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英国论文代写,英国essay代写 The Relation Between Diet and Mood Swings

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    饮食已成为新世纪日益重要的问题,成为整个生活的基本要素之一。饮食在许多方面在环境因素中起着重要作用例如,饮食会在一定程度上影响智力(戴维斯,2011年,第339页)。加拿大和美国的大多数苯丙酮尿症(PKU)治疗中心都认为北大是可以通过饮食控制的,因此PKU患者一生都应该继续限制饮食(戴维斯,2011年,第340页)。饮食的另一个影响是对孕妇。孕妇的饮食会影响婴儿的出生,母亲饮食不当可能会导致婴儿早产或低出生体重(戴维斯,2011,p.356)。饮食的影响贯穿一生。饮食还可以为孩子的潜在成长提供遗传特征的共同作用(戴维斯,2011 年,第 361 页)。跨文化研究防范,对于人们获取营养和预防疾病也很重要(Davis, 2011, p.392)。平均预期饮食习惯的人的饮食中食水果和蔬菜,而肉类和脂肪含量较低(Davis,201,第 393 页)。饮食趋势因人而异而吃。方式,而现代人损坏,减少建议的第一个。这一流行的抵抗,人们消耗的更多,但点燃这些破坏的活动却快乐(戴维斯,21 年,262) 。人类文化鼓励人们浏览来自社交媒体,药物和体育活动的信息,以获得健康,苗条的身材(戴维斯,2011年,第265页)。每个人都要求一个美丽的身材,尤其是女性认为自己越多,看起来就会越漂亮。当决定了食物中的条节数量时,人们往往会开始节食减肥,而结果却不是那么完美。

在相当长的一段时间里,我在青春期非常注意自己的身材。作为一个想吸引我暗恋的女孩注意的青春期,我相信长得好看会有助于我和她亲近在中国,有句话教想要保持好身材的人,“管住嘴,动腿”,强调运动和饮食并重。然而,现代人为了维持生活,工作节奏快,限制了参加体育锻炼的机会。此外,现有的车辆为在不同的位置之间移动提供了工具,使人们有一些时间的机会。因此,中的大部分时间都花在久坐不动的状态上(戴维斯,2011,第 593 页)。在办公室的人,只要久坐,运动时间少,一般都会有早期的问题。因此,当我参加任何体育活动时很痛苦,汗水时,我选择了节食减肥。早期减肥很可能。我开始节食,偷偷偷窃地。妈妈忙得很,全家的早午饭都单独在外面吃饭,这给了我拒绝吃饭的机会。我用极低的替代品代替了我的想法。我只在早餐和午餐时喝了没有的汤和水。至于晚餐,我常照吃,我所有的家人一起一起吃饭。想了个办法减少吸收量,就是把食物吐出来。为了躲避父母的观察,我坐在会假装按摩,让摇架的人脸呕吐的声音。节食持续了下去,我发现我的体重直线下降了,所以,很明显是色苍蝇的重量,而不是脂肪(戴维斯) ,2011,第263页),这会造成伤害。因此,采用不合理的饮食作为减肥的方法是不可取的。那段时间我身体虚弱,肠胃病了。更重要的是,我注意到了我的心理发生了变化。我知道我应该放弃这种方式,不仅是因为我的身体承受不起伤害的原因,也是一个事实。我往往是另一个脾气不好的人。节食持续了一个月,我发现我的体重很快下降了,脸色苍白。然而,却发现是水和糖尿病的重量,而不是方法脂肪(戴维斯,2001,第263页),这会造成身体伤害。因此,采用不合理的饮食减肥作为是不可取的。那段时间我身体虚弱,肠胃病了。更重要的是,我注意到我的心理发生了变化。我知道我应该放弃这种方式,不仅是因为我的身体承受不起伤害的原因,也是一个事实。我往往是另一个脾气不好的人。节食持续了一个月,我发现我的体重很快下降了,脸色苍白。然而,失去的是水和卡路里的重量,而不是脂肪(戴维斯,2011年,第263页),这会对身体造成伤害。因此,采用不合理的饮食作为减肥的方法是不可取的那段时间我身体虚弱,肠胃病了。更重要的是,我注意到我的心理发生了变化。我知道我应该放弃这种方式,不仅是因为我的身体承受不起伤害的原因,也是一个事实。我往往是另一个脾气不好的人。会对身体造成伤害因此,采用不合理的饮食减肥方法是不可取的。那段时间我身体虚弱,痛苦病了。更重要的是,我注意到我的心理发生了变化。我知道我应该摆脱这种方式,是因为我的身体不能减少伤害的原因,也是一个事实我可能是另一个性格不好的人因此,采用不合理的饮食作为减肥的方法是不可取的那段时间我身体虚弱,肠胃病了。更重要的是,我注意到我的心理发生了变化。我知道我应该放弃这种方式,是因为我的身体减少了注意力不集中的原因,也是一个事实我往往是另一个脾气不好的人。

