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Age of consent varies by jurisdiction across europe. The age of consent is between 14 and 18 years of age. In most countries, the age is set by power from 14 to sixteen years; 4 countries in total, cyprus (17), ireland (17), turkey (of legal age and the vatican (18) do not harmonize with this scheme. The legislation may also indicate which certain types of activities are allowed, or indicate the age where the desired gender can be filmed the allocated age is the age from which the young man has the opportunity to freely participate in non-commercial sexual contact with the customer of mature age, regardless of their difference in the older generation, when the older one does not live in power, is not considered a relative, or commits another form exploitation (e.G. Abuse of power or dependence).In special jurisdictions, including italy and hungary, there are exceptions if the discrepancy in the age gap is within the established limits.All jurisdictions in the european union have the same and gender-neutral age limits.


Porn addict
All jurisdictions in the european union according to the list of sovereign countries and dependent territories in european countries:


<>1 international commitments2 albania3 andorra4 armenia5 austria 5.1 history

8.1 history

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12.1 history12.2 akrotiri and dhekelia12.3 northern cyprus 12.3.1 history

13.1 history

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16.1 history 16.1.1 åland

17.1 history of homosexual laws

History 19.1

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38.1 history38.2 svalbard

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42.1 article 134 42.1.1 note

42.2.1 amendment 2012

42.3. 1 pre-2004 formulation

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50.1 history

52.1 britain and wales 52.1.1 history

52.2.1 history

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52.5.1 history

52.6.1 history

52.7.1 history

52.8.1 history

<>international obligations[edit]

Neither the european union nor the council of europe have proposed the slightest specific age of consent, and so far not the slightest energy expenditure has been undertaken to standardize the age for participating countries. However, most countries in europe currently have binding legal obligations in the child sexual abuse market for a long time. The lanzarote convention, ratified in 2021 by all member states of the council of europe[1] and entered into force 7 years ago, obliges the countries that have ratified it to criminalize specific manipulations of adolescents up to the age of eighteen, such as the involvement of such younger generations in prostitution and pornography. Other habits that should definitely be criminalized include:

Engagement in an intimate relationship with a toddler (“a child” is defined above 3 as “a person under the age of eighteen”) if:

- Coercion, force or threats are used; or - abuse of recognized trust, authority or interference with a child, in particular relatives; or- cruel work with a particularly vulnerable position of the student precisely because of a mental or physical disability or a situation of dependence.The age of consent is called "the legal age for carnal acts." "And must be elected by the states at the actual age they deem appropriate. (A specific age is not advised.) As of february 2021, the convention has been ratified by all council of europe states.[2]

In the european union (eu 27) is a directive on the sexual abuse of young children for a long time, known as directive 2011/92/eu of the european parliament and the consultation of 13 december 2011 on the war against flexible violence and sexual exploitation of the younger generation and child pornography.[ 3]


Since the turn of the century, the age of consent in albania has been 14, regardless of lower horizontal surfaces and sexual orientation, but even girls have sex it is illegal if the rust is older than 14 decades, but has not reached "puberty", as provided for in article 100 of the criminal code.[4]

Andorra [edit]

The age of consent in andorra is 14 years, as written above 147 of the criminal code sa, which reads: (1) "any person who engages in sexual intercourse with a customer under the age of fourteen ... Shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of three months to years."Paragraph 2 states that if sexual contact serves clients with sexual penetration, the punishment is from 3 to 10 years. A person who occupies a position of power or superiority over another person, to enter into intimate contact with this development, and also when such an item is associated with a breach of trust or a situation of need or dependence. The punishment is more severe if the subject is under the age of eighteen.


The age of consent in armenia is sixteen.

Article 141. Intercourse with a customer under 16 years of age.

Sexual intercourse or other functions of erotic content with a customer who is known to be under 16 years of age, a person who has reached 18- years of age, in the absence of corpus delicti under articles 138, 139 or 140 of this code, shall be punished by corrective labor for a period of up to two years or imprisonment for a period of up to two years.[6]

Austria [edit]

The general age of consent in austria is 14, as written in catalog 206[7] of the penal code. (The term unmündig is fixed above 74 [8] of the penal code.) Paragraph 4 of article 206 defines an exception for the whole family of age-appropriate persons, lowering the age of consent to thirteen years if the other party is a maximum of three years older. And some additional requirements are met. Article 207, paragraph 4, increases this exception to 4 years, with a base age of twelve years for sexual acts that do not amount to sexual intercourse, or other activities that can fairly be compared with sexual intercourse” - almost sexual intercourse without penetration. He is subject to the same additional requirements of section 206 (eg, the act does not cause serious bodily injury).

However, section 207b[9] of the criminal code contains an exception. To a uniform age of consent: if any of the shops are under sixteen times and "not mature enough to know the meaning of the action", then such step action is punishable. Years through a computer system” is punishable by two years in prison (section 208a of the criminal code).

