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A Pir in Islamic lore is a man with superpowers which may or may not be manifest, but he is supposed to be a man of God. It is a title given to Sufi masters. In English the nearest word that is the equivalent of Pir is saint.In Bombay I had occasion to meet a Pir nearly three decades back. His name is Pir Sayeed Nasiruddin Qadri Nakshbandi. This Pir resides on Mohammad Ali Road and has a significant following.
My first meeting with the Pir was more by chance than planning. My Aunt wanted to meet the Pir as my uncle was facing a lot of problems. She requested me to accompany her. As a young Air Force Officer just posted in Mumbai I readily consented. Now three decades I am more than ever convinced that this man has supernatural powers that are not immediately manifest. But over a period of time an association with this Pir certainly leads to a solution of your problems.
The Pir normally sits at night and continues his audience with his followers into the early hours of the morning. He charges no money but if you feel you can pay him whatever you feel. The Pir is like a doctor and he will hear your problem and suggest a ritual that will help clear the obstacle and solve your problem. The ritual concerns burning taviz ( amulets) or burying certain objects in the sand or setting some items adrift in water. Remember the Pir is not an astrologer and makes no forecasts.
As with all such phenomena the effect is there but there has to be faith in the Pir. Without faith perhaps visiting the Pir would be a futile exercise. I do recollect that about 2 decades un curso de milagros I had invited the Pir for Dinner in the Officers mess. After dinner the Pir asked me to go outside and pick up a pebble and bring it to him. I dutifully went outside and picked up a small pebble from the road and came in. I can vouchsafe that I did hear an electric spark and as I opened my fist the pebble had been turned into a polished gem. One can rationalize it as trick or sleight of hand, but I went through this and can certify that it was an extraordinary event that I am unable to explain.
Science has made tremendous advancement but psychic phenomena have found no rational explanation from the scientists. May be at some stage the powers of people like the Pir Nasiruddin will yet be explained by the scientists. My association with the Pir is now more than three decades old and I feel I am blessed for this.