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The 12 Worst Types Dutch passport Accounts You Follow on Twitter

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Have you ever considered living in a Caribbean tax haven, becoming a citizen, maybe even ditching your main passport? If you could implement such a plan without having to pay taxes and could do it quietly with appreciated crypto, wouldn’t that be alluring? Plan B Passport seems to think so. The company offers clients who hold crypto a way to use their crypto to buy a second passport. Customers can take their pick of seven tax-haven nations including Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Nevis & St. Kitts, Portugal, Saint Lucia, and Vanuatu. Not coincidentally, the jurisdictions happen to exempt crypto holdings from capital gains taxes. You can read more about Plan B Passport and Americans who are looking for a tax break on bitcoin. You are buying into a citizenship by investment program, which is not illegal. You can keep your U.S. Passport, or you could give it up if you wish. A key feature of the deal is the notion that you are making a donation of $100,000 or $150,000 to the sustainable growth fund of the country, plus some fees.

Roger Ver, founder of Passports for Bitcoin.Com., holds his passport as he poses for a photograph in ... [+] the Shibuya district of Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday, June 4, 2014. He's known as Bitcoin Jesus in the world of cyber-currencies. Though he can't promise you heaven, he is offering a haven: a condo in the Caribbean that comes with a new passport and almost zero taxes. Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Roger Ver

© 2014 Bloomberg Finance LP

If you are paying for this with crypto, remember that most transfers of crypto are taxable, unless the transfer qualifies as a gift or a charitable contribution. Here, it isn’t clear if this is a real donation or is rather the purchase of citizenship. If the latter, one might expect the IRS to say that using appreciated crypto for the purchase triggers U.S. Taxes. Remember, the IRS is still on the hunt for taxpayers not paying taxes on crypto in a big way. Having a second passport would be nice, but what about people who decide to give up American citizenship along with U.S. Taxes? Ironically, that can bring more taxes: the U.S. Exit tax. To exit, you must prove 5 years of IRS tax compliance, and getting into IRS compliance can be expensive and worrisome. If you have a net worth greater than $2 million, or have average annual net income tax for the 5 previous years of $171,000 or more, you can pay an exit tax. It is a capital gain tax, calculated as if you sold your property when you left. A long-term resident giving up a Green Card can be required to pay the exit tax too.

Sometimes, planning, gifts, separate tax returns for married persons, and valuations can reduce or eliminate the tax. However, plan carefully, and run the numbers, as the tax worry can be real, even for those who can sidestep the tax. A more modest cost is administrative, as America charges $2,350 to hand in your passport, a fee more than twenty times the average of other high-income countries. The U.S. hiked the fee to renounce by 422%, as previously there was a $450 fee to renounce, and no fee to relinquish. Now, there is a $2,350 fee either way. The State Department said raising the fee was about demand and paperwork.

Common reasons for renouncing can be family, tax and legal complications for people who generally live outside the United States. There is an official list published quarterly, and the names for the fourth quarter 2020 made the annual total 6,707, a 237% increase from 2019. In fact, 2020 set a Real Passport Online record for the number of Americans who renounced their U.S. Citizenship or gave up their long-term green cards.That may not sound like many, but the actual number of expatriates is often assumed to be higher, with many apparently not counted. Both the IRS and FBI track Americans who renounce. Some renouncers write why they gave up their U.S. Citizenship, but tax considerations are often part of the equation. Expats have long clamored for tax relief. Adding fuel to the fire is FATCA, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. FATCA was passed in 2010 requiring annual Forms 8938 if your foreign assets meet a threshold.

FATCA spans the globe with an unparalleled network of reporting, requiring foreign banks and governments to hand over bank data about depositors. Non-U.S. Banks and financial institutions around the world must reveal American account details or risk big penalties. Some renounce because of global tax reporting and FATCA. make fake passport online Dual citizenship is not always possible, as this infographic shows. America’s global income tax compliance and disclosure laws can be a burden, especially for U.S. Persons living abroad. Americans living and working abroad must generally report and pay tax where they live.

However, they must also continue to file taxes in the U.S., where reporting is based on their worldwide income. A foreign tax credit often does not eliminate double taxes. Then there are annual foreign bank account reports called FBARs. They carry big civil and even potential criminal penalties. The civil penalties can consume the entire balance of an account. Ironically, even leaving America can be costly.

Best Places To Get A Second Passport Without Buying Or Inheriting It--InternationalLiving.Com

BALTIMORE, Sept. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- "Second passports and residence in other countries have long appealed to Americans interested in greater flexibility in their travels and investments," says Jeff D. Opdyke, editor of The Savvy Retiree, a publication of International Living. "These days, that interest is rising—sharply—with more people seeking an 'escape plan' should the U.S. No longer suit them in the years to come, whether that be for political, economic, or social reasons."

It's possible to effectively buy a passport by investing in certain countries—but to do so typically requires a minimum of $100,000. It's possible to gain citizenship (and a passport) through family heritage, too. But the genealogy route is hit or miss, depending on the country.

"There is, however, a less-costly, more-organic, nearly assured path: Move®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Buy Real Passport Online somewhere and gain citizenship—and a passport—via the naturalization process," Opdyke says, "and that's not as difficult as it might sound.

"While lots of countries require that you live within their borders for a decade or longer before you can apply for citizenship, several impose a much-shorter timeline of between two and five years. And as a U.S. Expat who's lived in Prague now for nearly two years, I can tell you those years fly by quickly."