The austrian criminal code previously specified eighteen years as the age of consent for homosexual intercourse with a member of the stronger sex where the other husband became the age 14-more than 10 years, at that time there was also no equivalent provision for heterosexual sexual behavior and in terms of female homosexuality; it was article 209 of the criminal code. In november 1996, an amendment was submitted to the austrian parliament to remove article 209; but the vote ended in a tie and the amendment failed. In july 1998. A similar amendment was proposed; it became rejected by the conservative majority. Section 209 comes into effect after homosexuality between members of the stronger sex was legalized in 1971.

On june 24, 2002, the austrian constitutional court ruled that section 209 was unconstitutional. This content was later canceled on august 14, 2002. January 9, 2003 the european court of human rights held in plan l & v v. Austria that section 209 violated articles 8 and 14 of the european convention on human rights.


The age of consent in azerbaijan is 16 years.

Article 152

Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16, as well as the same acts, associated with the satisfaction of sexual desire in perverted forms, are punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years.[10]


The age of consent in belarus is 16 years, as defined by articles 168 and 169, which read: “sexual relations, sodomy, lesbian acts or other acts of a sexual nature, the age of majority who has reached the age of eighteen, with a person who is known to be under the age of sixteen, in the absence of signs of the crimes provided for in articles 166 and 167 of this code - shall be punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of two to four years. Or on impressions from two to five years. And "desecrated acts committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, in respect of a person who is known to be under the age of sixteen, in the absence of signs of the crimes provided for in articles 166, 167 and 168 of this code - shall be punishable by arrest. From six months or imprisonment from one year up to three years.”[11]


The age of consent in belgium is 16 years, as specified in article 417/6 of the penal code ( code pénal/strafwetboek) for sexual intercourse, there is an exemption from the age difference of three years for sexual intercourse if at least one of the partners is 14 or 15 years old.

The belgian penal code previously determined the age of consent 18 for gay sex this provision - article 372bis - was added in 1965.And abolished in 1985

Bosnia and herzegovina[edit]

Sexual activity with children under 14 is illegal. Under section 207, which prohibits sexual intercourse with a "child", and "child" is defined in section 2(8) as a person under 14 years of age. However, article 209 mentions "minor", which is defined in article 2(9). ) As a person under the age of 18, although it is unclear whether this article only applies to sexual acts committed against a minor under 18 years of age, or whether it can also be used to punish sexual acts committed with a minor:[12]

- Article 207, sexual intercourse with a child: (1) whoever has sexual intercourse or equivalent sexual intercourse with a child shall be punished by hard labor for one to eight years.- Article 208 , meaning of terms used in this code: (8) a child in this code is a person under the age of fourteen.- Article 209, satisfaction of lust. In the presence of a child or young person: whoever, in the presence of a child or young person, performs actions aimed at satisfying his own lust or the lust of a third person, or who induces a child to obey such actions in his presence or in the presence of a third person, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three months to three years. - Article 205: (2) prohibits sexual intercourse with minors (defined as persons under 18 years of age) through "abuse". Provisions.”Bulgaria[edit]

The age of consent in bulgaria is 14 years, as specified in articles 149 and 151 (1). However, article 151 (2) has a provision for persons over 14 years of age who “do not understand the characteristics or importance of the action”:

Art. 149. (1) a person who performs an act for the purpose of arousing or satisfying the sexual desire without intercourse with a person under 14 years of age shall be punished for obscenity by imprisonment for a term of one to six years. Art. 151. (1) a person who has sexual intercourse with a person under 14 years of age, unless the act is an offense under section 152, shall be punished by hard labor for a term of two to six years. (2) any person who has sexual intercourse with a person who has reached the age of 14 and does not understand the nature or meaning of the act shall be punished by imprisonment for up to five years.[6]


The age of consent for any sexual activity in croatia under the new criminal code, which came into force on january 1, 2013, is 15, regardless of gender and/or gender accessories. Orientation and is governed by article 158.[13]

(1) whoever has sexual intercourse with a child under fifteen years of age or induces a child to have sexual intercourse with a third person shall be liable to imprisonment for a term from one year to ten years.

(2) whoever commits an indecent act with a child under fifteen years of age or induces a child to commit an indecent act towards himself or with a third person shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of six months to five years.

However, there is an exception for persons of similar age, for a period of three years.

Until 2013, no the gal age of consent in croatia was 14. Homosexual acts were illegal until 1977, when croatia, then the yugoslav federal republic, changed its penal code. The age of consent was equalized in 1998.


The age of consent for all sexual relations in cyprus under the 2002 criminal code is 17 years . Regardless of sexual orientation or gender. In 1989 alekos modinos, president of the cypriot gay liberation movement, filed a lawsuit with the european court of human rights. In 1993, the court ruled that the ban on homosexual relations was a violation of article 8. In january 1995, the cypriot government introduced a bill in the cypriot parliament to lift the ban. Strong opposition from the eastern orthodox church caused the bill to stall when it was referred to the parliamentary legal committee. The european commission reiterated its warning that cyprus must follow the court's decision. In may 1997, a government measure to lift the ban again failed due to the strength of the opposition. In april 1998, the council of europe set a deadline of 29 may 1998 for compliance, and on 21 may 1998 the house of representatives voted 36 to 8 in favor of legalizing homosexual acts. However, it was set at 18, while heterosexual relationships remained at 16.

