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The Rise of African Nationalism - An Essay by Mark Dederich

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"Rise of African Nationalism: An American Phenomenon" by Leopold Bloom is an interesting book regarding the rise of African Nationalism in America. The author, Leopold Bloom is a professor at Yale University specializing in Constitutional Law. He writes this highly entertaining and thought-provoking book on the topic of African Nationalism. It is quite interesting considering the time period it was written. It covers many years before the start of the First World War and focuses mainly on the racist views of that era.

In the prologue, the author outlines how the First World War changed the course of history. With the war came the rise of three militant forms of African Nationalism - Pan Africanism, Colonialism, and racism. The author rightly points out how the First World War helped shape the evolution of these three ideologies. It gave rise to a new level of competition between nations, which left them feeling insecure.

In the next chapter, "The Origins of African Nationalism", the author gives a detailed account of how African Nationalism came about. It starts from the enslavement of blacks in the Americas and goes up to the First World War. The author rightly points out how African Nationalism evolved as a result of the conflict. It saw a mass movement against the injustice meted out to blacks after the war started.

The author then outlines how the Second World War changed the face of Africa and created the Third World. With the coming of the Cold War, African Nationalism faded away as other ideologies became more powerful. However, with the rise of AIDS and other diseases, the Third World once again came into being. "Rise of African Nationalism Essay" also points out how the US and the international community stood by one another during the AIDS epidemic.

The author then covers the history of African Nationalism. He rightly points out that there have been different African movements before the existence of the Third World. However, it was the US which actually fuelled the fire as it supported the idea of a democratic nation-state in Africa. When decolonization happened in the 1960s, there were still African nations struggling for freedom. However, it was the United States which backed such movements and helped create stronger states along the peripheries of the empire.

After decolonization, the United States supported a peaceful settlement for the independence of countries. This was later followed by the signing of the Treaty of Tectonic convergence in Angola. From this point of view, African Nationalism began to rise. It is from this time that many organizations calling for "self-determination of colonies" began springing up across the globe. These organizations included African National Congress, African People's Democratic Rally, and African Nationalist Movement.

The United States began backing such movements. These efforts then gave birth to what we now know as African Nationalism. By blog post , the idea of a one-world government was beginning to shape. Thus, African Nationalism became the ideology of choice for many people across the world. It is also believed that the Third World War was caused by the rise of African Nationalism.

Thus, the rise of African Nationalism had many causes. However, the author suggests that it can be pinned down to the decolonialization process which he argues is responsible for the ideologies of African Nationalism. The history of the Third World should not be ignored, argues the author, as it still has an effect on today's society. Furthermore, understanding the roots of African Nationalism will help prevent the same thing from happening in the future.


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on Sep 27, 21