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... approach to health - including mental health - is quite simple: I have personal responsibility for my own wellness.

Thismeans I am accountable as a partner with my doctor(s) for my health,and given that I know I have risk factors (depression is one), I have aresponsibility to monitor my own mental health so that I can recognizeearly warning signs before something more serious emerges.

Thismeans I need to educate others around me, especially people close tome, so that they can help me detect abnormalities if I miss the signals.

Mygoal is to be well and stay well. When warranted, I make sure that thetreatment decisions I make with my doctor is based on sound scientificevidence, and I make sure that I do my part in whatever non-medical(i.e. lifestyle) changes I need to make to get better.


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DJ Chuang

Saved by DJ Chuang

on Aug 02, 08