In 2002, under pressure from the eu[15], parliament finally repealed disparate provisions and changed the age of consent to 17 for both heterosexual and homosexual acts, in line with the revised penal code. The age of consent is 16 as specified in the criminal code (ceza yasası, articles 153 and 154).

Czech republic[edit]

The age of sexual consent in the czech the republic is 15 years old.

In addition, section of the czech penal code 40/2009 sb. Covering "crimes against the family and children", contains § 202, which criminalizes the "seduction to sexual intercourse" of any person under the age of 18 by any promise or provision of payment, benefit, privilege or profit for sexual intercourse, masturbation, exposure or similar conduct. . This provision was added to the old czechoslovak penal code (140/1961 sb.), Adopted by the czech republic as § 217a, by an amendment to the czech law no. 218/2003 sb. Valid from january 1, 2004. This also applies to cases where there is some kind of trust or dependence, e.G. Teacher-student, employer-employee.

The age limit in the austrian empire was 14 years according to § 128 of the imperial penal code 1852.[18] homosexual sexual intercourse and sexual intercourse with animals is generally classified as a "crime against nature" under § 131. The historical penal code of austria was replaced in czechoslovakia in 1950. Criminal code of czechoslovakia 86/1950 sb. § 239 raises the limit to 15 years. An almost identical provision was contained in the czechoslovak penal code under code 140/1961 sb. Which in § 242 reads: “a person who has sexual intercourse with a person under fifteen (15) years of age or commits sexual be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than one and not more than eight years”. , Lowering the limits of criminal liability, as well as age limits for sexual intercourse from 15 to 14 years old, was adopted by parliament in the new criminal code 40/2009 sb. Effective january 1, 2010. Both changes have been criticized. Before coming into force, the amendment of law 306/2009 sb. Changed both restrictions back to 15 years.

Until 1962, homosexual sexual intercourse was illegal in czechoslovakia. Czechoslovak 140/1961 sb. The penal code, introduced the same year, still criminalized "sexual intercourse with a person of the same sex" (§ 244), but only applied to persons over 18 years of age who had sexual intercourse with a person under 18 years of age. Between minors, receiving or giving payment and disturbing the peace were criminalized. In 1990, article § 244 was completely repealed by the czechoslovak law 175/2009 sb of 01 july 2009


Age of consent in the kingdom denmark is 15 years as specified in section 222:[20]

§ 222. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with a child under 15 years of age is liable to punishment. To imprisonment for up to 8 years, unless the situation falls within the scope of paragraph 2 of § 216. In determining the punishment, an aggravating circumstance is that the perpetrator has committed sexual intercourse using his physical or mental superiority.

Article 223, part 1, reads: “any person who has sexual intercourse with any child under the age of 18 who is the adopted, stepson or adopted child of the specified person or who is transferred to the specified person for training or education, will be punished by imprisonment for any term not exceeding four years," including teachers. In addition, § 223 § 2 provides that the same penalty applies to any person who is found to have abused his superiority based on age and experience, over a person under the age of 18, in order to entice said minor into sexual intercourse.

The laws of the faroe islands and greenland are equivalent, although regulated separate penal codes for these autonomous countries.

Male homosexuality was legalized in denmark (lesbianism was never illegal) with the age of consent set at 18, following a major reform of the penal code in 1930; at the same time, the age of consent for heterosexual acts was raised from 12 to 15 years. In 1976, the age of consent was unified at 15 for all acts. Sex with a child under the age of 12 carries double punishment, and sex with a minor under the age of 18 is illegal for the person in charge of the child.

Until 1866, "acts against nature" [anal sex] was punishable by a stake. However, until the end of the 18th century, this rule was never applied, and when it came into force, the condemned were always sentenced to 7 years in prison. For homosexual acts.[Citation needed]

In 1969, denmark became the first country to legalize pictorial pornography,[21] but this did not affect laws regarding the age of people involved in its production. Therefore, the statutory age of consent (15) was equal to the limit for pornography production in the country, but material produced in other countries (where danish consent law does not apply) was not subject to the law and was therefore legal. In 1980, it became illegal to sell, distribute or possess pornography involving children under the age of 15, regardless of its country of origin (danish penal code, §235).[22] the limit was later changed to 18, which is the current law today, although it remains legal for a person over 15 to take their own nude photos as long as they are only shared by friends (such as with a boyfriend). Or girlfriend), the recipient has clearly acquired the right to own them, and they are not transferred or distributed further.[22] between the legalization of pornography and the 1980 amendment to the danish penal code, some companies (the infamous color climax) used the lack of age restrictions for material produced in other countries.[23]



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