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PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma ) Therapy is an innovative method in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

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PRP therapy is a safe and effective technique.

  • More effective than traditional treatments
  • PRP injections stimulate the processes of joint and tissue regeneration, prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue. 
  • PRP technologies are effective not only in treatment, but also in rehabilitation after arthroplasty. 



Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis - occupy one of the leading places among the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The causes of these ailments are varied: injuries, infections, increased physical activity, metabolic disorders. The fact that pathological changes begin to occur in the articular tissues is signaled by symptoms such as pain of varying intensity, limitation of movement, stiffness and swelling.

Until recently, it was believed that the treatment of joint diseases can be mainly only symptomatic, since the natural restoration of cartilage tissue is almost impossible. Traditional methods of treatment temporarily eliminated the symptoms of the disease, without fighting the cause of its occurrence, and this was a problem for medicine.

The PRP-therapy method of joint treatment gave people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system hope for full or partial recovery without heavy medication and operations!

What is PRP therapy?

The essence of the method is the treatment with platelet-rich blood plasma. The main function of platelets containing growth factors is to participate in metabolic processes and the restoration of tissue cells, on which the action of the method is based.

The principle of action is based on the delivery of natural growth factors involved in the recovery processes of the body to the pathological zone. An increase in the concentration of platelets in the affected area greatly accelerates the natural regeneration of cells. The faster this process, the more pronounced the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects become.


PRP therapy: how does it work?

The PRP-therapy procedure itself consists of the following stages:

  1. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient (on average, from 13 ml per procedure)
  2. Plasma with a high concentration of platelets is released from the patient's blood with prp tubes in a prp centrifuge.
  3. Platelet-rich plasma is injected into problem areas: periarticular tissues and directly into the joint cavity.

Each procedure takes about half an hour on average. To obtain a pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, which includes 3-5 injections. The interval between each procedure should be 7 to 10 days. A noticeable effect is often observed after the first injection.

Full recovery with the use of PRP-therapy occurs in the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis at stages 1-2. The method contributes to significant relief of the condition and long-term remission. When using PRP-therapy for the treatment of sports injuries, the positive effect occurs 2-3 times faster. This explains the fact that in modern sports medicine this method of treatment has been actively used for a long time.

Is this method safe?

This method of treatment is absolutely safe for the body. The procedure uses autologous platelet-rich plasma isolated from the patient's whole blood. No chemicals or stem cells are added there.


Benefits of using PRP

  • Accelerated tissue regeneration
  • Reduced pain syndrome
  • High efficiency of treatment
  • Antibacterial effect
  • Reducing inflammation, does not cause allergies.
  • No daily long-term use required
  • Has a prolonged action
  • Biocompatibility
  • Short rehabilitation period

PRP therapy is the only treatment method approved by the Ministry of Health that uses blood elements. Clinical trials of this method of treatment have been carried out for over 8 years.


Indications for PRP therapy

For joint diseases:

  • arthritis
  • periarthritis
  • arthrosis
  • gonarthrosis
  • coxarthrosis (therapy is most effective in the initial stages)
  • epicondylitis (tennis elbow, golfer's elbow)
  • tendinitis
  • shoulder-scapular periarthritis (impingement syndrome)
  • achillobursitis (achillodynia)
  • piriformis syndrome
  • plantar fasciitis (heel spur)
  • sports injuries (muscles, ligaments, tendons)
  • consequences of injuries (spine, joints)
  • ligamentitis (inflammation of the Achilles tendon, inflammation of the patella's own ligament)


For diseases of the spine:

  • osteochondrosis
  • protrusion, herniated disc
  • intercostal neuralgia, radicular syndromes
  • myofascial syndrome
  • piriformis syndrome
  • spondyloarthrosis
  • ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis)
  • coccygodynia (pain in the coccyx), etc.


The effect of the PRP- therapy procedure

  • a significant reduction in pain syndrome or its complete elimination,
  • an increase in the range of motion in the problem area;
  • restoration or increase in the volume of synovial (articular) fluid, improvement of its properties;
  • improving the nutrition of the articular cartilage and accelerating its recovery;
  • reducing stiffness in the joints and spine, increasing mobility in the problem area;
  • a significant reduction in the period of rehabilitation after injuries, operations and endoprosthetics;
  • improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes in the area of ​​the affected joint
  • the pressure on the damaged articular areas of the bones decreases and the distance between them increases;
  • suspension of the progression of the disease;
  • lengthening the remission phase.


PRP - hope for recovery

People who experience constant excruciating pain in their joints and back value freedom of movement more than others. With the advent of this method, treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, like PRP therapy, there is a chance to feel the joy of life and freedom of movement.


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on Jul 21, 21