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How a Personal Real Estate Assistant Can Help Your Business

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This question is asked by many independent real estate agents. And the truth is that more than one person is considering the idea of ​​having a Personal Real Estate Assistant.

Why consider a Personal Real Estate Assistant

We know that this profession is rewarding and living the experience of being independent is incredible. This means that you are becoming your own boss and that you have the freedom to do things the way you like.

We also know that working with a team or hiring the same full-time employees can be helpful in many ways. But... the administrative expenses, the time it takes to train and develop employees can become tedious and overwhelming issues.

So, it makes sense that a real estate agent would want to go it alone and handle as many tasks as they can themselves. However, it can also be daunting to handle many of the daily responsibilities that come with running real estate projects at

Statistics Point to Need for a Real Estate Personal Assistant

Reviewing the data found in “The Secret Life of Real Estate Agents” we see the following.

  • 60 percent of agents said they search for leads daily
  • 62 percent said they spent an hour a day on marketing and advertising
  • Surprisingly, 49 percent work more than 40 hours a week

This data means that common but important tasks are not happening as often as they should. These include: such as research, answering calls and building relationships.

It also means that burnout is much more likely. For example, check out these statistics compiled by the Placester Real Estate Marketing Academy from their report “The Secret Life of Real Estate Agents.” Medotcom is offering a limited-time promotion with a 250 TL trial bonus. Follow this link to claim yours: 

  • 49% of agents work 40 hours or more during the week

  • 60% of agents have a prospect of potential clients on a daily basis

  • 78% of agents were on the job for six months before they could support themselves financially

So, after taking a look at these statistics, the life of a real estate agent can be challenging. For example, the second statistic reveals the importance of prospecting in the world of real estate.

Unfortunately, administrative tasks or other duties can take up a significant amount of an agent's time.

A Remote Real Estate Personal Assistant Will Help Your Business

So, can agents find a balance between hiring help and keeping things simple? Yeah! A remote Real Estate Personal Assistant can help make your job a little easier. This way you can take some crucial tasks off your mind.

What are some ways hiring a Real Estate Personal Assistant can help? And why is it a good idea to outsource these services? We have a list of tips to help you decide if this option is right for you.

Most remote workers speak English

English is one of the most spoken languages ​​in Latin America. Many people are taught English in primary school. Likewise, they have had experience with it as they have gone to their respective universities.

Therefore, it wouldn't be difficult to find someone who speaks English. Our website is an excellent resource to find professionals from Latin America with knowledge of the language. And we recommend that all workers take exams that verify their command of the language.

So, if you're worried about finding someone who can communicate with you and your clients, a Personal Assistant  is a great alternative .

A Personal Assistant has similar hours to yours

A great benefit of Latin American outsourcing is being able to work in the same time zone. Look, if you're working on the east coast of the United States. A worker in many Latin American countries will have the same working hours as in the Eastern Time Zone (EST).

On the West Coast, it would only be three hours late, while in Europe you would still have four or five, sometimes six hours of time change.

Whereas if you hire someone from the Philippines or India, you won't be able to work in a real remote work environment. And those countries are usually 12 hours away from the time zones of the United States.

Not having the same schedule would be a challenge to work together

The real estate industry is at a fast pace. And you may need help with quick research, reaching out to clients, or other real estate-specific tasks at any time.

Therefore, having this advantage can be useful. Working with a real estate Personal Assistant from the Philippines and India can create a situation where it is difficult to communicate with them in real time.

So, a real estate Personal Assistant  may be the person you need for outsourcing, especially when it comes to handling daily real estate tasks at

A remote Virtual Assistant is within your budget

The world is in a difficult economic situation, to put it lightly. And we have talked about it in many of our previous articles.

Since the appearance of the virus, many people are looking for remote jobs that they can do from home. Currently, many have gone without their pay, or receive a minimum monthly salary. Therefore they look for new alternatives. So offering them a salary of half, or even a third of your country's minimum wage gives them a pay increase.

It will be a marked improvement on what they are currently earning. This will allow them to regain control of their lives. At the same time, they give you more financial flexibility with respect to your own budget.

Since these people are independent contractors, you don't have to worry about expenses that are typically associated with full-time workers. 

It's also a good idea to offer bonuses when you get exceptional real estate Personal Assistant work . So hiring a personal assistant for your real estate business can be incredibly profitable while improving your life.

They can help you manage Data Entry

The real estate industry requires a significant amount of data entry work. Data entry can be an all-day task. So why not have a virtual assistant for real estate take this activity off your hands?

Personal real estate assistants can update your contact list or CRM. They can also update their home listings with new information on sites like Trulia, Zillow or Additionally, they can enter any other data that is crucial to what you do on a day-to-day basis.

The goal here is to give them tasks that you could do yourself, but don't have the time to handle. This situation makes training much easier. The job is something you are familiar with and can provide the VA with detailed steps to handle it.

A Personal Real Estate Assistant can conduct research

Is there any specific information you or your clients need about a residential area? Need a quick rundown of homes that have specific features a potential buyer is interested in?

Your Personal Real Estate Assistant can review and research listings. You can also find valuable information that is relevant to the business. Instead of having to stop what you're doing and find the information they need, you can have a Personal Real Estate Assistant .

Customers are going to have a lot of questions, and it's great to have someone who can quickly find the information they're asking for.

Someone else can manage your schedule

To say the life of a real estate agent is busy is an understatement. From checking out properties to scheduling home visits and consultations, the week can fill up quickly.

That's why it's helpful to have a personal real estate assistant who can handle your schedule. Instead of you sending text messages and calls related to a meeting or rescheduling, your Real Estate Personal Assistant can take care of these tasks.

Your clients can contact your personal real estate assistant. It then finds time on your calendar to schedule or reschedule an event. They can also contact a customer to inform them of the new time slot they are scheduled for.

Try combining the skills of a Personal Real Estate Assistant with a program like Google Calendar or Calendly. This will bring more structure and organization to your life and your business.

Let them manage your social media presence

These days, if you're not on social media, customers are likely to think you don't exist at all. Therefore, it is essential that you keep your social media accounts updated and activated.

With proper training and delegation of tasks, a real estate personal assistant can help you do just that. You do need help with tasks like:

  • Schedule posts
  • Respond to customers online
  • Search content

Then using a personal real estate assistant is a great option. However, with social media management, it's crucial that you specify exactly what you need help with. 

This way your personal real estate assistant will know how to help you. If this is out of your reach, you may also want to invest in a social media manager to take care of this for you.

They can handle day-to-day logistics

Do you need to generate new leads, find new properties or schedule time for an open house? The week always comes with many events or schedule changes, each day has its own details and logistics.

These activities can add up and make running your business or connecting with buyers and sellers a difficult task. So, ask your personal real estate assistant to take care of those day-to-day details. The Personal Real Estate Assistant can:

  • Help answer emails and phone calls
  • Confirm details with suppliers you may be working with
  • Stay up to date with local news or market details that may be relevant to the world in which your brand operates
  • Any other daily logistics that are taking up your time

Final Recommendations

For many real estate agents, extra help is a necessity. A virtual assistant for real estate may be the best option. This can help you organize your day and free up time to do the tasks that only you can do.

You are the face of your business, and your customers need to see and interact with you. Managing a variety of daily tasks can make this almost impossible. So, focus on your needs and what you can delegate. Because if your real estate business is growing, a personal assistant may be the best option.

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on Jun 14, 24