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Barbara Lindsey's List: Critical Pedagogy

    • he NAEP Tests (National Assessment of Educational Progress) have remained stagnant since NAEPs heavy handed policies went into practice in 2002
    • One of NCLB/Helter-Skelter's main effects has been the labeling of thousands of schools as failures even though some of those schools have made admirable progress under trying circumstances and have been judged favorably under state standards.

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    • students barred from the after-hours games, crafts and ice cream because of poor grades or bad attitudes.
    • began essentially grounding middle school students whose grade in any class falls below 65, or who show what educators describe as a lack of effort

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  • Jun 13, 08

    The IMYM model demonstrates how the infusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) with promising instructional practices such as inquiry and constructivism can add value to teaching, learning, and assessing.

  • Oct 13, 08

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    • Traditionally, the greatest power that governments have held over their people has been information. The promise that connectivity brings to Africa is that people are now using that abundance of information for oversight of government and more interaction with administrations. To say that the propagation of internet and mobile connectivity in Africa has been disruptive is an understatement.
    • When the Ethiopian government instituted an SMS filtering service to censor mobile communication, the developers behind Feedelix responded swiftly. They created their product Feedlix, a java-based client that supports Amharic, Chinese and Hindi characters. The application then uses GPRS, through internet protocols, to mimic SMS and bypass the censoring filter put in place by the government.

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    • In other words, closing the so-called digital divide is about much more than providing access to computers and the internet, he said; it's about providing all the opportunities for learning that technology affords.

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      "The digital divide helps widen an even more alarming problem," Resta said--"the knowledge divide."

    • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has a goal of connecting villages, schools, hospitals, and libraries to the internet, ensuring than at least half of the world's population has access to modern technology by 2015, Resta said. But one of the key challenges to this effort is the cost of broadband services.


      Resta showed a graphic that indicated the average annual cost of broadband service is only 2 percent of the total income for high-income populations--yet it's more than 900 percent of the annual income for low-income populations.

    • You see what we are trying to do is build a space on the internet where the volunteers can share information and ideas on how to further the development projects in their countries. We are doing this outside the confines of Peace Corps Washington and therefore it is on our measly salaries to get this thing off and running.
    • The main purpose behind the wiki though is too make volunteers more successful in their service by giving the easy access to volunteer ideas and information that has already been field tested by their predecessors.

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  • Nov 03, 08

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    • The program—called the Virtual Computing Initiative—would expand a concept that has been in use at N.C. State since 2004, when the school and IBM started the virtual lab, which university students can use from remote locations. N.C. State also said it would make the programming code that underpins the system available to other universities around the world, so they can set up similar cloud-computing systems for schools in their regions.
    • using the virtual computer lab could give them access to less costly—and in some cases, free—software that is frequently updated. They also could use less-expensive computers to access the system and need less technical support, because the software would remain on the virtual lab's servers, said Samuel F. Averitt, N.C. State's vice provost for information technology.

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    • The Obama campaign, well before the election was over, started putting a plan in place for all its leftovers -- one that the Obama campaign says is in alignment with a priority for President-elect Obama: education.
    • "Tens of thousands of dollars of resources have been put into schools across the United States in less than four days," said Valarie Swanson, marketing director for "The Obama campaign was specific that they wanted all their resources to go to schools."
  • Nov 25, 08

    The challenges and obstacles facing the evolution and revolution of education can be traced back to a few key ideas – those of stratification, hierarchies, institutionalisation, power, and control.

    • The challenges and obstacles facing the evolution and revolution of education can be traced back to a few key ideas – those of stratification, hierarchies, institutionalisation, power, and control. Essentially, characteristics that have nothing to do with education and learning, but everything to do with how it is controlled, dictated and managed.
    • Schools are sharply and artificially divided into homogeneous demographics, grouped by age, ability, intelligence, gender, religion or worse still, sometimes even race. Classes are generally held indoors, separate from real instances of the subjects that they study; the learning objectives defined by the school curriculum, not the learner.

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    • I’m trying to engage you in some way other than just a nod of the head or a sigh of exasperation. I’m trying to connect you to other ideas, other minds. I want a conversation, and that changes the way I write. And it changes the way we think about teaching writing. This is not simply about publishing, about taking what we did on paper and throwing it up on a blog and patting ourselves on the back.
    • Those of us who write to connect and who live our learning lives in these spaces feel the dissonance all the time. We go where we want, identify our own teachers, find what we need, share as much as we can, engage in dialogue, direct our own learning as it meets our needs and desires. That does not feel like what’s happening to my own children or most others in the “system.”

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  • Nov 25, 08

    Rip Mix Learners is a student-run Open Courseware project, in which students make audio recordings of the lectures, compile class notes, and other materials and share them with their peers online.

    • I’m thinking “Rip-Mix Classrooms” or “Rip-Mix Workshops” or heck, “Rip-Mix Conferences.” I’ve been railing of late at all the paper note talking conference attendees whose observations and reflections and experiences will never be connected after the conference ends. And I know that we’re already doing this to some extent on the conference level and the classroom level (i.e. Darren’s scribes and others.) Problem is, most schools would probably attempt to shut this down and call it cheating, especially if, as this group is doing, they are collecting and adding tests and quizzes to the mix.
  • Nov 27, 08

    With tens of millions of people blogging all over the planet, how do you avoid being overwhelmed by the information overload? How do you figure out who are the most influential or respected and credible bloggers or podcasters in any given country, especially those outside your own?

    • With tens of millions of people blogging all over the planet, how do you avoid being overwhelmed by the information overload? How do you figure out who are the most influential or respected and credible bloggers or podcasters in any given country, especially those outside your own?
    • These amazing people are bloggers who live in various countries around the world. We have invited them as contributors or hired them as editors because they understand the context and relevance of information, views, and analysis being posted every day from their countries and regions on blogs, podcasts, photo sharing sites, videoblogs - and other kinds of online citizen media. They are helping us to make sense of it all, and to highlight things that bloggers are saying which mainstream media may not be reporting

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  • Nov 27, 08

    Wiki administered by Dr. Scott McLeod (CASTLE) housing resources for presenters and change agents who are working to help move schools and universities into the 21st century.

  • Dec 17, 08

    The introduction of the OLPC program is meant to flip a switch and link poor, rural villages to the modern era.

    • The introduction of the OLPC program is meant to flip a switch and link poor, rural villages to the modern era.
    • The country has bought and distributed more than 40,000 laptops so far, focusing on the poorest, most isolated villages, like Arahuay.

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    • A high-quality public education is a civil right
    • All children deserve access to an educational experience that fully and intentionally prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century

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