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Michael Simkins

Michael Simkins's Public Lists

  • 5 Minds (6)

    Selected resources related to Howard Gardner's work on Five Minds for the Future.

    Created: Feb 18, 10 Modified: Dec 15, 14

  • Defining Student Success (10)

    Created for the Leadership Symposium at ISTE 2012, San Diego.

    Created: Jun 24, 12 Modified: Jul 12, 15

  • Digital Archives (21)

    Created: Feb 03, 13 Modified: Jul 12, 15

  • Education 3.0 (17)

    Includes links to slides and the various people and programs referenced during Michael's presentation, "Education 3.0: Buzzword, fad, or salvation?"

    Created: Sep 23, 10 Modified: Jul 12, 15

  • Resources for Parents on Digital Citizenship (8)

    A shortlist of the best resources for parents on issues related their children's safety online and use of digital technology. Prepared for the Leading Edge Certification for the Administrator program at Santa Cruz County Office of Education.

    Created: Aug 02, 14 Modified: Dec 11, 14

  • Systemness (12)

    "Systemness" is a term that is not yet widely used. Not surprisingly, even those who use it do not necessarily mean the same thing by it. This collection of resources offers perspectives from health care and higher education as well as K-12.

    Created: Oct 13, 12 Modified: Jul 12, 15

  • Teaching Models for the Common Core (19)

    "Traditional" teaching models well suited to develop the skills that permeate the new Common Core State Standards, especially those to do with ELA History/Social Studies standards. Compliment them with creative uses of technology and they will be even more powerful.

    Created: Feb 12, 13 Modified: Jul 12, 15

1 - 7 of 7

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