completely different from Team of the Year. However, it is a great a week sniping filter and you know i'm sure you guys might get frustrated with this one, which is why i'm going to show you a very good way to make. You know a lot more money through elite players, so yeah. This is like the first method, just trust me, it works and, as you can see, you know my Malcolm Mitchell already sold so BAM. Seven thousand coins just for doing the live event, sometimes 100 or whatever and yeah. Let'S get on to the next method. Ok, so for everyone who stayed this long into the video congratulations, you have come to the real money, making sniping filter right here. This is a great lead, piping filter and I'm just gon na get straight into. It is players 87 above every position, except for center and defensive end. These are all the teams and not going to lift them off you can you know I don't take a screenshot or something, but these are all the teams that you have to pick out and the price should be 20 4999. Now, as I was doing this method, the new round just dropped and look at who I snipe right now, look at that kuwan short from 15,000 999 and David Johnson for twenty thousand coins. I just nice that right now and let's see how much those guys are going for. Okay, let's seek one short he's going for he's going for over thirty thousand coins he's probably going for around thirty two thousand yeah, so i can post him up for just under 30k and he'll sell so that was about. I don't know. I think that I gone for 15k right, so that was around 10k profit right there and the next one was David Johnson. Let'S see how much he's going forward David Johnson side and going for 20k guys, okay, so David Johnson he's going for 37 k. So I posting for 35 k. That'S another 10! That'S like 11 k, profit right there, so I was twenty-two thousand coins profit in one round. I know you guys are always like complaining in the comments section. If these methods aren't making you any coins, how guys? How aren't they making you point? It just made me twenty one thousand coins in one round like look at this, like I don't know how much more proof you guys want. I it says you won on both the copaiba Johnson and the kuwan short which ice nice and i just made 21,000 coin. So if I'm making this make coins as easily, I don't know why you guys shouldn't be making coins. Okay. However, without the way, with my rant aus away, let me just say that for this method, you probably actually you know what you should take the falcons out - take the falcons out, because you know they are going to teeth and yeah. I think you should take out mark barron and linebacker position, so that's the Rams so yeah I take out the ram so okay, so now. This is the new filter just take out those players and you should be fine. This can easily make you guys tons of coins, this elite sniping filter. Actually, one thing I do have to say, though, is avoid sniping, which players avoid sniping. You should avoid sniping visa Eric Morgan's, yeah, so voice nice being a Derek Morgan or Francoeur, or if you want you can just take them out. I think you can just take out the linebackers, which means you could probably put the Rams back. So i know i'm like switching a bunch of stuff up, but trust me guys out to the next round drop. Let'S see, yep, let me get this ryan mathews using money right there and this jamar taylor. Okay, i didn't get him, but she i guesses. I don't even know how to pronounce his name. Who else should I get you? Oh wait. We keep Daniel okay, I didn't get him but uh. As you can see. I just got that Ryan Mathews for sixteen thousand five hundred points and he's probably going for around 30 k, so that was about another 10k profit. There you go wait! No, I think I'm spelling his name wrong yeah. So that was easily like probably 13 k, profit and right there he's going for 30,000 points. I spectrum for 16,000, guys so yeah guys, that's basically the coin, making method. I know I like you know I changed a bunch of stuff up here and there. Those are the basics of like the actual filter. I'M sure you guys can figure it out on your own, don't sniped players for 25k they're going for 27 k! That'S why i try to voiding and that's why i tried you know mixing around the filter. So if you guys are like complaining like you, aren't making profit, because all these players are going for 27 k, that's because you haven't filters them out properly. Just i'm sure you guys can filter out properly these players yourself. You know with experimentation and you guys can easily easily make 10,000 coins around using this method. 30 guys. I hope you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to slap a like on it, as always, you're all a bunch of champions, then we'll see you in next video [, Music, ]


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