    Emotion is a tool for people to express and communicate, and mood represents the emotion in minutes. Emotions help people to survive and live. They provide our life with color and variety. The concept of emotion refers to physiological indices, overt behaviors and elicitors of emotion (Davis, 2011, p.275). The autonomic nervous system indices perform differently when they relate to different emotions. Researchers find that anger is likely to be connected with cardiovascular changes. For instance, an increased heart rate appears in fear, anger, and sadness, while decreased heart rate appears with disgust. Lower blood pressure is associated with fear than anger. Emotions will influence the behaviors of people. When people are in an extremely dangerous situation, such as stage fright, they will present some physiological changes, including the pounded heart, dry mouth, and dilated pupils. These changes come out because of the activity of the sympathetic branch, making people be in the state for flight or fight (Davis, 2011, p.275). Positive emotions help to prevent disease rather than negative moods (Davis, 2011, p.392). Negative emotions disrupt behaviors, confuse thinking, render the person speechless. What’s more, emotions continue for several seconds in general and can be elicited by certain things. Emotional intelligence differs from the general intelligence in brain power, and instead, it impacts the relationship with others, relating to the ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions (Davis, 2011, p.297). According to psychologists, people will be influenced by the exception of the decisions they made. Language is also a way to express emotion. “blood boiling” and “hot under the collar” refer to anger (278). The negative stereotype to an object often causes bad emotions of the victims because the stereotype ignores the actual conditions and say in the past situation. Mood means the emotion in a short periods, it could appear and disappear temporarily. Moods of people are affected by biological, psychological, and social factors (Davis, 2011, p.514). Bipolar disorders is a kind of mood disorders. It includes two extreme emotions that may appear simultaneously, which are depression and mania (Davis, 2011, p.510). Depression make people have reduced desire, and mania make people be in a chaotic emotional state, and sometimes people are not aware what they have done. The unhealthy behaviors impact the moods negatively, and vice versa.

    My experience of dieting had caused a series of serious consequences. The directest and the most harmful influence is the damage of my intestines and stomach. The unregulated eating habit and my trick of spitting food out led me vomit involuntarily, and I was diagnosed as slight anorexia. The blood glucose is considered as the single of hunger. As the supply of the blood sugar reduces, hunger increases. Another signal of hunger is the stored fat in the body (Davis, 2011, p.260). Fat cells increases, hunger decreases. Though diet can cause the feeling of hunger sometimes due to the reduced intake of food, I denied the sense of hunger due to the great fear of gaining weight. I was the same as people who treated food as enemy and thought that any intake of food would threat the project of losing weight (Davis, 2011, p.268). That is, the self-starvation had no relation with the physical disease (Davis, 2011, p.268). My mood swings also appeared. My mother discovered my abnormal behaviors and asked me to recover my regulated diet. I quarreled with her. I am interested in exploring the relation between my waving moods and my experience of diet. I was shocked at that moment because I had never shown the anger to my parents. I also noticed that the mania had appeared already in the dieting. Each time I saw the number on the weighing scale became smaller, I would feel excited. But if the number was not the same as small as I had imaged or bigger a little, I would be depressed and refused to speak with my family. What’s more, no matter what my emotional state was, I would intense my diet plan, and then my mood swings would continue. I used to be confused about why the diet could cause so many mood swings. The course makes me realize that behaviors and emotions affect each other mutually (Davis, 2011, p.478). The diet damaged my brain and then my emotion was influenced by the autonomic nervous system, which in turn influenced my behavior (Davis, 2011, p.275). I then understood the fact that the unreasonable diet impacted my emotion, while the influenced mood impact my behaviors adversely.

    The relation between psychology and physiology is mutual, the two items interact with each other. When diet becomes a popular social phenomenon to encourage people to pay attention to keep healthy, some people misunderstand its essence and start an unreasonable diet to lose weight. My experience of diet starts with the aim of losing weight and getting a good looking. The manner of reducing the dietary intake and forcing myself to vomit has reduced my weight at the early time but left me with the harm of gastrointestinal disease. The awful diet also influenced my emotion negatively that I was in an unstable emotional state and was eager to be depressed. The relationship with others was impacted inevitably due to my waving moods.



Davis、Palladino、JoSeph J. pallaDino 和 Kimberly m。克里斯托弗森 (2013)。心理学

第 7 版。纽约:培生教育。



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