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from the pocket sprung options

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from the pocket sprung optionsThroughout the show\'s run, Ike\'s dialogue has consisted of sound bites provided by various small children of the show\'s production staff. Despite Ike being a genius, his dialogue mostly consists of toddler like, nonsensical babble, such as I pooped my pants or ring around a rosy. He also often repeats words said by Kyle, even obscene words, as shown when they watch the Terrence and Phillip Movie in the film.The Estefans\' can doattitude is on witty display in an early musical sequence meant todemonstrate the universal appeal of their rhythms: TheSound Machine\'s infectious energy turns everygig, whether a wedding, convention or bar mitzvah, into an exhilarating party with a Latin beat. And though there are briefglimpses oftensions such as when Gloria pushes back at the punishing pace Emilio sets for her during concert tours, or when she bristles during her long recovery from spinal injuries suffered in a horrific bus crash On Your Feet! is far more oftena portrait of devotion. That Gloria and Emilio manage toendure, in an industry not known for emotional stability, may be the musical\'s most radical twist on the formula..
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