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Carolyn Rains

Carolyn Rains's Public Lists

  • Back to School (1)

    Back to School links, resources and ideas

    Created: Aug 25, 13 Modified: Aug 25, 13

  • Blogging (26)

    Created: Dec 19, 11 Modified: Aug 07, 13

  • Classroom Management (1)

    Classroom Management strategies

    Created: Aug 07, 13 Modified: Aug 07, 13

  • Comics (3)

    Created: Dec 20, 11 Modified: Aug 07, 12

  • Common Core Standards (9)

    Created: Mar 13, 11 Modified: Oct 07, 12

  • Couponing (1)

    Created: Nov 18, 11 Modified: Nov 18, 11

  • creating (0)

    Created: Jul 30, 12 Modified: Jul 30, 12

  • DEN (4)

    Created: Jul 18, 11 Modified: Aug 14, 12

  • Digital Storytelling (5)

    Resources to help teachers and students create digital stories

    Created: Feb 22, 12 Modified: May 28, 13

  • Dropbox (1)

    Anything related to Dropbox

    Created: May 23, 13 Modified: May 23, 13

  • Ed Leadership (1)

    Created: Apr 09, 12 Modified: Apr 09, 12

  • Endofschoolyear (0)

    Created: May 27, 13 Modified: May 27, 13

  • Evernote (2)


    Created: May 26, 13 Modified: Aug 07, 13

  • FLIP VIDEO cameras in the Classroom (0)

    Using FLIP cameras in the Classroom

    Created: Jan 01, 11 Modified: Jan 01, 11

  • Flipped Classrooms (5)

    Created: Oct 03, 11 Modified: Jun 15, 12

  • Glogster (1)

    Created: Mar 20, 12 Modified: Mar 20, 12

  • Google (10)

    Created: Sep 12, 10 Modified: May 26, 13

  • Home (3)

    Created: Jan 18, 12 Modified: Aug 03, 12

  • Images & Clip Art (5)

    Resources and links for images and clip art

    Created: Jan 11, 11 Modified: Feb 27, 13

  • Internet Safety (5)

    Created: Mar 18, 11 Modified: Oct 03, 12

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