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Tom Trewinnard

Tom Trewinnard's Public Lists

  • Arabic Comment after the fall of Mubarak (7)

    Created: Feb 12, 11 Modified: Feb 12, 11

  • Egypt Elections 2010 (20)

    Media analysis of Egypt's forthcoming parliamentary elections, set to take place on November 28, 2010

    Created: Nov 23, 10 Modified: Nov 24, 10

  • Links on ElBaradei from the Egyptian press (23)

    Recent articles from the Egyptian media discussing Dr Mohamed ElBaradei's potential candidacy for president.

    Created: Dec 06, 09 Modified: Jan 26, 10

  • Meedan - Economist (7)

    Meedan is a community for Arabic-English dialogue and translated current affairs. This list features all articles published by Meedan for the Economist.

    Created: Nov 10, 10 Modified: Nov 26, 10

  • Meedan - Huffington Post (19)

    Meedan is a community for Arabic-English dialogue and translated current affairs. This list features all articles published by Meedan on the Huffington Post.

    Created: Oct 12, 10 Modified: Nov 28, 10

  • Meedan Kiva loans (67)

    Created: Sep 30, 10 Modified: Dec 16, 10

  • Naga Hamady Christmas attack (21)

    Created: Jan 07, 10 Modified: Jan 09, 10

1 - 7 of 7

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