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Carvel Gray's List: Using Variety Digital Technologies

      • good example of Digital Natives,

    • A
      person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment... Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and ima
      ges through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.  3

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  • Jun 03, 13

    Twelve Mayors from international cities during Internet Week describe how they're solving urban problems using digital technology. Here are three Mayor's comments

    • New York City: Last year the Big Apple launched its Made in NY website to promote local entrepreneurship. Since then they’ve expanded the effort with increased access to workspaces, partnerships with academic institutions as well as other programs and competitions to assist startups.
    • Chicago: Mayor Emmanuel’s ‘Broadband Challenge’ is aimed at improving the city’s fiber network by offering free wi-fi and low cost connectivity. The process even involved updating the sewer network infrastructure.

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