Federico Fico Gutierrez has been the most reliable president-elect of the Colombian since the night of Sunday. Although his name is on an electoral card for the first times as Medellin's mayor and councilor – this is his first attempt during national elections. There he won over 2 million votes in the Team for Colombia alliance. These voters place him as the most popular candidate of conservative groups. Fico (47 years old) is now the main opposition of Gustavo Petro. His victory with the Historic Pact movement made him one of the most prominent politicians in Colombia.
The presidential campaign just begun. The question of whether Medellin's former mayor can become the real opposition to petrismo is dependent on the alliances that are formed and the talks that he holds. He won't just have to unify all right-wing voters under his banner, but will also have to conquer an element of the electorate in the center that appeared to be disintegrated and lacking remarkable leadership.
https://www.facebook.com/FicoGutierrez To accomplish this, he will have to remain adamant, just the way he has been with AlvaroUribe, in the same picture.
https://thebogotapost.com/fico-eyes-colombias-presidency-an-interview-with-pre-candidate-federico-gutierrez/49519/ Today, acceptance of uribsm has now been publicly expressed. It is now possible to subtract instead of add and this is the first time it has occurred in 20 years. "Federico Gutierrez faces a dilemma. He must form an alliance with the Democratic Center (CD), Uribe's political party. But he also has to convince the center that it is the one to decide on where the alliance goes," Yann Basset from the University of Rosario, analyst and professor.
Fico that is a coalition partner with the CD in which uribism is a major issue, has achieved its first victory in the process of forming an alliance. Oscar Ivan Zuluaga who was at one time a presidential candidate took a step back to acknowledge his few opportunities of competing against him. It will be interesting to check to see if the Uribismo group who was without a representative until Monday, is willing to offer its support.
https://forbes.co/2021/11/25/precandidatos-presidenciales/es-increible-ver-el-obstaculo-que-le-han-puesto-a-hidroituango-de-manera-irresponsable/ Uribe is likely to openly support his candidate and persuade his voters by presenting the traditional issues that make up the Colombian left. This should not be a problem for Uribe.
https://thebogotapost.com/fico-eyes-colombias-presidency-an-interview-with-pre-candidate-federico-gutierrez/49519/ The speech he delivered about "security", “order", "opportunities", and "love the fatherland” already showed that he has added voters. He confirmed this on Sunday during the consultation on electoral reform, as he did previously when he was at Antioquia's municipal offices, in which the mayor was also known as the sheriff of Medellin. While on a recent trip to Arauca that has been violently impacted and terrorism, Fico stated that the bandits are in prison or in graves. Fico is well conscious of the Colombian right's preferences however that won't suffice for him.
Basset declares, "We aren't in 2018 where the fear of the Left was working well."
https://elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-14/fico-gutierrez-y-el-riesgo-de-reconocerse-como-el-candidato-de-uribe.html According to Basset, the fact that the image of Alvaro Uribe is not that of the absolute leader that the country had seen since 2002 in the year he was elected president for the first time. Moreover, the fact that his own party that is the CD has been through a rough patch which could result in Fico be unable to receive, at least openly, Uribe's blessing. The support of Uribismo are still crucial to Gutierrez. Uribism is also the reason for the victory. Basset warnsthat "Now his capacity as a negotiator in winning the coalition] will be judged in the ability to convince the right and not to spend all on the alliance." Andres Mesjia Vergnaud analyst commenting on Fico's ties with former president Uribe: "The great difficulty of Federico Gutierrez’s desire for the votes of Uribismo without the image of Uribe since it doesn't fit him to be his presidential candidate."
Gustavo Petro is the only leader from the left, but Gustavo Petro is the only one from the right. Fico, if he can negotiate, will convince him to give his backing and take a step back. Rodolfo Sanchez, who ran independently, is still in the running.
https://zonacero.com/politica/fico-gutierrez-llama-la-union-fajardo-para-derrotar-petro-188733 Gutierrez will have an impressive list of achievements including the former mayor of Bucaramanga who is a builder and millionaire.
https://www.elespectador.com/politica/elecciones-colombia-2022/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-adhiere-a-fico-gutierrez-para-unir-a-la-derecha-contra-petro/ Gutierrez has plenty to discuss before even thinking about names for his presidential formula. But Gutierrez does have the backing of other candidates for the Team for Colombia leadership. It is not little. Two former mayors, Enrique Penalosa(Bogota), and Alex Char (Barranquilla), are on his side. David Barguil, the chief of the party and the founder of the Conservative party, is in the same room with Aydee Zarazo, Aydee Lizarazo, a member of the Christian Party who usually votes in accordance to his church's guidelines.
Alongside the strengthened Conservative Party - it achieved the biggest vote of right-wing parties for Congress with more than two million votes, it is also backed by the U Party, which also received a rousing vote in the legislative , with more than a million votes. Oscar Ivan Zuluaga supported Fico and didn't take until after the results of Sunday's election to accept his loss in front of a possible clash with the votes of the right. But this also gives Fico an extra push in a segment of conservatism, while keeping him further from the center. Alvaro Uribe (ex-President) summoned his party to a gathering on Monday to find out if Fico is willing to risk his chance of getting into the center in exchange for being publicly felicitated by Uribe.