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Why People Love to Hate 메리트카지노

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100% Mortgages vs. 10% down: Loan Comparison

Are 100% mortgages or 80/20s a good idea? Are they even available anymore? Yes and Yes.

Can I do an 80/20 to avoid PMI. Yes again.

Any licensed mortgage person can do a home loan, but it's how the mortgage is constructed or designed that's important. After you close, you're the one making the home loan payment so it's important to look at several things: rate, payment, closing costs-but I'll go one step further. Ask yourself "how will this home loan help me accomplish my broader financial goals?"

In this post, let's explore the question "how much 메리트카지노 is the right amount to put down on a home loan."

100% mortgages or 80/20 home loans are only a good idea if you use the money you'd normally put down on a home-towards something better. For example, I helped a client get a 80/20 mortgage who chose to improve the property with his 10% down payment. Instead of coming to closing with 10%-he came in with $0-now the improvements on his home have increased the value of his home by 40%. This is an owner-occupied home.

Another client used an 80/20 mortgage to eliminate all her debt. She and I reasoned it was better to retire her debt-20K of it that was at 10-20% interest-than to put her 20K towards the home.

Now that she's out of debt, she's saving $600-700 month. The 100% mortgage only increased her house payment by $200. I then encouraged her to use some of the $500 savings and apply it back on the house so it's paid off in 15 years, not 30.

In the mortgage world, the best mortgage is the one that helps one move forward financially.

Texas Mortgage Refinance 100% Application

Let's compare the following: 100% or 80/20 mortgages (100% financing, AKA "zero down mortgages") VS. a typical 10% down mortgage

Most people who put 5-10% down on a home do so to lower their monthly payment and/or to get a better mortgage rate. Mortgage Rates improve the more you put down because there is less the risk of default. A person who puts 20% is less likely to default than a person who only puts 5% down. Therefore the more you put down on a home the lower your rate, the lower your payment.

One's mortgage rate is tied to the overall risk of the loan; the more down payment, the better rate, the better payment.

(This is why subprime home loans have much higher rates than "A paper." The rate is tied to overall risk of the loan.)

Borrower profile: Let's say Britney Spears wants me to do her mortgage loan. She has 800 credit score, decent job as a Rehab counselor and now she wants to buy a $200,000 home for her and her hubby , Kevin Federline. Oh yeah, she wants an awesome rate, so she's prepared to put 10% down.

$200,000 sales price

10% down =$20K

In addition to this mortgage Britney is the typical American borrower with consumer debt. She has:

$350/month on a car payment. Owes $8700.00

$100/month Visa Credit Card. Owes $4500

$85/month MasterCard Credit Card. Owes $2900

$75/month Department Credit Card. Owes $1800, zero percent interest for 1 year.

Total: $610.00/month servicing $17,900 in consumer debt.

One good thing about Britney-she has a budget. And has decided to put 10% down because she's only budgeting $1250/month.

Let's say today's mortgage rate on a 90% loan is 6.00%, and includes PMI. Mortgages with PMI have better rates because PMI is an insurance policy you pay (that's why it's commonly called mortgage insurance) that protects the bank-not you-should you default on the loan. Since a bank feels more comfortable lending on a loan they know is insured, they offer better rates on loans with PMI.

As a general rule, If your mortgage is 80% or over, you'll have PMI (private mortgage insurance) but I like to avoid it whenever possible, since PMI benefits the bank, not you-my client.

Loan#1: Britney's 90% loan, putting 10% down: $180, 000 loan amount, 6% rate. Payment is $1079+ PMI of $145 = $1224.69. (to make things simple I'm not including taxes or insurance.)

However, as her mortgage consultant, I'm looking at her overall expenses as I'm showing her loan options. In reviewing her credit report, I notice she's servicing almost 18K in consumer debt totalling $610/month. And this $610 is pretty typical. She's carried a balance on these credit cards for the last 2-5 years but pays them like clock-work.

But in my eyes, if she gets a 10% down mortgage on top of the consumer debt she's really paying $1834 each month since her 10% down mortgage is $1224 and her consumer debt is $610 = $1834

To avoid PMI, I'll break the loan up into two loans. An 80% loan. and a second loan for 20%. Together we get 80+20=100%. This way, there's no single loan over 80%, therefore PMI is not required. (PLUS your closing costs for an 80/20 are much lower.)

Loan #2: 80/20, 100% percent loan. As seen below, her payment is $1346.35. And since the rate is tied to risk of her loan, and 100% loans are higher risk loans, her rate went from a 6.00% to a 6.75%.

The 100% loan is $121.31/month higher than the 10% down! Why would I even show this loan to someone, especially Brit who has awesome credit?

