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Anbishop1989's List: TEAM A 2.4 Digital Research

    • “Young people are born into technology, and they’re used to using it 24/7,” Small said. “Their brains are wired to use it elegantly.”
    • Small said the Internet trains our minds to have a “staccato” train of thought, jumping from idea to idea, like we do from Website to Website.

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    • "When they spend a lot of time with the technology searching online, they're sort of training their brains to teach the way they search," Small said.


       When young kids use technology, Small says it does strengthen information processing in the brain.

    • It's possible that the developing brains of today's teenagers are going to be the most adaptable, creative, multi-tasking brains that have ever existed. There is evidence—from adults—that playing video games improves a range of cognitive functions such as divided attention and working memory as well as visual acuity.
    • video games can help people see better, learn more quickly, develop greater mental focus, become more spatially aware, estimate more accurately, and multitask more effectively. Some video games can even make young people more empathetic, helpful and sharing.
    • The advantages to having technology in the classroom are impossible to ignore. Technology may enable children to learn more in a shorter period of time. Students in technology rich environments showed greater progress in major subject areas, and more positive attitudes toward learning and self-concept. Basic skill training using technology even showed greater achievement than having smaller classroom sizes. There are also new technological advances to use video games to treat ADHD, one of the biggest issues facing our schools today.
    • Through the use of technology, children learn technology skills, while enhancing social and cognitive development.
      • Technology Skills

        As children use the computer and other forms of technology, they have the opportunity to meet the following technology standards. Established by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), these standards are for children ages prekindergarten through second grade (2000).

        1. Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies.
        3. Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.
        5. Communicate about technology using developmentally appropriate and accurate terminology.
        7. Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books, educational software, elementary multimedia encyclopedias) to support learning.

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