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There are many interpretations of the term Bando, and different linguistic and ethnic groups handle different translations. There are many Bando styles, but most follow basic teaching patterns. The art emphasizes the initial departure followed by the attack out of reach of the opponent. All body parts are used in these attacks, and once the initial procedure has been delivered, grappling and locking techniques are used. The techniques are first learned through formal training in certain systems and then only through sparring.
The word “BANDO” (pronounced “Bawn-Do”) is a multi-faceted martial art system, with its roots in China, Burma, and India. Different etymologists express their views verbally differently. Some say it originated from the Chinese, while others claim that it originated in India, and then there are those who suggest that it may be traced back to Tibet. The word “Bando” was used in place of the concept of “THAING” or “BAMA THAING” for easy pronunciation and identification. The word BANDO is easy to pronounce like the words Budo, Judo, Aikido, Karate-do, Tae Kwon Do, etc.
There are many Bando styles, but most follow basic teaching patterns. The art emphasizes the initial departure followed by the attack out of reach of the opponent. All body parts are used in these attacks, and once the initial procedure has been delivered, grappling and locking techniques are used. Although Bando is an unarmed combat sport, there are aspects of the other weapons of the Bando Discipline that are also traditionally called Banshay. The handheld traditional Burmese weapon includes a variety of armament made of wood and bamboo including stick fighting, sword fighting, knife fighting, spear fighting and archery fighting.
Traditionally, Bando students are encouraged to learn and develop knowledge and skills in at least 3 areas, one from each subsystem. Instructors strongly encourage their students to attend National Bando clinics and seminars to expand their knowledge of the various Bando sub-systems. Simply studying one sub-system is insufficient and rigorous.
Bando is generally the primary 야한동영상 meaning of a Way of discipline including Systems of defense and The art of fighting, or a combat.