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Lokakim's List: Hurricane Sandy Research

  • Digital Citizens/Digital Tools- Positive Response

    Now that we're living in a digital society when unexpected natural disasters occur, in most cases the general public are transformed into self journalist providing crucial information that is relied upon by local, state and national government to save lives through rescue efforts. In this section you can see how social media through digital citizens came together to form a cyber alliance of first responders.

  • Oct 17, 14

    Digital Citizens use social media to provide aid information to those affected by Hurricane Sandy.

    "Attention jersey shore hurricane victims.... There is a fully stocked distribution center at Croydon Hall in Leon"

  • Oct 17, 14

    The Younger Generation Transforms into Self Journalist

    " the younger generation - who tends to have more familiarity with mobile media - was in a better position to gain news and information."

    • What Hurricane Sandy Revealed About Mobile Media
    • Here, the younger generation – who tends to have more familiarity with mobile media – was in a better position to gain news and information.

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  • Reference Evaluation 1:

    Currency (15) Content (15) Authority (10) Navigation (5) Experience (10) Multimedia (0) Treatment (10) Access (3) Miscellaneous (15) The evaluation score for this article is 83.

    • An effort of that scope might typically spring from a big, name-brand organization like the Red Cross. But “Rebuild Staten Island” was organized by Forzione -- and his Facebook page that has helped hundreds of families and thousands of “friends” impacted by Hurricane Sandy.
    • Local Facebook users searching for news or information ended up by the thousands on Forzione’s page, “Rebuild Staten Island.” And Forzione only created the page after searching for Staten Island news himself and finding the results wanting.

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  • Reference and Evaluation 2:

    Currency (12) Content (9) Authority (10) Navigation (3) Experience (6) Multimedia (0) Treatment (8) Access (5) Miscellaneous (12) The evaluation score for this article is 65.

    • How Government Officials Are Using Twitter for Hurricane Sandy
    • When Hurricane Irene roared up the East Coast in August 2011, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey delivered a strongly worded post on his Twitter account, @GovChrisChristie, telling people to “get the hell off the beach.” It worked. People left.

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  • Reference and Evaluation 3:

    Currency (15) Content (15) Authority (10) Navigation (10) Experience (10) Multimedia (10) Treatment (10) Access (5) Miscellaneous (15) The evaluation score for this article is 95.

  • Digital Citizens/Digital Tools- Negative Response

    It has been proven that in the wake of dangerous situations, due to natural disasters, that social media's 'Digital Citizens' have assisted with providing vital detailed information to the mass public. Utilizing social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, other digital citizens who were affected directly and indirectly can learn about relief efforts to aid in restoration. However, as many are transformed into self journalist showing the positive side of social media, there are just as many who fail to uphold the integrity and code of ethics to qualify one as a digital citizen. In fact they set out to spread propaganda using digital tools to mislead the public. Photoshop pictures to spread fear and panic as they mislead the general public about the occurring events. Moreover, corporate giants, who we expect to follow their company's code of ethics sometimes get caught spear heading such campaigns of negative publicity.

    • Citizen Journalism Needs a Dose of Journalistic Ethics After Sandy
    • When Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast, traditional news media sources found it difficult to get reporters into the areas most affected by the storm. To cover the storm, news outlets relied heavily on the power of citizen journalism, Instagram photos, and Twitter.

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  • Reference and Evaluation 4:

    Currency (15) Content (15) Authority (10) Navigation (10) Experience (10) Multimedia (10) Treatment (8) Access (5) Miscellaneous (13) The evaluation score for this article is 96.

  • Reference and Evaluation 5:

    Currency (13) Content (15) Authority (10) Navigation (10) Experience (10) Multimedia (10) Treatment (10) Access (3) Miscellaneous (10) The evaluation score for this article is 91.

    • Hurricane Sandy shows dark side of social media
    • Social media during Sandy led some websites and news organizations to publish false information, photos

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  • Reference and Evaluation 6:

    Currency (12) Content (13) Authority (10) Navigation (10) Experience (10) Multimedia (15) Treatment (8) Access (5) Miscellaneous (15) The evaluation score for this article is 98.

    • For millions who lost power but could still access the internet on mobile devices, Twitter served as a critical lifeline throughout the disaster that struck on October 29.
    • Hurricane Sandy and Twitter | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project
    • Hurricane Sandy and Twitter | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project

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  • Reference and Evaluation 7:

    Currency (15) Content (15) Authority (10) Navigation (7) Experience (10) Multimedia (8) Access (5) Miscellaneous (11) The evaluation score for this article 81.

  • Reference: Digital Command Centers

    Digital command centers provide updated information intended to keep the public informed of all events as they occur.

  • Oct 19, 14

    "Social media and other advanced communications technologies are used by the EMS and by emergency managers statewide. "

    • Hurricane Sandy: Government Data Tools Assist

      Federal, state, and local information technology and data are on the case in the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Sandy.
    • Public Alerts, built by Google's Crisis Response team, can warn users of impending disasters and also provide information on disaster recovery. Google has already integrated Public Alerts into other products -- Android's new Google Now app will display alerts directly to users' mobile devices in the case of a nearby emergency. Users will be able to learn more about the alert by clicking a "More Info" link. Public Alerts is also integrated with Google Maps to show emergency warnings in other areas, and with Google Search to show alerts when users search for information on a disaster.
  • Hurricane Sandy Makes Landfall; Knockout 25% of Cell towers...

    • Storm Surge and Waves

      As is usually in the case of tropical storms, the worst damage was caused by the record storm surge that overwhelmed coastal New Jersey, New York City, and communities on the shores of Long Island and Long Island Sound. As all of you know by now, the 13.88’ tide level and 9’ storm surge at the Battery on the southern tip of Manhattan was unprecedented, which is saying a lot since the city has been recording storms and their flooding affects since the late 17th century. Jeff Masters mentioned in his blog on November 1st that the top surge and tide recorded anywhere in the storm was 9.45 feet and 14.60’ respectively at Bergen Point, New Jersey. Bergen Point is on the southern tip of Bayonne, New Jersey just north of Staten Island. Staten Island, a bureau of New York City, is now appearing to be the worst affected location by the storm.

      The highest waves at sea measured by buoys were 32.5’ at the New York Harbor entrance about five miles east of Sandy Hook, New Jersey and 33.1’ at a buoy off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The highest shore waves are not known since they occurred after dark, but were probably in the 10-20’ range along New Jersey’s barrier islands.
    • Snowfall

      Not since the ‘Snow Hurricane of 1804’ (see my blog of Nov. 3, 2010) has a tropical storm ended up producing so much snow at inland communities. Even some low elevation sites reported measurable snowfall like Huntington, West Virginia (elevation 564’) with 1.4”, an all-time October record. Higher up, phenomenal snowfall was measured including 18.1” at Elkins, West Virginia (elevation 1,926’) also an all-time October record. Peak amounts by state were:
    • Superstorm Sandy knocked out a quarter of the cell towers in an area spreading across 10 states, and the situation could get worse, federal regulators said Tuesday.
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