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Apple Ling

Apple Ling's Public Lists

  • *AU (Alternate Universe) (64)

    Fanfics that disregards Harry Potter canon-verse to the max. Non-magic AUs (a universe wherein 'magic' does not exist) are included as well.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Dec 06, 14

  • *AU-Regency/Historical Era (9)

    Alternate Universe (AU) fanfics set during the period of time where there are kingdoms, knights, kings and queens and/or during a historical period (e.g. 18th-century, 19th-century... etc etc).

    Created: Oct 15, 11 Modified: May 17, 13

  • Amnesia+MemoryLoss (71)

    Fanfics featuring one or both of the main pairing suffering from amnesia as a medical condition or magical bewitchment induced memory loss (Memory charm - Obliviate)

    Created: Sep 27, 11 Modified: Jun 16, 13

  • Animagus!Fics (73)

    Fanfics with one or both of the main pairing as Animagi (Wizards capable of shape-shifting into an animal)

    Created: Sep 27, 11 Modified: Jun 15, 13

  • Animals/Pets (85)

    Fanfics featuring the appearance of animals (Magical or Mythical creatures not counted unless they are generally considered to be of the pets sort) that are vital to the plot and/or are pets to the main pairing. Vampires, Werewolves, Veelas... etc etc DO NOT COUNT!

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 16, 13

  • BDSM (90)

    Fanfics with BDSM - Bondage & Discipline (B&D), Dominance & Submission (D&S), sadomasochism (S&M) as part of the main pairing's sexual relationship.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 17, 13

  • Bodyguard+Charge (57)

    Fanfics featuring one partner of the main pairing acquiring the protection of the other, hence 'Bodyguard and Charge'.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 15, 13

  • Bonding/Marriage (108)

    Fanfics featuring the main pairing being Magically Bonded (forced or otherwise), Marriage Contracts (forced or otherwise) and/or the gradual act of tying the knot together (getting married - must be a vital part of the plot)

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jul 01, 13

  • Boss+Employee (42)

    Fanfics (Post-Hogwarts) featuring one partner of the main pairing as the other's superior (job-wise) or employer.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jul 01, 13

  • Break-up + Divorce (104)

    Fanfics featuring the main pairing in a past relationship and/or married, breaking-up and/or separated for a period of time before getting back together and/or meeting each other again.

    Created: Sep 30, 11 Modified: Jul 01, 13

  • Child Abuse (56)

    Fanfics dealing with child abuse as a vital part of the plot.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 16, 13

  • Co-workers (94)

    Fanfics (Post-Hogwarts) featuring both partners of the main pairing as co-workers/colleagues.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jul 01, 13

  • Correspondence!Fic (17)

    Fanfics dealing with letters/emails/notes exchanged between one partner to the other (of the main pairing) as vital part of the story

    Created: Sep 30, 11 Modified: Mar 07, 13

  • Courting/Seduction (314)

    Fanfics featuring one of the main pairing pursuing the other in the form of wooing or through seduction.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 30, 13

  • Creature!Fics (113)

    Fanfics featuring one or both of the main pairing as either part or full-blooded Magical/Dark/Mythical Creatures. (Eg. Vampire, Werewolve, Veela, Fae, Elf... etc etc)

    Created: Sep 27, 11 Modified: Jun 15, 13

  • Cross-Dressing (57)

    Fanfics dealing with cross-dressing (femininity) as a sexual kink for gay men, involving the main pairing.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: May 22, 13

  • Dark!Fics (71)

    Genre: Dark!Fics

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jun 17, 13

  • De-aging (8)

    Fanfics dealing with one or both the main pairing magically de-aging into younger versions of themselves - be it physically or mentally.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Dec 02, 12

  • Depression/Trauma (380)

    Fanfics dealing with one or both the main pairing suffering/recovering from depression or past trauma.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: Jul 02, 13

  • Destructive Relationship (58)

    Fanfics featuring the main pairing being in a destructive/abusive relationship with the other.

    Created: Sep 28, 11 Modified: May 19, 13

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