It's legal for U.S. Citizens to hold dual citizenship (and two—or more—passports), which means one needn't give up their U.S. Citizenship to avail themselves of the benefits a second citizenship can provide.

"Right now, for instance, a U.S. Passport isn't opening many doors if you're traveling from the States, but if you had a second passport, you could go on that," Opdyke says. "It can simply open doors—and provide options not only for greater movement, but for investments, and overseas living as well."

For folks considering securing citizenship and a second passport, the International Living report explores several countries where the process of citizenship-by-naturalization is relatively quick:

Argentina: 2 years

Two short years in one of the world's truly beautiful countries and you can apply for citizenship and, thus, an Argentine passport—the 19th most-powerful passport on the planet in that it gives you access to 170 countries without needing a visa.

There are definitive requirements for Argentina:

Proof that you've lived continuously in Argentina for two years.

Be over 18 years old.

Proof of adequate income or employment.


A DNI card—an Argentine residence permit.

Proof of no serious criminal record.

Argentina seemingly has a financial crisis du jour. Still, if one's life is denominated in dollars, their lifestyle in the land of tango will be pretty sweet. Argentina allows you to hold dual nationality as an American.

Peru: 2 years*

The asterisk here ties to Peru's requirement that a non-Peruvian can apply for citizenship two years after acquiring residence in the country. That's not hard; with the correct documents folks can apply for Peruvian residence while visiting on a tourist visa. But it could take several months to complete the residence process.

Once you've been a resident for two years, citizenship can be applied for. The necessary documents are similar to those in Argentina, but there are also requirements:

Write an application to the president of Peru.

Prove you're healthy.

Can communicate in Spanish, and pass an exam about Peruvian history, culture, and geography.

Ecuador, Honduras, Poland, Paraguay: 3 years

Ecuador demands three continuous years, and if there is an interruption of more than 90 days, folks have to start over.

Honduras shortens the requirement to two years if you Buy Hungarian passport online are Ibero-American (from a Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country).

Poland is interesting because it's a European Union member, meaning this is the quickest path to an EU passport. One will also need proof of a stable source of income, such as Social Security or a pension. Perhaps the hardest requirement: proof—by way of official certificate—that you can speak Polish, not one of the world's easiest languages for native English speakers.

Paraguay is straightforward: Live there for three Real Passport Online years as an upstanding citizen.

Brazil: 4 years

Very much like Paraguay in how easy it is. Four years of continuous residence in the country, command of Portuguese, and no criminal record.

Australia, Barbados, Belize, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Ireland, Jamaica, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Singapore, Sweden, fake passport generator Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay: 5 years

This is not a complete list of the five-year countries. Quite a few others impose requirements that make them less appealing (Indonesia and Japan require that you relinquish your U.S. Nationality), or they're countries most won't rush to, such as Iran, Congo, or Afghanistan.

Most of these countries are straightforward: five years of continuous residence.

Finland requires folks speak Finnish or Swedish, the Netherlands requires applicants be conversant in Dutch, and Thailand demands folks speak Thai.

Panama wants to know you can speak Spanish and have a basic understanding of Panamanian history, geography, and politics.

The report can be found, here: A Second Passport Without Having to Buy or Inherit It

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Since 1979, InternationalLiving.Com has been the leading authority for anyone looking for global retirement or relocation opportunities. Through its monthly magazine and related e-letters, extensive website, podcasts, online bookstore, and events held around the world, InternationalLiving.Com provides information and services to help its readers live better, travel farther, have more fun, save more money, and find better business opportunities when they expand their world beyond their own shores. InternationalLiving.Com has contributors traveling the globe, investigating the best opportunities for travel, retirement, real estate, and investment.

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Kentucky Continues Transition To Regional Driver's Licensing Offices, Additional Offices To Be Added

FRANKFORT, Ky. (WDRB) -- Kentucky's transition to regional driver's licensing offices continues.

In Frankfort on Tuesday, the Interim Joint Committee on Transportation met to discuss the latest updates from Sarah Jackson, the Real ID project manager for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

"We've got to stop thinking the traditional way of getting in a car, driving to a local circuit clerk and getting your license issued," said Jackson.

According to Jackson, there are 18 regional offices established across the state where people can go do things such as renew their license, get a new license or get a Real ID.

By May 2023, a Real ID, military ID, or passport will be required to fly domestically or enter federal facilities.

Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005 to establish minimum security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and ID cards following a recommendation from the 9/11 Commission.

"We do want to get this right," Jackson said.

After the 2023 deadline, traditional IDs will still allow people to drive, buy liquor or other age-regulated products, and gamble at casinos.

During the meeting Tuesday, Jackson said 10 or 11 more regional offices will be added across the state because the current 18 locations are not enough.

"There are holes to be filled. We are working to fill those holes and we are by no means finished," she said. "I want to assure you even when we think we are done, we (will) constantly monitor and evaluate if more are needed, budget permitting."

Jackson also said at times, portable units will be available in counties that do not have a regional site.

"We're testing the ones we've received and then we will start deploying them," she said.

She said the portable units will have the same capabilities as a full regional office.

There is also the option to renew a license online. However, if someone is looking to get a Real ID for the first time, an in-person visit is still required.

According to Kentucky State Police (KSP), driver's license testing and permit testing will transition from county locations to the regional offices.

"In an effort just to support the transportation cabinet and to streamline that entire process, we too will regionalize our testing services," Captain Marshall Johnson said.

Jackson said there are many factors that go into selecting a location for a regional office including population, geography, access from nearby counties, and other factors.


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