I really do feel that, as parents, it's not the issue that we don't have the values. It's just that I think we don't know how to express our values to our children. And Phil is absolutely correct that if we don't get involved in looking at what the emotional issues are of our kids, if we are modeling violent behaviors or addressing our wives or daughters in a certain way, where there's not the respect that we do have kids who are at risk for not just the video games, not just the media, but what we're not doing or what we are doing in a negative way as adults.
LEVS: You had a bunch of ifs in there. Is that what's happening today? Is there a valueless generation? Is this a huge problem? If there are large numbers of parents out there that, for societal reason, their own reasons, are not instilling these values. Drop the ifs. Is that what's happening?