Because when getting a mortgage one should weigh the mortgage in light of one's overall financial situation. In Britney's case she's paying over $600/month towards high-interest credit cards and car payment (that aren't tax deductible).

So while the 100% loan is $121 higher it's actually the best loan in terms of giving her the lowest monthly payment. I'm looking at overall expenses.

So I'd say to Brit: "Put your 10% towards your consumer debt and retire it. Gone. Osta la-vesta baby. " Now you're not paying $610 out each month and in doing so you're lowering her monthly expenses by $610.

I would then show her how the 100% loan would actually save her $489.00 per month. While the 100% loan has a higher rate, it actually has a lower payment in her overall budget of $489.00.

It's only when one is out of consumer debt that they can focus on their mortgage down. After all, what sense does it make to put 5-10% down on a home when you're carrying huge balances on credit cards with 10%+ interest rates. I mean, who cares if you get a 3% rate, avoid PMI when you have half your annual income in consumer debt.

I don't say this because I'm being judgmental, I'm saying it because I once tripped over pennies while I paid out nickels. I'd focus on the rate instead of looking where I was overall financially-in debt Then the unthinkable happen. 9/11. One week after Sept. 11, I lost my good paying job and I came face to face with my lack of financial literacy. I had lots of stuff (all purchased at low rates) and lots of debt. And very little savings. I had very little savings because I had developed the habit of having debt. And as one who's been there, debt is a habit.

Now, as a lender-I do my best to offer loans that truly move my clients forward financially. I promote things like: savings, getting out of the habit of debt, investing, buying appreciating assets like real estate, starting businesses, etc.

Back To Brit: In her case, 100% lending was used as a financial planning tool to get out of debt and gain control of her finances. When the consumer debt is gone it gives her more control of her finances. It easier to pay one or debts consistently than 12, right?

While the rates are important, they aren't the only thing to consider. One must look at the total picture. Together you and your mortgage consultant should look all your options in light of your real-life spending habits and choose one that helps you achieve the greater benefit This way your home loan moves you forward financially.

100% loan are often the best tool for getting out of debt. Now the challenge is changing your spending habits so you don't get back into debt. This is why I recommend financial planners and CPAs to my clients. Usually, I tell people to just take 2-3 months "off" and have fun with the extra money. Take a trip, buy an Ipod or something, but come month #4 I suggest they meet with a financial planner. For most people, if they don't have a plan or guidance they simply get back into debt.

One good way to stay out of consumer debt is to apply 1/2 of what you once put to debt on your mortgage. When you do this you save a ton in overall interest. It also takes a 30 year mortgage to a 10-15 year note. 100% loans are way to get the flexibility of a 30-year payment but with the pay off of a 15 year note.

When it comes to saving money, it is not as hard as you think it is. There are many ways to save money without sacrificing what you have. Remember, economical living isn't living within someone else's ideal. It is taking economical ideas and making them work for your lifestyle. You can use them any way you want. But a warning: over time cost-cutting becomes addicting.

One of the easiest ways to save money is to simply follow some basic tips:

1. Buy things for less

2. Compare shops and use sale adds

3. Buy a less expensive brand

4. Pay attention to what you are doing

Nowadays, there are lots of grocery stores and supermarkets that put the cost per ounce on the price label you see on the shelf. This is a great way to tell which brand is really the least expensive. You can also compare different sizes of products.

Take steps to make the items you use last longer. There is a common idea among various philosophies that when you purchase an item, you are now responsible for it. Take good care of what you have. Maintain your car and your vehicles. Keep things clean. Don't just throw things away. When it comes to food, there are many ways to stretch the expensive items, such as meat. Take the time to learn ways to make things go further.

You could also use things less than you already are. Combine all of your errands into one trip, reducing the usage of your vehicle. Turn off lights. Use a toaster oven or microwave instead of your oven. Make sure that your home is energy efficient and not wasting heat or air conditioning. Don't just waste the things you have -stretched them out.

Try to use something completely before you throw it away. Find ways to re-use items. Recycle plastic shopping bags into trash can liners. Use a white t-shirt with a stain under your sweaters. If it is too dingy, use it as a rag. Find ways to get every cent out of your purchases.

Try to find a way to use what you already have instead of heading out to the store at every whim. Substitute what you can. Fix things yourself. Assess whether you can wait or if the item must be purchased immediately. If you can wait a bit, perhaps you will be able to find it on sale or comparison shops a bit first. Try everything you can to lower the cost.

In fact, you may find that it is something you can do without right now. Or perhaps it is something you can make. There are many things you can do yourself, such as cooking, decorating, making gifts and many more. If you have the internet, you have an endless resource in front of you.

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on Oct 09, 22