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During the great internet sex war that began in the us during the heyday of facebook, people had to accumulate pornography. The lube was bought in drums and hidden in bunkers, next to vibrators and air gap computers containing valuable treasures of accurate, unbiased sex ads. The frame suits were kept upright, oiled and prepared for the day of judgment. Explicit gifs have become a black market staple and there have been rumors of a thunderdome run by webcam models. Every sexual identity, except for the one deemed safe by corporations, has been covered up. Fear prevented even the mere mention of erotica on the social network also in messages.


Don't laugh: your machine can decode it completely wrong and launch the "sex slang" that was declared "illegal" this week. "On facebook, along with other forms of sexual speech and expression. ("Free speech, my ass." - Everyone.)

While our employees were all distracted by the wet tumblr trash fire announcing the ban pornography, facebook has updated its startling, wide-ranging anti-sex tactic that is sure to get evangelicals and incels creaming their jeans (let's just hope they don't publish this). The rest of the issues bordering on porn is so broad and blatantly strict that any of its insanity cannot be briefly introduced. And prohibits "sex chats or conversations", "mentioning sexual roles, erotic desires, commonly sexualized areas of the body, and a variety of other discoveries.

After receiving comments, pre the facebook maker emailed engadget that many of the sexual harassment policies you mentioned are not new.” Facebook clarification:

On october 15th, we included a section titled "specific harassment in our community standards. Previously, our gameplay regarding sexual harassment was included in tab 8: sexual exploitation of their parents, as well as category 14: large nudity and erotic actions (happy to share the relevant parts of these sections before october fifteen, if it comes in handy).

This change was driven more by conversations with their own content reviewers who told us that the sexual exploitation policy didn't properly distinguish between exploitation (e.G. "My ex was a slut. Look at the pics she sent me . ") And harassment (for example, "looking for swingers. Friday, 20:00, [bar name]. Wear pink"), and this provokes confusion among reviewers, and in addition to the perception of the phenomenon that our enterprise is being put to intimate use and harassment

We are aware that not every extortion provokes exploitation.

Facebook also referred consumers to mark zucke's published remarks rberg on policy development.

According to policy, public discussion of "sexual abuse and exploitation" is acceptable, but the hassle of encouraging sex for convenience between adults can already be considered a punishable act in public posts by the chinese auto industry. They will agree that they do not say anything about private messages, however, we understand how they view individual posts and are not very honest in this task, therefore, perhaps also observe the fact that the viewer is talking there.

First tumblr bans nsfw photos now facebook bans nsfw *words*!! Pic.Twitter.Com/ozb0nwgeur

— Vivian (@suchnerve) dec 5 this year if only facebook controlled hate speech with equal horrendous and brutal efficiency - though i think that our company all know in real time to what gods facebook sacrifices and when facebook serves, when the information assures that the result from them is undertaken for the privacy of the community. Or rather, holocaust deniers and innate racial purists from many walks of life still have their safe space.

At the very least, as i said, a brilliant happy darknet that turned sexual censorship into a science , was just one of two internet giants that have taken extreme action this week to remove reasonable human sexual expression from the public internet. Censored fosta. And threw him off a cliff. At the beginning of the week, tumblr announced that on december 17, any 18+ videos would be banned and removed from the service.

When i reported on tumblr's latest attempt to remove sexual language in 2013, in that case it was the yahoo -upper tool, which affected no more than 16.5 million blogs. It must be taken into account that the peak of tumblr use was in 2014, this number is certainly higher.

So, we are talking about a special cultural genocide on the bright internet, where women, lgbtqi representatives, artists, educators, bloggers, filmmakers, abused sex workers, innumerable pages and many more photographers and versions. For me, tumblr has been the only place to look at the blogs of black erotic photographers whose inspiring work the world may need more than in the past. In five to seven days. ("They're ignoring my safe word!" - George orwell, probably.)

