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Significance of Online IQ Tests

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Significance of Online IQ Tests

The first scientist to investigate the differences between mental ability was Sir Francis Galton who had compared people based on their awards and accomplishments. This theory had him convinced that intelligence was inherited and this led to further studies involving differences in time and range, which has been related to academic success.

Another psychologist, Alfred Binet, developed a series of tests that predicted the academic success of children in public schools. They were asked to perform simple commands like repeating spoken numbers, names, objects in pictures, how to differentiate between things and define words. Some of these are used in today's intelligence tests as well.

What factors determine a person’s IQ

The method of determining mental age doesn't give accurate results when testing adults, so another way to determine a person's true mental potential is to know the culture, and compare their scores with others who have taken the test.

The earlier work of Alexander Luria led to the PASS theory around 1996. This theory states that taking into account only one factor was not adequate for clinicians who work with disorders, learning disabilities. This model covers four kinds of processes which are – planning, attention, successive and simultaneous processing. These different types of processes cover different types of factors that are needed to test a person's IQ.

The planning and attention components come from parts located in the frontal lobe, and the others come from the posterior part of the cortex. This has influenced a lot of iq test online and is seen as a major component of the Cattel-horn-Carroll theory.

there are both genetic and non-genetic factors that affect a person’s IQ. the variability in cognitive abilities of a person is a work of both genetic and environmental factors. there can be about 6% error in the calculation of cognitive abilities. environmental factors include - drugs, alcohol, premature birth, education, mental illness and social structures among other things. breastfeeding, nutrition and womb conditions also play a major role in IQ.

 intelligence is a polygenic trait that is a product of the complex phenotype of parents. nature and nurture both work together to determine intelligence.

What is the focus of IQ tests?

The IQ tests online can be objective or subjective. Different types of questions also arise for example if intelligence is a characteristic of behaviour or a set of skills. People have a notion as to what intelligence can be like and they compare - clever or slow, bright or dull, smart or stupid.

The simple definition is that intelligence is the result obtained from tests. The IQ tests online are assumed to verify the existence of intelligence but they all measure different kinds of things. Modern tests focus mainly on abilities like – memory, mathematical skills, language abilities and spatial perception.


Many things can influence a person's IQ test like adaptive skills, task performance, emotional intelligence which are also important for a person's capabilities. The capacity to solve problems, remember information and see relationships are important components of intelligence and are often the skills on which IQ tests focus.


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on Feb 26, 22