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Amy Haggstrom

Amy Haggstrom's Public Lists

  • AIDS (0)

    HIV & AIDS statistics, Facts and Figures

    Created: Jan 08, 10 Modified: Jan 08, 10

  • americanhist (219)

    Created: Mar 09, 10 Modified: Apr 05, 22

  • Amy's China/Mao (2)

    schuff's stuff

    Created: Jul 04, 12 Modified: Mar 25, 15

  • Arab Israeli (55)

    Created: Apr 26, 13 Modified: Jun 05, 22

  • Books (8)

    Created: Jun 23, 12 Modified: Dec 03, 22

  • Britain (9)

    Created: Nov 25, 12 Modified: Oct 10, 14

  • China (89)

    Created: Jun 07, 10 Modified: Mar 10, 22

  • Crimean War (12)

    Crimean War 1854-56

    Created: Nov 22, 09 Modified: Jun 09, 11

  • Development (56)

    Resources, research, topics and issues covering development to identify the human factors aand components for understanding

    Created: Jan 13, 10 Modified: Mar 11, 22

  • Economics (259)

    Teaching resources, learning concepts and theories of economics

    Created: Jan 29, 10 Modified: Dec 13, 19

  • Extreme Environments (2)

    Created: May 17, 13 Modified: Aug 26, 13

  • Food (88)

    Created: Dec 30, 09 Modified: May 05, 21

  • Frenchlang (4)

    Created: Jun 27, 10 Modified: Jun 05, 18

  • frerevolution (52)

    Created: Mar 23, 10 Modified: Apr 13, 22

  • German Unification (15)

    Resource Links to German Unification 1850-1870, Effects of German Unification 1870-1890

    Created: Jan 07, 10 Modified: Dec 04, 15

  • Intl Politics (4)

    Created: Feb 09, 14 Modified: Oct 23, 19

  • Professional Resources (181)

    Online blogs, publications, data and groups that focus on standards, national reform, current trends and forecasts.

    Created: Mar 28, 10 Modified: Mar 05, 22

  • singlepartystate (9)

    Created: Sep 03, 12 Modified: Apr 21, 13

  • sleep (6)

    Created: Jun 07, 10 Modified: Jan 25, 11

  • south africa (21)

    Created: Dec 16, 12 Modified: Nov 28, 21

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