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Paul's thought-provoking material, tactical solutions for development and humor that measures up to that of a funnyman. Leave Feeling: Smarter A good keynote speaker is someone who captivates while informing. But a terrific one is someone who leaves everybody in the room sensation like the world outside that conference door is theirs to command.
A vibrant and informative speaker, Jeff Bush is known for his special capability to translate difficult and confusing tax and fiscal info coming out of Washington into winning development methods for company owner, executives, and high net worth financiers. Jeff is a colleague of Andy Friedman and an integral part of The Washington Update, the non-partisan specialists on all things Washington D.C.
While Gopi is affiliated with among the most recognizable entities on the planet, his capability to enlighten, educate and improve the lives of others through the spoken word is all Gopi. Integrating Go Here For the Details and Eastern approaches, Gopi's presentations are completely interesting, bringing an awareness to today's organization issues. With a hectic career in the high-tech market, it's revitalizing to discover a speaker full of wisdom, devoted to mindfulness in one's personal and expert life.
Andy helps customers break down the chaos and complexity of the world to comprehend its effect on their company. He does this by delivering keynotes and original research that move participants from the current turmoil to confidence in the future. Andy has over 35 years of experience in the monetary markets and communicating how they work to top companies in financial services, energy, agriculture, technology, and the US federal government.
Jim Carroll is one of the world's prominent international futurists, patterns and development specialists, offering tactical guidance and insight to some of the most prominent companies on the planet for over twenty years. He is recognized worldwide as a "thought leader" and authority on: international patterns; rapid business model change; company transformation in a duration of economic unpredictability; and the necessity for fast paced innovation.
He advises leaders on how to thrive in the current era of disruptive technological modification. Mike's successful books include FUTURETAINMENT and The Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas. Rather than concentrating on the remote future, Mike focuses on the next 5 yearsscanning the near horizon for disruptive technologies and customer innovations on the edge of striking vital massthen equating these into functional service techniques.