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Jennifer Dorman

Jennifer Dorman's Public Lists

  • Aggregators (2)

    This list includes applications for aggregating RSS/Atom feeds.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Jun 22, 08

  • Diigo Tour (18)

    Created: Feb 09, 09 Modified: Feb 09, 09

  • Educational Apps (2)

    List of educational Apps for personal and school use

    Created: Jun 23, 12 Modified: Jun 25, 12

  • Infographics and Data Visualizations (73)

    This list collates tools to create infographics as well as excellent examples of infographics.

    Created: Jul 24, 12 Modified: Dec 30, 12

  • Instructional Activities (12)

    This list contains learning activities for students.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: May 12, 09

  • Mashups (12)

    This list includes examples of mashup applications.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Feb 02, 09

  • Misc (4)

    Created: Apr 13, 08 Modified: Jul 21, 08

  • music (2)

    Created: Jul 21, 08 Modified: Aug 01, 08

  • Online Applications (4)

    This list contains web sites that host productivity suite and applications that facilitate synchronous and asynchronous collaboration.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Jul 13, 08

  • Productivity (15)

    Created: Mar 31, 08 Modified: Nov 12, 08

  • Professional Development (22)

    Educators can tap in to these resources for timely and targeted professional development.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Nov 08, 08

  • Social Media (7)

    This resources on this list of media hosting / sharing / collaborating applications and web sites.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Sep 15, 08

  • Social Networking (16)

    This list contains examples of social networking sites, some of which can be harnessed as learning and affinity networks for education.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Oct 07, 09

  • Study Tools (13)

    Created: Jan 21, 11 Modified: Jan 23, 11

  • Video (28)

    This list contains creation applications and hosting sites for digital video.

    Created: Mar 25, 08 Modified: Oct 22, 08

  • Web 2.0 (191)

    This list compiles some of the best Web 2.0 applications for classroom use.

    Created: Jul 30, 08 Modified: Feb 14, 10

1 - 16 of 16

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