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Reesh P H

Reesh P H's Public Lists

  • Angels and Mattresses (2)

    Created: Mar 20, 11 Modified: Mar 20, 11

  • Bathhouse series (2)

    Created: Jun 24, 11 Modified: Jun 24, 11

  • Breathe/Break Series (2)

    Legend of the Seeker series, exploring the pairing Cara/Kahlan, and Cara's magical cock!

    Created: Sep 03, 11 Modified: Sep 03, 11

  • Cas/Food fics (5)

    Created: Jul 16, 11 Modified: Jul 23, 11

  • Catiel series (5)

    Castiel adopts a kitten

    Created: Aug 14, 11 Modified: Aug 14, 11

  • Dean/Castiel/Pie fics (7)

    Created: Jun 24, 11 Modified: Jun 24, 11

  • Dork Reign (3)

    Created: May 18, 11 Modified: Aug 14, 11

  • Fake Mine (1)

    Created: Jun 05, 11 Modified: Jun 05, 11

  • Godstiel verse (3)

    Godstiel verse by angel_kink

    Created: May 31, 11 Modified: Jun 12, 11

  • Gossip Verse (7)

    RPF Jensen/Misha

    Created: May 31, 11 Modified: Aug 03, 11

  • Heavy Sleepless (0)

    A two parter fic

    Created: May 25, 11 Modified: May 25, 11

  • Hips Don't Lie 'Verse (2)

    A Jensen/Misha 'Verse, focussing upon dancing, hipbone!porn and dirty talk.

    Created: May 25, 11 Modified: May 25, 11

  • Honorable Enterprise (1)

    Created: Feb 24, 11 Modified: Feb 24, 11

  • Hush Hush (6)

    The Dean/Castiel version of Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

    Created: Jun 26, 11 Modified: Aug 20, 11

  • It's In His Wings (2)

    Created: Jun 15, 11 Modified: Jun 15, 11

  • J prufrock (2)

    Created: Jul 02, 11 Modified: Jul 02, 11

  • Lessons in Love from Blueberry-Rhubarb Pie (1)

    Owning Palo Alto's most popular bakery isn't exactly a cake-walk for Dean Winchester. Moody customers, a temperamental oven, and occasionally working with his pain-in-the-ass little brother are among his ever-growing list of woes. But with the strange and intriguing Castiel Novak stumbling forcefu...

    Created: Sep 11, 11 Modified: Sep 11, 11

  • Million Little Things Verse (11)

    Cute pre-slash series of stories, incolving Cas getting beaned on the head and food.

    Created: Feb 02, 11 Modified: Jul 04, 11

  • More than a Curse (9)

    Dean, Sam and Castiel were hunting witches. Dean and Castiel got hit by a curse, which did something weird with them. Dean was in shock, Castiel was confused, Sam, Balthazar and Gabriel found it hilarious.

    Created: Jun 24, 11 Modified: Aug 20, 11

  • Nerdy Boy Angel 'Verse (2)

    Dean/Castiel, AU

    Created: Jul 01, 11 Modified: Jul 01, 11

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