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Janesdiggo's List: Politics

    • “The cases of the UK and Canada were exceptional, he added, because both Gordon Brown and Stephen Harper were in such political trouble at home that the survival of their governments was at stake,” the cable records Mr. Levitte as explaining.
    • That Mr. Sarkozy reached out to help embattled foreign colleagues with a little ceremony shows the sense of club among world leaders.
    • Mr. Lewis, a Republican and one of the most powerful appropriators in Congress, had denied wrongdoing since the investigation became public four years ago. The inquiry ended as Mr. Lewis is vying to return as chairman of the Appropriations Committee, a decision that Republican lawmakers were likely to make next week.
    • Prosecutors had been looking into spending projects that Mr. Lewis directed to clients of the lobbyist Bill Lowery, a former congressman. Some of those clients also made donations to Mr. Lewis’s re-election campaigns and political action committee.

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    • Context of '1945-1975: NSA’s Operation Shamrock Secretly Monitors US Citizens’ Overseas Communications'
    • It’s not clear how close Canada and the United States are to signing a deal that would more closely intermesh Canadian and U.S. security bureaucracies. The Prime Minister’s Office refused to comment on the matter on Wednesday evening, and Canadian officials denied an announcement is imminent
      • Typical, why should they tell us anything

    • A joint approaching to screening people seeking to enter the United States or Canada, including new security investment in the top 10 publicly owned ports of entry.

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    • The debate over the public option wasn’t what slowed the legislation. What did it was the many months Obama waited while Max Baucus tried to get bipartisan support, only to see the Republicans keep moving the goalposts; only when the White House finally concluded that Republican “moderates” weren’t negotiating in good faith did the thing finally get moving.
    • The skeptic might say that such a threat is not credible.  At the moment, it may not be. Only the President can change that.  The first time he makes a threat and then carries it out is when he gains credibility. 
    • The Palin factor is causing consternation among other likely candidates, who are understandably reluctant to get out ahead of a potential locomotive without first knowing how to apply the brakes.
    • The second, more important, dynamic speaks to the uncertainty of the Tea Party's role in these primary contests.
    • Under pressure from Beijing, the following countries joined China’s boycott of the ceremony: Serbia, Morocco, Pakistan, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Colombia, Ukraine, Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
      • What's interesting here is the number of countries the US considers to be 'friends': Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia

    • “It is imprudent in the extreme to borrow $6-billion to give large, already powerful, corporations a tax break when you’re running a $56-billion deficit,” he said. “It is a fundamental disagreement on the economic policy of our country.”
    • This clear signal from the Liberal Leader that his party is ready and willing to fight an election over the budget evokes memories of August, 2009, when a combative Mr. Ignatieff vowed to bring down the government.

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    • So all that people who live in the intellectually hermetic world of the right ever hear is that government employment is soaring. And I’m sure that they’ll keep on believing that, for years to come.
    • So all that people who live in the intellectually hermetic world of the right ever hear is that government employment is soaring. And I’m sure that they’ll keep on believing that, for years to come.
    • The left likes to argue to the head; conservatives know that the further down you go, the more persuasive you will be.
    • “morality” is a very different word than in arguments directed at the head. “Morality” here is about thou-shalt-nots, about Sodom and Gomorrah, about the deeply personal and very concrete things each of us hides even from ourselves.

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    • Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) is an electronic-eavesdropping agency that gathers intelligence from abroad
    • CSEC’s mission and future, which includes plans for an $880-million headquarters housing hundreds of mathematicians, engineers and computer scientists by 2015.

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    • The Australian-based Plenary Group won a competitive bidding process and is to absorb the cost of construction, upkeep and basic facilities management while the federal government “buys” the property over 34 years – much like the way a condominium owner pays off a long-term mortgage and monthly maintenance fees.
      • Ah, it's a building consortium; for a moment there thought they were making CSEC privately owned

    • Part of the plan involves contracting out about 90 government jobs to the private-sector consortium that will manage the new buildings over the next 34 years. These contractors will do the less sensitive work – such as laying cables around the building, running an information-technology help desk or working as security guards. They will not be cryptographers or signals spies.
    • Even so, the plan has incensed some CSEC staff who argue that top secrets are at risk, given that a rotating cast of contractors will be less loyal than sworn-to-secrecy federal employees.
    • the United States muddies its moral and diplomatic authority.
      • Assuming it has ever had such authority

    • the United States muddies its moral and diplomatic authority.
    • We have now produced on the left an echo chamber like that on the far right, where the scurrilous charges of marginal fanatics are disseminated through electronic media and end up, cleansed of their original associations, as respectable opinion.
    • President Nicolas Sarkozy began to condemn criminals of “foreign origin”; hundreds of Roma encampments were violently razed; and more than 1,000 of the 20,000 Roma in France were deported.
    • Roma have become second-class citizens of the European Union, able to travel freely within the union’s borders but, because of the “transitional” nature of their civil status, allowed to stay in other countries for only three months at a time.
    • Sarah Palin has been attacking Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity initiative as yet another example of “the nanny state run amok.” 
    • a group of retired top brass and others released a report claiming that 27% of Americans between 17 and 24 are “too fat to fight.

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