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Glaucia Flores

Glaucia Flores's Public Lists

  • Evangelicals (0)

    Evangelism missions and Bible studies

    Created: Nov 19, 09 Modified: Nov 19, 09

  • gadge (0)

    <!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. --> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. --> div<div id="div-6430008967486399724" style="width:276px;border...

    Created: Oct 02, 09 Modified: Oct 02, 09

  • my fotos (0)

    size:13px;"><div><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="288" height="192" flashvars="

    Created: Oct 06, 09 Modified: Oct 06, 09

  • word (3)

    Lampada para os meus pés é a tua palavra. E luz para os meus caminhos. (Lamp to my feet is your word and ligth for my path.)

    Created: Sep 11, 09 Modified: Nov 26, 09

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