61 items | 51 visits
Bookmarks in this list are technology resources for all learners, including learners with special needs.
Updated on Apr 07, 15
Created on Mar 14, 14
Category: Schools & Education
Removes all distractions around videos to keep learners focused. A must add!
I tried this tool and the first words that came to mind was, "wow." It was super easy to use and worked perfectly. After going to YouTube and finding a video. I clicked on the quietube bookmarklet and voila! Everything was gone except for the video. There was white space surrounding the video. This would be so helpful for students who are easily distracted and is a also a great way to keep your students away from negative comments on YouTube. I would want to use this tool in all of my classes with all of my learners.
illustrates the power of authentic, self-directed learning led by facilitators of creation versus content presenters. This environment encourages students to explore, experiment, think critically, collaborate and create.
This would be an excellent add-on for students who are easily distracted by all the "clutter" surrounding a YouTube video. Once this is installed, as soon as you open a video, everything surrounding the video is gone, leaving just the video. Eliminate YouTube ads, comments, clutter, etc. This is a similar tool to QuietTube.
Short, interactive brain breaks for students of all ages. This would be particularly useful for students who need to refocus when returning to class after lunch, recess, etc. A good way to get students into "thinking mode."
An app designed to get students to think about how they are feeling socially and emotionally. This would be an excellent app for students who have social and/or emotional disabilities.
The directions to use Text to Speech on a MAC are as follows:
1. Go to System Preferences
2. Go to Dictation and Speech.
3. Select the voice you want- there are both male and female voices to choose from
4. Check "Speak the selected text when the key is pressed."
5. The default keys are Option + Escape - you can customize the keys if you want to
6. After, set up your key combination. Press "set keys" hold down on your keyboard the combination of keys that you want.
7. Select the text you want read aloud by "Alex"
I followed these directions and this works perfectly. Students who are visually impaired, have difficulty with reading comprehension would benefit from this tool.
A list of companies that provide assistive technology software and hardware products for windows.
Understanding and designing for variability to reach all learners
A collection of articles and resources for teaching copyright. I am able to share read lists with my students. The articles can be downloaded as an e-book onto my students' iPads. Read lists can be differentiated for students based on their interests and their level of reading comprehension. I discovered Read Lists about a month ago after attending a faculty meeting.
A video reminding us that not all students learn the same way. We can't just hand out students an education kit. There are many different paths students can take to cross the finish line. When we allow students the chance to work collaboratively and build on the strengths and talents of their peers, they can collectively produce amazing products.
A brilliant talk by Ken Robinson which talks about creativity and the need for 21st century schools to promote creativity and innovation in the classroom.
How to use speech to text and text to speech via Free Technology Tools for Teachers.
A free, downloadable student handbook for choosing and using assistive technology. Excellent resource to share with those who make purchasing decisions regarding assistive technology.
articles and resources for assistive technology with special emphasis on special education law
Handouts and article downloads on assistive technology. More considerations to add to a PD session on AT.
Accessible online library for people with print disabilities. Students in my school who have a documented learning disability have access to a free Bookshare account.
Free online collection of stories and poems available in audio format.
61 items | 51 visits
Bookmarks in this list are technology resources for all learners, including learners with special needs.
Updated on Apr 07, 15
Created on Mar 14, 14
Category: Schools & Education
on Aug 23, 14
on May 05, 14
on May 03, 14
on May 03, 14
on May 03, 14