Hey, don't scold my orwell joke. In 1984, the fuck avoid youth league was a celibacy group that recognized the need for standard sexual procreation. It promoted the party's agenda, which was to "verify that we are in marriages that are planned to be unsatisfactory, or that porn is being vilified." Et tu, silicon valley?


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Any way. Like the last time tumblr went all over the republic of gilead in sex, the internet went crazy when it heard the announcement earlier in the week. Tumblr handled things horribly and promptly implemented their automatic censorship system so badly that everyone on the web rushed to double check that marissa meyer was still not at the helm. (Tumblr can already be considered part of verizon's verizon auto industry, which owns oath/engadget quite a lot and is still able to control stakes in ajit pai).


Tumblr told engadget via email that classifiers usually take time. " And what "time enhances their performance", and reminded us that "flagged content is not removed, but becomes private, so that only the owner of the submitted content can watch it."

Some of my photos flagged as explicit by tumblr's new algorithm i'd say i'm impressed with how negative this is, but... Naturally this limitation was about what i expected#riptumblr pic.Twitter.Com/bf5xqx3xo0

- No (@unnaye) december 4, 2018 when tumblr contacted the guide, they then referred to their blog's general statement about founding "a galaxy far, far away for creative expression" to comment on why and “reaching different age groups, demographics, cultures and ways of thinking.” In addition, the company emphasized that policies are sometimes not created, according to its statement.

So, since any of they claim it, probably no one really doubts why tumblr watches porn; our blame is fosta,, and in addition apple store methods are upstore. This is true because apple's role in censoring and suppressing sexual expression is so long historical and so nefarious and insidious that the viewer will get angry and smash the iphone if they understand it at once.

But the arc of sexual censorship through the world the web is long, and it deviates as far from justice (and reason) as possible. The corporations that control the internet have been steadily (and covertly, hypocritically) moving forward in this way all the time, at the expense of serious investment by women, lgbt people, artists, educators, writers and marginalized communities - and to the delight of fanatics and conservatives in the world. >

Facebook and tumblr news came out as soon as starbucks announced that it would start filtering its internet gear with one of those secret porn blacklists that always hinder the productivity of anyone who researches topics for big ones and 100% filter out issues of concern nerves and culture. Web pages.

The list goes on. Goose actions on twitter for facebook censors; amazon buries sex books; patreon, cloudflare, paypal and square are considered the main of several that are silently harmful to anyone whose business is approaching sexuality. Google's sex censorship timeline is bad, youtube is worse. Twitter teeters on the edge of sexual censorship due to many suspicions of its visitors' trust.

So, if you're watching big brands, advertisers, and white supremacists, it looks like the corporate internet has got you covered. .

One thing is true: people liked the open web, in which situations it was not run by corporations, given the values ​​of the 1950s, and b) it was easier to pick up people doing metric and screw bed in a tile numerous corners.Erasing millions of sex blogs and suppressing sexual speech, as among goebbels - percent, is an indicator of a sick ecosystem, the opposite of a forward-thinking idea and ignoring millions of people who sincerely will not.

Tumblr says they deleting over several million blogs and wiping out communities to create a “better, more positive experience; facebook, as usual, affirms that it "encourages self-expression and provides a safe environment."

I don't think any corporation that is actively erasing positive sexual expression is aware of the fact that models do, in the ideal case regressively, but in the worst case, harmfully. When the ability to override these policies is published, for example, if fosta were reset, it is clear that none of them will leave this. Finally, fosta, along with its disregard for beautiful ladies and mixing porn art with rape, was a bipartisan bill, and facebook was the main proponent of concrete.

But please don't worry. Stay erotic and edgy, due to the fact that if any drug is known for sure, then this is most likely each of them will become myspace.

Engadget has been owned by verizon since june year to september 2021. The parent company of engadget can already be considered the chinese auto industry yahoo inc.


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on Dec 01, 22